Crazy Things Fans Do

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some people think Michael Jackson's fans are a extreme in defending the King but who else has been attacked at the level in which he had?

I think the saying goes extreme situations calls for extreme measures.

I'm sharing what extreme measures for Michael and his children are taking place today and would love to read what other events, boycotts or extreme things that MJ fans did concerning Michael Jackson.

Also here's a question, someone said the fans wont care as much now that he's gone so any boycotts the fans hold would be pointless.

So now that Michael's gone has the love died down or would the MJ's fans still do the crazy things fans do to defends his legacy?

I think Sony sucks. I love everyone’s enthusiasm for new Michael music. However, I also believe that Sony sold him out and are in the process of trying to colorfully steal the Sony ATV catalog from him, turn the public against (nothing new) , damage his name vocally, then rape rob and pilfer his estate under the law of contract and taxes. They'll likely try to claim loss from whatever they are trying to do with this CD, split off his profits by paying huge amounts to producers and "specialists" to agree that the "BN and other questionable tracks were his vocals. Charge him for massive production, hotel stays, advertising, web streaming and everything us else under the sun knowing we love his voice - yet deliberately- altering, compressing or presenting a fake, two or more fakes in his stead or dispersed throughout his vocals.

It is deceitful and unscrupulous and fans need to be aware.

I am not advocating for anyone to boycott Michael's CD but I am sharing what we all need to be aware of.

I personally plan to promote purchases of the CD but at the same time fight Sony along with others who are strategizing for and towards our boycott of all other Sony music artists through the month of Dec. adding other boycotts at set dates, if Sony does not relent.

They have said it's too late for fans to do anything but that's a lie and we can't stop fighting for Michael.

I hope everyone keeps mentioning that they are not buying any Sony artists music or streaming any of their dowloads and that someone rips several versions of that Akon clip of hold my hand to divert fans away from the Sony site. My guess is Sony has some reps to come in and peak at these pages. If anyone wants feel free to post this message elsewhere.

Join efforts to Boycott all Sony artists Except Michael Jackson
Be sure to look at the calendar for Dec. plans and also there will be updates! is listing boycott steps for all Sony artists Except Michael Jackson on the ban page, along with other progressive steps.

Fans, clubs and communities are asked to simply pull the information from the site and forward to ALL other MJ fans.

You can do this quietly through email or chat or post where it's plain for all to see but PLEASE do not neglect to do this guys!!!!!

I don't know when I willl be banned for expressing my opinions here and sharing what IS taking place so I do ask that others carry on.

Never stop defending Michael Jackson. His legacy needs us.

Other plans are coming and there are more things in the works so please keep checking back. is not a fan club and is here for the purpose of combatting Sony and protecting the legacy of Michael Jackson, serving as a hub for all fans, groups and communities.