Could This Be Michael Attending Thriller Live???

could be or a imposter i do not know.that would of been cool if he went .
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It "could" be him. Lord knows the man get's around, that's for sure. LOL!

On the other hand, it seems to me that we would have heard "somebody", say by now, that MJ was in attendance on May 15th. That would be great PR for the show and I can't see anybody keeping that a secret. Maybe a secret before the fact, but not after the fact.
that's not mike.. I can tell those body movements are not natural.. Michael moves like that but is more fluent with it..

kind of moves like e' casanova in that vid.. even looks likea wig he's been wearing the past few years.
Was Navi still doing the shows?

Also, anyone think that guy to "MJ's" right kinda looks like big mike from the London '02 trip?
Michael Jackson did in fact attend the "Thriller Live" show at Hammersmith Apollo in May 2007 (much to the surprise of the cast and crew). However, if he went again this year as the video suggests, it would've been an extremely tight schedule considering he made numerous appearances in the U.S. right around that same time.
I agree. I think it's an impersonator. :yes: :)
NOW that song was hot!!!!!! Truly,MICHAEL JACKSON LIVE(THE WAY YOU LOVE ME) 2008:clapping::punk: THATS WHATS UP!!!!
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In my personal/professional oppinion...It looks like Mr.Jackson to me...Not to sound pompus...Many have told throughtout the many years...I know Mr. Jackson better than Mrs. (mom) Jackson...

Life is what it is...always remember...ANYTHING in life is possible...

"Keep The Faith"....Keep "Healing The World"~~~"Education Is The Key"
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could be him. and as TSCM said id be more inclined to believe it was in may 2007 as Mj was in London at the time after going to the princes party in leciestershire
This may be a silly question, but does Navi (or any other impersonator) normally go through a side or back door with security and someone holding an umbrella for him?

And I agree that given the date in the original post, seems like it would have been a pretty tight schedule to have been in London then in LA and LV around the same time, not impossible though I guess. The 2007 visit to the show seems like a more likely explanation for the pic, but what do I know-
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you never know for sure...anything is possible, but with all honesty i don't think its michael, i wish it was though.

this kinda thing has happened before as well, i think even the media got fooled once.

michael was in london last year during thriller lives hammesmith show, he wasn't seen but there was a strong rumour of him coming last year.
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I was there that night, and I remember it was a time when Michael was here.
Rumours were going around that he might attend. So I wouldn't be suprised if that was him :eek: Like someone else said why would Navi or any other impersonator need to go in the side door and with someone holding their umbrella? :lol: Maybe they did... who knows :unsure:
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Michael Jackson did in fact attend the "Thriller Live" show at Hammersmith Apollo in May 2007 (much to the surprise of the cast and crew).

............very confused..............

I was at Michael's hotel when he was in London may 2007 and I also went to THRILLER LIVE, I was in contact with fans who didnt go to the show and stayed outside the hotel and I know the cousin of one of the performers of THRILLE LIVE.

There were rumours that Michael MIGHT go to the show but as far as I know he didnt!! There was a Jackson at the show, but it wasnt Michael, it was one of his nephews. TSCM, just wondering, where did this info come from?
Looks like him to me (95% :fear:) altho the footage is fast and too many ppl are in the way to get a good view. :aggressive: Not to mention the footage isn't crystal clear.

If this is from last year, then wow, he actually went to the show and was able to slip by unnoticed. :eek: I remember when that show happened last year there was a LOT of hostile tension amongst feuding fans outside the hotel and whatnot. Michael pretty much stayed hidden the majority of the days after coming back from the Prince's party.

What's interesting is that IF that is him and it took THIS long for the word to get out that he was there, then confetti for the cast and crew. :lol: Well done. And it would further prove that if Michael doesn't want to be seen, he won't least almost.
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^ Although it wasn't reported by the press at the time, dancer Zoe Birkett of the show was later interviewed by some published, obscure British press (including an interview earlier this year), and confirmed that Michael had attended the Hammersmith Apollo show. In 2007, this show was on May 22nd, which was when Michael was in the area.

This year, the show at the same location (as referenced by the YouTube posted) would've been May 15th. Michael was spotted watching Chronicles of Narnia in Vegas on May 16th, so if he did attend it would've had to have been a very rushed trip back, although with Michael anything is possible!

I find it very unlikely that anyone would go through the extremes of faking this entire MJ arrival just to post a five second clip on YouTube. Seems legit to me, it's only the date that I'm not entirely so sure of.
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more than likely it is mj, but the footage is from last year, for a start it wasnt raining on the 15th in hammersmith, and i agree why would someone fake it.
it does not look or move like Michael..

that person is thicker.. the hair is like Michaels from 2003.. Like the first court appearance.. Moves as if is trying to be Michael, not really from him.. Too rigid.. The way the person ducks, and bends the knees is forced.. (THOUGHT through) you can tell.. It's not natural. Michael is fluent with the movements because it's his natural bodily movements..

Also when Michael leans in, while trying to sneak through, he leans in with the right side of the body.. This guy does it from the LEFT..

Plus I don't recognise any of the security around..

And u know E' casanova did perform on THRILLER LIVE... Remember He is a lefty.. The person going into the back moved like a lefty.. Remeber when he was on PUNK'd?? well it's the same wig.. ;)
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