Could Things Get any worst than it is already


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's dead there is uncertainy about his death, his will, custody of his kids. Katherine Jackson has not even time to morn. She was not allowed to be execuetor of his estate. God knows what these lawyers would like to do with assets like neveland, The Beatles Catalogue.

I know there is a god and the bible say he does not test you beyond what you can bear. I am just praying for Mrs Jackson that she survives this ordeal.
There's a lot of negative things going on. But there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

*sits and waits for "Damita Jo" to show up and show out*
Things cant possibly get worse than they are atm. Things can only get better.
things can always get worse. when has there ever been any light and jusice for mj. i tell u he must be special for so much crap to be thrown
I agree. He death was by far the worst thing to happen to his fans. Everything else is a piece of cake as far as I'm concern. I am not suprised by anything anymore.

Ive had quite a shock since actually, maybe just as bad. But lets not get into that lol

I feel in terms of MJ, things cant get much worse. The shock is the worst part of the whole thing.
his death still feels like a dream a bad far the worst part...can somebody wake me up please?
I think she is an incredably stong woman. She will be in pain over loosing Michael, but she has the love of his children, which I think will give her a purpose and a stong will to carry on and fight like a tiger to keep them and their inheritance.
I think the media coverage will get worse but like someone says, as far as I'm concerned the worst has happened. Michael is gone.
I said the same thing music65 and I am prayful that Mother Jackson will emerge from this unscathed. God knows it is a cross that she has to bare right now with the death of her son (children are suppose to bury their parents not parents bury their children) and now dealing with this situation involving his estate. And the questionable characters he left in charge of the estate. My prayers and thoughts are with her and the entire Jackson clan. I pray for them every night and every day. But I do believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel because God puts but so much on us to bare.