could u (any) please help with this *blush*

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
it may sound silly to u and boring but its so important to me and id be very thankful and grateful to u if u(someone) do this. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

could u please, in the post i make, point out my mistakes? from grammer to vocab or anything.

it sure sounds boring to Native English speaker, but please if u dont mind, if u ever read my posts and noticed an error, and wanted to make a comment on that thread to, i would beeeeee so so so so grateful if u mention my mistakes.
It may sound silly to you and boring but it's so important to me and I'd be very thankful and grateful to you if you( or someone) do this. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Could you please, in the post I make, point out my mistakes? From grammar to vocabulary or anything.

It sure sounds boring to a Native English speaker, but please if u dont mind, if u ever read my posts and noticed an error, and wanted to make a comment on that thread too, I would beeeeee so so so so grateful if you mention my mistakes.

Hey there you're doing ok :flowers: I've bolded the changes from your first post in this thread ;)

When you start a sentence, always start with a capital letter ;) Could instead of could

You're placing your commas (,) well.

Other than that all I could see was that u should be you ;)
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Hey there you're doing ok :flowers: I've bolded the changes from your first post in this thread ;)
When you start a sentence, always start with a capital letter ;) Could instead of could
You're placing your commas (,) well.
Other than that all I could see was that u should be you ;)

wow thanks. its really exciting for me when someone corrects me :D

thank u for those mentioning.

i always forget the capital and i am so much used to writte "u". i must begin to stop it! on the iternet it is ok to use "U" but in TOFEL exam its A HUGE HUGE mistake.

thank u again. i will try to remember :flowers:
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if it's for TOEFL remember it is "it's" not "its" It's means it is or wasn't was not etc. w/o the lil apostrophe it can change the meaning of a word :)

oh and another u'd prolly want to say "thank you for those comments" or you could say thanks for the corrections too mentioning isn't really the appropriate word to use.
mention means like to point out briefly or causally so you could say "Thanks for mentioning those corrections to me!"

hope that helps a lil... from my understanding english is one of the more confusing languages to learn cuz we have so many bizarre rules and such :p My lil sis teaches english as a second langauge sometimes and says she has such a difficult time explaining have the things we say LOL
Watch movies with English subs. just a tip:p
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if it's for TOEFL remember it is "it's" not "its" It's means it is or wasn't was not etc. w/o the lil apostrophe it can change the meaning of a word :)

oh and another u'd prolly want to say "thank you for those comments" or you could say thanks for the corrections too mentioning isn't really the appropriate word to use.
mention means like to point out briefly or causally so you could say "Thanks for mentioning those corrections to me!"
very greay points. thank u :flowers:

hope that helps a lil... from my understanding english is one of the more confusing languages to learn cuz we have so many bizarre rules and such :p My lil sis teaches english as a second langauge sometimes and says she has such a difficult time explaining have the things we say LOL

English is not confusing at all and rules are fine.
if you wanna know real weird rules in an language try Arabic. LORD! their rules to me are terribly exceedingly difficult and sometimes impossible to learn!!! and they had a looooooot extra grammers. lol

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English is not confusing at all and rules are fine.
if you wanna know real weird rules in an language try Arabic. LORD! their rules to me are terribly exceedingly difficult and sometimes impossible to learn!!! and they had a looooooot extra grammers. lol

I speak English and Arabic fluently and I have to say, English is a bit tougher. ;) Learning Arabic wasn't too bad.

As for what I quoted, I'm not going to correct capitalization mistakes and all, but instead of "and they had a looooooot extra grammers" try saying "and it has a lot..."

You're doing good! Keep it up! ;)
I speak English and Arabic fluently and I have to say, English is a bit tougher. ;) Learning Arabic wasn't too bad.

As for what I quoted, I'm not going to correct capitalization mistakes and all, but instead of "and they had a looooooot extra grammers" try saying "and it has a lot..."

u r kidding. Arabic easier than English?!!! OH MY! :lol:

im studying Arabic for the exam of entering the university and its blowing my mind away! BOOM! the grammers r so so so many and hard. everything from (noun, verb. to ellal ......)

i think you have not studied it the way we do in Iran schools.
even Arab people dont learn that way. lol only in their univercity if they choose to.

You're doing good! Keep it up! ;)
thanks :flowers:
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