Creation and Development of MJ's Fashion Style


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a little town called Jackson (yes, really)
Hi All,

I'm not quite sure where this belongs, but because I seem to hang around here a bit more than other sub-forums and it is related to MJ's art (indirectly, I suppose), I decided to post here. Mods please move where you deem appropriate.

I've been wondering about Michael's on-stage and off-stage style/fashion sense. It's clear that Michael had very original taste when it came to clothing style and fashion. How did some of the more iconic clothing pieces evolve? The military and royal regalia, the zipper jackets, the black loafers and white socks, the sequined pieces (jackets, glove, etc). Were they his own invention or did a stylist help him dream up these items? I know the glove, for instance, came about through this efforts to conceal his vitiligo. But did he request all the sequins or did a stylist help him?

Even his down-time wardrobe seemed unique and quirky (Mickey Mouse tee shirts, bow-ties, corduroys, red shirt with black pants, for instance). Was he ever into high fashion or did he simply wear whatever he fancied and/or what was at hand and make it his own?

Given how many acts past and present seem so perfectly manicured and stylized to be "hip" and "cool" both on and off stage, I am wondering was much of this the case with MJ (which I doubt, but would like to know more of the story).

If someone has articles to share, that'll be very helpful.

I don't have any official information but i do want to share my feelings about this.
Besides the fact that i adore him as a person, human being, and artist, i absolutely positively adore his sense of style.
It's unique and most of all unattainable. Noone can ever wear anything that he wears like the way he does, ever. His shape allows him to wear whatever he wants and i absolutely loved the 90s stage where he used to wear the same thing all the time. The red shirt, black pants and the aviators.
To me, whenever i think of popstar, i always think of that outfit.
I admire his style so much and he literally made it come out of nothing. As in, he didn't even draw inspiration from anything ( I can't think of anything, maybe he did but i don't know ) and that makes it amazing.
I love his style as well, so unique, individualistic and well-suited for him, which leads me to believe that it was probably more organically created than overly manufactured, for the most part.

He could pull off the most unique wardrobe pieces and look so good in them (but given how gorgeous he was, he probably could rock a burlap bag with a paper hat and still look fly). And the aviators! I remember commenting that this man must have a pair of aviators for each day of the year, lol.

Also, if someone has any information about the designers who created his on-stage costumes/ensembles, please share.
I love nearly everything about MJ, but his fashion sense is one thing that particularly pulls me in since I'm interested in fashion in general.

I have tons to say and add to this - and I know I have pictures somewhere too. I can't contribute right now, but I promise I'll be back soon!
The military/marching band jacket style came from Jimi Hendrix. Loafers and white socks were 1950s style. Sequins were a showbiz staple for decades. So his look came from here & there like his music.
Wow, DuranDuran, I didn't realize that the military garb was from Hendrix. I can't recall seeing any images of him with that on. I need to look that up.

I actually was looking at an old report about LMP being at one of Michael's HIStory tour dates and stumbled across the names of Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins, MJ's stylists and designers for the last 20 years (which. then, of course immediately reminded me of this thread I started).

I know the old MJ heads might think this old hat, but this is a piece of him that, while seemingly so obvious, I overlooked and never explored.

Anyway, here are a few links I found after a quick google search:

Highlights of his style since early 80s:,0,2997599.story

Info about his costumes for "This is It":’s-last-costume/

The two also collaborated in designing his burial suit (including one sequined glove):

'hope this helps new-er fans, or less involved ones like myself. :)
I always wondered too....I mean, how can one person be so innovative in EVERYTHING?? There were some looks that I liked better than others (loved the Billie Jean suave look as well as the bejeweled military jackets not to mention LOVED the adorable preppy look he'd have offstage with button down shirts and a cute sweater) but it was all unique. Created dances, created fashions, creative writer....what DIDN'T he do creatively? goodness