Crashed my motorcycle today


Proud Member
Apr 16, 2014
This is what happens when you break too hard and too fast on a wet road. It all happened very quickly, I put the brakes on harder and it went out from under me. My knee is a bit sore but I was more annoyed about dropping the bike. The bike landed on my foot but didn't do any damage, I think the saddlebag helped there. I landed on my knees but more on the left one. Some nice guys got out of their cars and picked it up off me and made sure I was ok. It didn't really scare me, it was all over and done with almost as quickly as I knew I was going over.

I wanted to get back on and go to the Pickers Union Cafe to see the guys and girls I ride with but the bike wasn't happy and didn't want to start. I left it there to settle and my Mother came to get me. We went to the cafe and had fun chatting, then the boys came to check out the bike. Thankfully the bike started and was good other than a few scrapes and a slightly bent handlebar and gear lever. Other than that it's running fine which makes me very happy. I rode it home and nothing else went wrong. Yay!!!
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An accident happens so fast, it´s bad it ever happened but you are lucky it wasn´t worse ,that you did not get serious injuries.
Nice bike! My boyfriend rides as well, but he has a crotch rocket. Glad that you're okay.
Oh my goodness, he isetruely lucky he was ok, I lost a family member this week in a motorcycle accident, so this guy is really lucky. I'm glad he is ok and left with minor scratches
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray for my boyfriend every time he gets on his bike. He and his brother got in a accident and his brother got burned pretty bad. He healed well thank God. Bikes are so fun but can be so dangerous.
Thanks everyone (I'm actually a woman by the way lol). I love my bike and am glad I walked away and that my bike still works fine. Sorry to hear about your family member SkysTheLimit, 3 years ago a long time family friend died on his bike. Unfortunately he was doing something very silly when it happened. I didn't have a bike at the time it happened, I got one a year after.

I'd wanted to ride for a long time and I decided I didn't want to live in fear. These machines have brought a lot of good into my life and yes, the danger is always there but the way I look at it is that I wouldn't want to look back over my life and regret all the things I didn't do because of fear. I've watched friends and family die of horrible diseases like cancer and I think I'd rather die in an accident than that way. Either way, none of it is nice. I hope you're ok.
Thanks guys :)
OMG I just realized it was you who crashed, I guess my reading is off today LOL! Well like I said I'm glad your are ok!

Lol, Don't worry, I do things like that. I took the bike out for a bit today and everything works properly, it just feels weird now because handlebar and gear lever being bent. I wanted to get onto it even if just for a little while, sometimes if you leave it too long even after a minor accident you can become frightened of it which can get worse the longer you leave it. I feel pretty happy after my ride, just a bit sore.
I can probably bend the gear lever back into place myself but the handlebar will be a bit different, might go to my mechanic for that and see what he thinks. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be interfering with how the bike steers so it's not urgent. Just as well since I don't have a car. I also now have an excuse to buy the mirrors I've wanted for it since my current ones are scratched.
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My knee didn't end up being as bruised as I thought. I knocked it on some picture frames yesterday. That wasn't pleasant! :perrin:
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I can probably bend the gear lever back into place myself but the handlebar will be a bit different, might go to my mechanic for that and see what he thinks. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be interfering with how the bike steers so it's not urgent. Just as well since I don't have a car. I also now have an excuse to buy the mirrors I've wanted for it since my current ones are scratched. These are what I want:


Very cool!
Yeah, I bought them because they're one of the best brands. I also wear a pair of normal jeans underneath them unless it's too hot, that way when I get home I can take the bike jeans off and not have to put normal ones back on hehehe.
It helps on the cold days. I have rain pants too and they're good for when it's really cold or of course, raining, but they're big and puffy so I only wear them if I have to. I always wear the proper boots too which is just as well, there was a bit taken out of the boot that got caught under the bike.
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Thanks, I'm just waiting for the bruising to heal now. My bike is good too, I took it for a nice ride the other day and it's working the way it should be with no issues so I'm happy.