Could you please pray for my father?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
In eternal paradise with Michael
I had just found out my father has cancer and it is not looking good. From what I was told. I have not seen or spoken to him since January of 2001. I really don't want to see him. Because I always consider Michael as my real father. But I can almost hear Michael telling me that I should go and see him. Before it might be too late. So I am going to go see him. Because I know Michael would want me to. Even though my relationship with my father. Was pretty much the way Michael's relationship with his father was. But could you just please pray for him. Despite the bad blood that is between me and him.
I don't have the best relationship with my father either but it's a good thing you decided to go see him, like you said before it's too late. You would probably regret not seeing your father if something happened..
My thoughts are with you.
I hope you can go see him, I'm sure he would love it :)

I didn't have a good relationship with my father either, it was awkward and we just never connected as father/daughter.. But one day he was admitted to the hospital for a heart thing and I couldn't let whatever happened in the past bother me no longer, so I started to talk. If only I could get him to have a relationship with my brother they are like total strangers..

I will pray :)
I don't have the best relationship with my father either but it's a good thing you decided to go see him, like you said before it's too late. You would probably regret not seeing your father if something happened..
My thoughts are with you.

Same with me. Good luck MJsBollywoodGirl7 :flowers:
I will pray for you both. I think you'll be glad you are going to see him.
I understand exactly what you mean my father to me isn't much of one (bad thing with my dad like MJ also)

But i sure do pray for you & of course for your father

you're in my thoughts & if you ever need someone to chat to i am here o.k!
My thoughts are with you MJsBollywoodgirl! :hug:

I had a very difficult relationship with my father as well and when he suddenly died 4 years ago we had not settled things between us. And it has bothered me a lot since, because I loved him regardless of how bad he treated me and I wish it would have ended in a better way than it did.

I think it´s a good decision to go and see him, for your own peace of mind. But of course that is totally up to you, it´s not an obligation.
Whatever you decide to do, I wish you strength and courage! And good luck if you decide to go and see him! Many hugs! :hug:
I hate big C.. I really really hate big C !!!!!!! So I'm really really going to pray for your dad and your family. I'll pray that he'll recover from big C. Your dad during this time needs support from your family. The chances of recovery can increase slightly with a supportive family. I really hope you and your dad relationship could have improvements during this time. No matter how, he's your dad. I think even how Michael's dad treated Michael that way, to Michael, Joe Jackson was still his dad and he loved him so much.

:huggy: I dont know what to say but I really hope your dad gonna have full recovery. I hope that you'll stay by his side too. I pray to God to give you the determination and courage to face this difficulty. :huggy:


For you and your father.... my prayers:

My thoughts are with you! It's good that you decided to go and see him. :huggy:
I'm sorry to hear about your father. I will certainly pray for him, as well as you too.
So sorry to hear about your father. Whatever it was that happened between you and him, hopefully you can put that aside for now. Glad that you decided that you will go and see him. Hang in there and I'll be praying for you.
I had just found out my father has cancer and it is not looking good. From what I was told. I have not seen or spoken to him since January of 2001. I really don't want to see him. Because I always consider Michael as my real father. But I can almost hear Michael telling me that I should go and see him. Before it might be too late. So I am going to go see him. Because I know Michael would want me to. Even though my relationship with my father. Was pretty much the way Michael's relationship with his father was. But could you just please pray for him. Despite the bad blood that is between me and him.

As difficult as it was, you made the right decision. You don't want to have regrets for the rest of you life. You are a kind and caring person.