Cute little girl calls Michael Jackson her "best friend"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York

I gathered this information from Lipstick Alley about the little girl from someone who spoke to her:
So guys, this JC in the video... his daughter was a very close little pal to Michael in the early 90s, kept up with him a little over the years, is a young woman now who, along with her family, is utterly devastated by Michael's death. I talked to her on the phone for over an hour a few months ago. She doesn't remember or know much legal stuff, other than the whole family was at the airport waiting to testify on MJ's behalf, when they were disappointed to get called by the lawyer and told they wouldn't be testifying. She also was at a Neverland celebration afterward and said it was so joyous! Everyone singing! Her older brothers were allowed to sleep over at the house, but even though she was MJ's closest pal and spent far more time with him than the boys, she was relegated to a guesthouse with her mother. She was pissed! Michael explained to her it wasn't proper for little girls to be in his house overnight unchaperoned. Michael's feelings about this explain completely why it was always boys overnight. But you hear nothing about his little girl pals.

She said she thinks she was MJ's best friend (but of course she wouldn't really know for sure) until Lisa Marie came along. She told me about accompanying the couple to a few outings, and she BURNED with jealousy, the poor little thing. She said it was obvious they were in love, always holding hands and kissing. So Michael started finding less and less time for her.

And... I was planning to write an article about her and the other little girls in MJ's life, and the media's unbalanced portrayal of his friendships with boys only. Life got in the way, but I still hope to. I also hope no one beats me to the punch!


She was the one on Oprah, and who walked with him hand-in-hand at the Superbowl. She described the thrill of it to me. She said she had no idea it was that big a deal or that Michael was that big a deal, and was utterly stunned and overwhelmed. Michael just told her they were going to a concert, so she had no idea what to expect. She hadn't known Michael was famous until that moment. Can you imagine???
:eek:what a lucky girl and the bit about michael not wanting to play with little girls i gues its because he wasnt a girl :lol:
" Her older brothers were allowed to sleep over at the house, but even though she was MJ's closest pal and spent far more time with him than the boys, she was relegated to a guesthouse with her mother. She was pissed! Michael explained to her it wasn't proper for little girls to be in his house overnight unchaperoned. Michael's feelings about this explain completely why it was always boys overnight. But you hear nothing about his little girl "

I always think so too boys are always. With boys and girls with girls,
So MJ don't think its proper? A man after me own a heart.
thank you so much for sharing this video...I had never seen it..yes she is a lucky girl, Michael was so sweet....he truly cared about the children...
thank you for sharing this video and beautiful story...

it's always amazing and painful for me watch TV reports about MJ from the pre-allegations era... their mood is so different from what we saw later... they are so friendly and positive... but the allegations ruined everything.
Feeling more at ease with members of the same gender is a normal thing in life for many.. The need of many to inject the sex innuendo into it, esp. in his case, also blinded by the break-out of such accusations against him, is what's normal to them, like a survival tactic. Throwing stones to hide the hand, that's what it's really about. False accusers of something so serious are the ones with these problems, more or less. Victor Guttierrez was or still may be a member of NAMBLA... there's even a site supporting this 'organization'. These are times when paedophilia will likely be legalized, it's shocking, impossible to fathom, but it's what this world has come to.
thank you so much for sharing the video and the story, thank you :flowers:

Michael always loves children. But many evil hearts just believe in evils, like Oprah... Think about Ryan or any other children who have disorders, whenever they or their families start to talk about Michael, they say the same thing "our best times in our lives are the times with Michael"

Michael is an innocent angel and a Gift from God for us. i wish those evils could understand this.

it's always amazing and painful for me watch TV reports about MJ from the pre-allegations era... their mood is so different from what we saw later... they are so friendly and positive... but the allegations ruined everything.

God has created us with a brain and a heart, as gifts IMO. We always hear or see many things and if we don't use our hearts and brains before making decisions or something, we have to use our brains and hearts; or else we cannot be a human, we turn into evils. we shouldn't use our brains to earn or take advantage for ourselves about something, we shouldn't betray our hearts and God.

i know those allegations hurt us and will :cry: , we all understand you my dear friend JMie, but we have to be strong for Michael and his children, and have to continue to spread his message and his heart:angel::angel::angel: as we have done untill today...:better:

with L.O.V.E.
It's just heartbreaking, isn't it?
I've been feeling very nostalgic. I want our Michael back...
thank you for posting that. it just brings me to tears. i miss those days where Michael was seen as sweet, innocent and loving before everything just came crashing down on him. i miss him more then ever after watching that. the little girl was very lucky to have been such good friends with michael and i can only imagine how devestated she was when michael died.
this is why i don't fight the people who want to think of him in their twisted ways about him and boys, because i know the people who accused him saw little girls at neverland, too. but, he had to treat them differently. so, the people that hated on MJ knew the truth, in all phases, but refused to acknowledge it. haters aren't ignorant, they're just evil.
this is why i don't fight the people who want to think of him in their twisted ways about him and boys, because i know the people who accused him saw little girls at neverland, too. but, he had to treat them differently. so, the people that hated on MJ knew the truth, in all phases, but refused to acknowledge it. haters aren't ignorant, they're just evil.

Agreed. I guess I'm done with haters, too.