Creditor Claim - Film venture and global warming awareness initiative.


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Jul 25, 2011
Jackson -- Creditor's Claim for Film Venture

Posted Jan 22nd 2010 7:22PM by TMZ Staff

An entertainment company wants a piece of Michael Jackson's estate -- $285,000.

The Machine Management claims Jackson hired the company to develop commercial relationships in the animation world. And MJ wanted help in creating a Michael Jackson film label that would package original film projects.

The claim also says Jackson wanted help in creating a "Michael Jackson Global Warning Awareness Initiative" and to create a Michael Jackson film festival located in the Sultanate of Oman.

Howard Weitzman, [COLOR=#29A256 ! important][COLOR=#29A256 ! important]lawyer[/COLOR][/COLOR] for the estate, tells TMZ he's aware of the claim and mulling it over.

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Just read this news too. MJ's film projects would have been what I was waiting for for so long, I always hoped that he would go into this direction ... :cry:
Where is the backspace key of life, please? :no:

Talking about new creditor's claims ... this seems to be a neverending story.
they want a claim for something that never materialized? why don't all these people just give to relief for Haiti. maybe their lives will be enriched, that way.
thought there was a time limit on credititors claims. thought it had already passed
Well on the official website that gives the information about court hearings and things there is quite a list of claimants and we haven't heard about all of them on tmz. So I guess they already made the claim at the right time, we're just hearing about it now.


You have to enter a case number, I don't know what it is right now but maybe someone else does...?
Crazy Creditor's Claim Against Jackson Estate

Posted Jan 14th 2010 5:27PM by TMZ Staff
A woman who claims to have spent 2,000 hours analyzing the extended family of Michael Jackson -- including children, birth mother(s), sperm donor claims ... and on and on ... wants more than $2 million from Michael Jackson's estate.

Claire McMillan says she's a "homeschool expert" who did "a thorough analysis" of Jackson's complete extended family, to determine ... well, it's not clear why she was doing it.

Whatever ... she concluded that Katherine Jackson is doing "a poor job outside of the home, related to - grooming, age, and psyc appropriate activities, same-sex, academic & soc interactions w/ non-extended family children .... " oh, what's the use? It makes no sense.

McMillan says she also inquired as to whether Dr. Arnold Klein would be interested in obtaining guardianship of the children with McMillan and her husband.

Anyway, McMillan says her time is worth $1,000 an hour, and she wants $2,002,000 for her efforts.

Howard Weitzman
, lawyer for the Michael Jackson estate, tells TMZ "To the best of our knowledge, Ms. McMillan never did anything for the estate and the estate owes her nothing."

Translation -- she's crazy.

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and they called mj crazy! he was the only sane one.
Crazy Creditor's Claim Against Jackson Estate

Posted Jan 14th 2010 5:27PM by TMZ Staff
A woman who claims to have spent 2,000 hours analyzing the extended family of Michael Jackson -- including children, birth mother(s), sperm donor claims ... and on and on ... wants more than $2 million from Michael Jackson's estate.

Claire McMillan says she's a "homeschool expert" who did "a thorough analysis" of Jackson's complete extended family, to determine ... well, it's not clear why she was doing it.

Whatever ... she concluded that Katherine Jackson is doing "a poor job outside of the home, related to - grooming, age, and psyc appropriate activities, same-sex, academic & soc interactions w/ non-extended family children .... " oh, what's the use? It makes no sense.

McMillan says she also inquired as to whether Dr. Arnold Klein would be interested in obtaining guardianship of the children with McMillan and her husband.

Anyway, McMillan says her time is worth $1,000 an hour, and she wants $2,002,000 for her efforts.

Howard Weitzman
, lawyer for the Michael Jackson estate, tells TMZ "To the best of our knowledge, Ms. McMillan never did anything for the estate and the estate owes her nothing."

Translation -- she's crazy.

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This is old

and they called mj crazy! he was the only sane one.
So true.
This is old

I know. I didn't miss where it says Jan 14th.

If I knew MJs case number I'd just list all the names of the claimants.

I know Ola Ray has one, and that Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson but there are loads more.
Seeing this breaks my heart. Not the claims but hearing the extent of what he wanted to do after the tour. :cry: He wanted to do so much and it was all taken away.