Cute tweet from E!'s 'Daily 10' co-host Catt Sadler (MJ related)

@IAmCattSadler First thing out of Arion's mouth this morning: Mom, I'd like to send Michael Jackson some hot fudge sundaes. How do we get them to him? 8:25 AM Nov 16th from web (Arion is one of her sons)


I wonder if she told her kid the news. :cry:

One of my friends posted as their FB status a while back that he was in a bank and saw a lady consoling her crying son after he overheard some stuff related to MJ's passing on the news (you know how they have TV's in some banks). He said the lady was telling her kid that Mike was still with us. :(

One of my friends posted as their FB status a while back that he was in a bank and saw a lady consoling her crying son after he overheard some stuff related to MJ's passing on the news (you know how they have TV's in some banks). He said the lady was telling her kid that Mike was still with us. :(

I see what you mean. :( And I can now understand her not telling her kid that MJ died.
The innocence of children is amazing but can be so heartbreaking at the same time. This reminded me of the time when I was in the o2 shop and a five year old girl went to her mum and asked 'mummy, why did Michael Jackson have to die?' It broke my heart.
The innocence of children is amazing but can be so heartbreaking at the same time. This reminded me of the time when I was in the o2 shop and a five year old girl went to her mum and asked 'mummy, why did Michael Jackson have to die?' It broke my heart.

AWW :cry:
Aww :cry: Who is this woman though?
^ earth LOL!

aww. kids feel close to Mike. one time around August I was at a Barnes and Noble store and there was a display of Mike stuff near the front. I saw two kids (about five and 7) sitting on the floor in front of it. they were just sitting there staring at the mags and books and cds and dvds etc. so I went up to them and said -- you kids like Michael Jackson? they looked up at me and nodded. then, the little girl (about 7) looked at me and with this really heartbreaking expression on her face, said -- he died.

aww, my heart broke again right there as well :cry:

kids know he loved them so much. they can feel his kindred heart. my niece is nine years old and she's so into MJ, even I am surprised. she told me the other day that she and all the kids in her class call him "Mikey" :wub:
god that just breaks my heart! :cry: reminds me of when I had to explain to my two nephews why we wouldn't be able to see mj in london after all... :cry: :cry:
^ earth LOL!

aww. kids feel close to Mike. one time around August I was at a Barnes and Noble store and there was a display of Mike stuff near the front. I saw two kids (about five and 7) sitting on the floor in front of it. they were just sitting there staring at the mags and books and cds and dvds etc. so I went up to them and said -- you kids like Michael Jackson? they looked up at me and nodded. then, the little girl (about 7) looked at me and with this really heartbreaking expression on her face, said -- he died.

aww, my heart broke again right there as well :cry:

kids know he loved them so much. they can feel his kindred heart. my niece is nine years old and she's so into MJ, even I am surprised. she told me the other day that she and all the kids in her class call him "Mikey" :wub:

I am in tears again. Sometimes, I just feel that only people with kind hearts could see the real Michael Jackson and his angelic heart. This is why children love Michael so much!
I am in tears again. Sometimes, I just feel that only people with kind hearts could see the real Michael Jackson and his angelic heart. This is why children love Michael so much!

:yes: Like in The Snow Queen - my favorite book when I was little, still one of my favorites today. I always wonder if Michael ever read it to his children. It's got him written aaaalllll over it. :)

The last passage:

The grandmother sat in the bright sunshine, and read aloud from the Bible: "Unless ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."

And Kay and Gerda looked in each other's eyes, and all at once they understood the old hymn:

"The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet,
And angels descend there the children to greet."

There sat the two grown-up persons; grown-up, and yet children; children at least in heart; and it was summer-time; summer, glorious summer!
^ earth LOL!

aww. kids feel close to Mike. one time around August I was at a Barnes and Noble store and there was a display of Mike stuff near the front. I saw two kids (about five and 7) sitting on the floor in front of it. they were just sitting there staring at the mags and books and cds and dvds etc. so I went up to them and said -- you kids like Michael Jackson? they looked up at me and nodded. then, the little girl (about 7) looked at me and with this really heartbreaking expression on her face, said -- he died.

aww, my heart broke again right there as well :cry:

kids know he loved them so much. they can feel his kindred heart. my niece is nine years old and she's so into MJ, even I am surprised. she told me the other day that she and all the kids in her class call him "Mikey":wub:

"she told me the other day that she and all the kids in her class call him "Mikey"
That makes me :D He would love that.