Crazy things you've done in the name of Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
I have...
  • Sat in the back of a pick-up truck with a red jacket and white glove in the air speeding down the highway
  • Had my hand withe the glove out the window while I'm driving
  • Taped the same glove to my back car window
  • Worn the glove and pins all over the place
Ok, so maybe I'm not that crazy :tease:What have ya'll done?
After Jarvis Cocker from the UK band Pulp stormed the stage at the Brits when MJ was performing i used to go into HMV music store in central Manchester and put MJ's albums in front of the Pulp albums!!
I also take any negative books written about MJ from the music section and go hide them elsewhere like at the back of the Psychology section where they will hopefully not get found so nobody will buy them!!!

Look up into mid air and look into his eyes and talk to him

um and laugh if he says something funny :ph34r:
i am planning on doing my thing for michael after ive seen the funeral
cursed out teachers and pple in the middle of class

fought some pple

got into the big arguement @ church in the middle of service had 2get escorted out lol

cursed out some man in the grocery store 4 bad talkin michael

skipped school 2be the 1st person in line @ bestbuy when T25 was released

got mjs feet nd stars tattooed on my right 4arm

tons of other shit lol
cursed out teachers and pple in the middle of class

fought some pple

got into the big arguement @ church in the middle of service had 2get escorted out lol

cursed out some man in the grocery store 4 bad talkin michael

skipped school 2be the 1st person in line @ bestbuy when T25 was released

got mjs feet nd stars tattooed on my right 4arm

tons of other shit lol

LOL You're an awesome fan, I love you!
argued with a potential employer about Michael and lost the 2d interview. she was a hater. i didnt get that job but i dont care. it felt so good, to tell the truth

waited for 18 hours at the stadium numerous times

stayed at his hotel endlessly under the rain

danced Billie Jean to my students (i'm a tutor)

clapped my hands when someone said they didnt believe in fairies

stopped the lesson/class session just to explain to students the truth about him
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- dump one boyfriend because he said MJ is ugly
- steal a magazine with MJ inside from the hotel lobby
- borrow magazines or newspapers from book rental shop and took all the MJ pages
- begging to buy an MJ posters in a record store while actually it is not for sell...but i got it
- stop going to sunday school when the teacher mocking MJ
fell off a wall when i was little trying to learn the smooth criminal lean (figured cause i didnt want to fall off the wall would mean I could do the lean whereas i didnt mind falling over from the ground)
Argued with people when they spouted tabloid garbage
hit my head hard on a doorframe when trying to do the mj spin (a lot of things i have done involve injuring myself!! :))
For his memorial. Flew out to LA from NYC knowing NOBODY never been there.. booked no hotel, instead slept on the street from 5pm til 915am the next day waiting to see if I could get an unclaimed ticket for the memorial. Well worth it. After being told all night and morning (there were about 100 of us) that we should go home, they finally realized they had too many left over.. and we got our tickets. Ran over to the staples.. after the memorial had to go to the airport for a red eye back to NYC.
Craziest most emotional 48 hours of my life
Not much really, maybe collecting signatures to send to him during the first molestation case, just to show support and let him know a lot of people believed in him....
-did a high school assignment about MJ. I don't remember exactly what it was about now, but I think it had something to do with war and the problems in the world, so I played the song, "We've Had Enough" for the whole class.
-wore mj shirts to school and read Dancing the Dream at the lunch table one day, after I had just gotten it
-when Thriller 25 came out, I took all the copies at the store and moved them to the front of the display. lol
For his memorial. Flew out to LA from NYC knowing NOBODY never been there.. booked no hotel, instead slept on the street from 5pm til 915am the next day waiting to see if I could get an unclaimed ticket for the memorial. Well worth it. After being told all night and morning (there were about 100 of us) that we should go home, they finally realized they had too many left over.. and we got our tickets. Ran over to the staples.. after the memorial had to go to the airport for a red eye back to NYC.
Craziest most emotional 48 hours of my life

wow..pretty amazing adventure..but well worth it. i wish i could have gone.
I did the craziest things when i was a teen:

When i was 12 i wanted to have Mike's curls so i had my hair permed. The school councilor called my mom lol
I beat a guy in the 6th grade cuz he said something bad about Michael.
I used to sleep with my MJ glove on
My mom discovered one day that all her gloves had the fingers cut :D

And lots more...
Haha, I'd actually take all the bashing magazines and hide them in the back, or when desperate enough, I'd buy them all so no one else could then burn them when I got home... Of course, I'd cut out Michael's beautiful face and make a collage first, then burn all the cr*p. :'D
I've also dumped a boyfriend for constantly making fun of Michael and bought a poster in a music store that wasn't for sale.
I also broke my wrist when I was 7 attempting to do those crazy moves from Beat It. I wore that cast proudly!

Hehe, the things we do for him... :D
Slammed the door, like hard, when I heard someone watching O'Reilly talking to Pete King on television in the next room. Damn that felt good! :happy:
- dump one boyfriend because he said MJ is ugly
- steal a magazine with MJ inside from the hotel lobby
- borrow magazines or newspapers from book rental shop and took all the MJ pages
- begging to buy an MJ posters in a record store while actually it is not for sell...but i got it
- stop going to sunday school when the teacher mocking MJ

How dare a person who believe in God can make fun of Michael? Did they anything that God preached? Michael did. They didn't!
God doesn't teach us we have a right to judge others.
Ran from the kitchen to the living room when I heard the verdict, and broke my toe on the trash can....I was crying from pain and

Just about a week and a half ago, packed a bag, booked a flight and flew across the country to say goodbye to the man. I remember saying to GenieBottle, my travel buddy, that only Mike could make me drop everything and get on a plane.....I just wish the trip had been under better circumstances :(
Ran from the kitchen to the living room when I heard the verdict, and broke my toe on the trash can....I was crying from pain and

Just about a week and a half ago, packed a bag, booked a flight and flew across the country to say goodbye to the man. I remember saying to GenieBottle, my travel buddy, that only Mike could make me drop everything and get on a plane.....I just wish the trip had been under better circumstances :(

Hellz yeah girl!! lol this thread is too funny.

lets see what have I done for Mike?
-in the span of 48 hours took off work, got on a plane, went to santa barbara, rented a car, drove to Neverland, saw cows, cried, danced in the driveway of NL,sent my love to MJ, got on a plane back to MD

-Got into arguments with my dad over Michael,

-spent $500 on MJ memrobilia (not gonna say what it was lol)

-cursed at some b*tch who gave a dirty look at my MJ picture in the back window of my car (wanted to run their ass over)

-when i was in training for my new job, we had to tell stuff about ourselves,told everyone I would love to have lunch with MJ..and didn't give a sh*t what they felt good.
I continuously fight with my people and family to this day to defend him.

I've spent money I don't have (and am still doing it) on memorabilia.

I sat on my computer 2 hours before tickets were to be released for his This Is It show back when he had only released 10 and bought floor seats to his 3rd show which I put on my friend's Visa. I didn't know how I was getting a flight or how I was going to pay for it since I live in Canada, I just knew I was going.

When I heard that he had died, I got in a car with 2 more or less strangers who I'd met briefly at an M.J memorial on Saturday (I called off all my shifts for 2 weeks) and we drove non-stop from Vancouver to L.A (this was before we knew of the Tuesday Memorial.)
There is an article that went world wide here:
Some video interviews from CBS here:
And Good Morning America (which also ended up worldwide) here:

I'm Candice by the way. In the videos I'm the one with the red bandana.
I sat on my computer 2 hours before tickets were to be released for his This Is It show back when he had only released 10 and bought floor seats to his 3rd show which I put on my friend's Visa. I didn't know how I was getting a flight or how I was going to pay for it since I live in Canada, I just knew I was going.

When I heard that he had died, I got in a car with 2 more or less strangers who I'd met briefly at an M.J memorial on Saturday (I called off all my shifts for 2 weeks) and we drove non-stop from Vancouver to L.A (this was before we knew of the Tuesday Memorial.)

You're a brave girl, Candice! :hug:
Cheers. It's funny because people looked at us as if we were mental. For whatever reason, Michael brought us together and took us on this fantastic journey of healing and self discovery. Leslie and I didn't stop talking the whole 21 hour drive there and we were together the entire trip.
Bought a thriller jacket and shoes and red jeans so I could prance around the living room pretending to do thriller. Went out in the same outfit this past halloween and had people ask to have their picture taken with me and have people yell MICHAEL! and sing thriller at me as I passed them down the street (felt really quite scary, like i got a tiny glimpse of fame).

Printed off my own photos of michael as couldnt finda any posters and in doing so used up all my dad's ink.:D

Stayed up all night reading moonwalk and conspiriacy and being drastically late for a seminar. :D

Got up at 5am for presale tickets and after realising i couldnt pay with my dads card ran all the way downstairs and back up in 10 seconds waking everyone up in the process and had to buy a box of im sorry cookies.:D
*To curse my family and classmates for making cruel jokes and nasty comments about Mikey.
*To fight and beat my classmates for the same reason.
*To steal a magazine in the library.
*To defend Michael in the middle of the class if a professor is saying lies about him.
*To send a letter to Neverland even though my mother didn't let me (it was a falure anyway because the mail office returned back the letter, nobody was there :cry:).

I haven't done crazy things recently, I'd love to do it!
In 5th grade my dad got me his autograph for Christmas. I carried it around every single day at school and talked about it to everyone I knew.
I never stopped carrying the booklet from 'BAD' with me... until I lost it. I'm still very sad over this.
I continuously stand up for Michael in situations when people are complete jerks.
I found out about his passing while on a trip with my boyfriend and family to Arkansas and when I returned I had a friend immediately say, "Sorry for your loss." I was completely taken back by it. I cried.
These are all the things I've done in the name of Michael:
-brought a J5 cd in for my high school class(my teacher let us bring in music) to listen to and everyone was dancing to it.
-wrote a Spanish essay on MJ since I had to write on who my favorite celebrity was.
-had an online argument with people on the 2nd molestation case in a chatroom(that's how I got a link to this site).
-I danced at my desk when my teacher was playing Thriller since it was halloween(around 2000). People were laughing at me but I didn't care.
-I've sworn to myself that I will never be friends with someone who trash talks MJ.
I also take any negative books written about MJ from the music section and go hide them elsewhere like at the back of the Psychology section where they will hopefully not get found so nobody will buy them!!!

Haha, I does that too:p

- Me and a friend of mine chose Michael as the main theme in a English time. We also danced and sang "ABC" and "I want you back" in front of our teacher.
- Slapped someone who talked shit about Michael
- Defended Michael to the other person had to give up to fight with me
- Stayed home for four hours from school, when "This Is It" tickets came on sale
- Learned the entire Thriller dance to two friends of mine
- Bought many magazines because Michael was on the cover of the magazines
- Turned the volume up high on a stero in an electrical store, because they played the entire Thriller album
- Sat for hours upon hours to see one music video of Michael in a Norwegian music program (Give into me:D)
- Watching YouTube video's of Michael in a class time when we were preparing for the exam
- Walked by a music store about 5 times just so I could see Michael's BAD album
- Turned the volum up high on the radio 3.00 at night, because I heard Say Say Say
- When I get to know new people, I always tell them that I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson
- Cried a whole month (probably more), when Michael died
- Dressed in black clothes for two weeks when Michael had passed away

It's probably more, but I can't remember something more right now.
Just the sillyest and stupidest things you can ever imagine.
I was so impressionable, when people were like, " If you don't do this then you don't love him" I'd get so caught up that i'd HAVE to do it. This was when i was very young though haha. I can't remember specific details but i used to wear a white glove and a hat around the supermarket, eat stuff off the floor, or just really lame things like change the channel ( " Do it if you love MJ " )
haha, i also had two walls of just photos of him, but that doesn't really constitute as crazy ;)