could the family sue the police for this?? "police brutality"


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was thinking, when MJ was headed to court the last time he had said & there was even a picture of the injurty in a magazine- it looked pretty bad.
The police officer when they handcuffed him, really injured him / his wrist.

Could the family sue the officer for police brutality??
it depends of they may have still have a case but since Mj is gone there doesnt seem to be anything that can be done. right now we shoul just focus on justice being given for his death.
When he said that and showed the bruises the LAPD did an investigation about the claims. They concluded that there was not police brutality (they also released some audio tapes that showed cops asking if he's okay and he's replying that he is fine and humming a melody).

So that police bruitaility claim already been investigated and closed.
yea I meant at the time... ohhh ok I see so cuz MJ said he was fine... ok. thanks
so he made it up ? I don't get the difference between those two instances..If he was so insistent on tghe injuries being given to him by police, why did he hum? I always thought if that was true and he had been hurt intentionally and uput in a room with shit on the walls, how could he not have sued or made a fuss! I mean that is unacceptable..That story disappeared but they were very very strong allegations
so he made it up ? I don't get the difference between those two instances..If he was so insistent on tghe injuries being given to him by police, why did he hum? I always thought if that was true and he had been hurt intentionally and uput in a room with shit on the walls, how could he not have sued or made a fuss! I mean that is unacceptable..That story disappeared but they were very very strong allegations

No MJ didn't make it up- but I guess the police already looked into it & made their bias decision over I guess lack of evidence or something. And someone said here that MJ said he was "fine" - so I guess investigators can't do anymore after that.
the following is the news story of that time.
michael made the claims, law forces refuted the claims and it ended there.

During his ''60 Minutes'' interview on Sunday, Jackson had showed a photograph of a bruise between his wrist and elbow that he said had been caused by the handcuffs and said police had dislocated his shoulder. He also said that, at the station, he'd been locked in a bathroom smeared with ''doo-doo, feces'' for 45 minutes. Anderson played a videotape that appeared to show police gently cuffing the singer on his wrists. He also played an audiotape, which he said was made during Jackson's ride to the station, in which the singer said he felt ''fine'' and ''wonderful'' and whistled and sang to himself. Anderson said the holding cell bathroom had been cleaned that morning, and that Jackson spent no more than 15 minutes there out of the 63 minutes he spent at the station. Upon his departure, Jackson waved to fans, which Anderson said was ''inconsistent with Mr. Jackson's claims of injury.
the following is the news story of that time.
michael made the claims, law forces refuted the claims and it ended there.

During his ''60 Minutes'' interview on Sunday, Jackson had showed a photograph of a bruise between his wrist and elbow that he said had been caused by the handcuffs and said police had dislocated his shoulder. He also said that, at the station, he'd been locked in a bathroom smeared with ''doo-doo, feces'' for 45 minutes. Anderson played a videotape that appeared to show police gently cuffing the singer on his wrists. He also played an audiotape, which he said was made during Jackson's ride to the station, in which the singer said he felt ''fine'' and ''wonderful'' and whistled and sang to himself. Anderson said the holding cell bathroom had been cleaned that morning, and that Jackson spent no more than 15 minutes there out of the 63 minutes he spent at the station. Upon his departure, Jackson waved to fans, which Anderson said was ''inconsistent with Mr. Jackson's claims of injury.

I've noticed that most people (not Michael fans) seem to think he made it up.

What do you guys think?.

Oh, and who is Anderson?.
everyone thinks mj made think up. he wasnt human he didnt bleed or hurt, it was all apart of dehumanizing him.

anderson was a rednick sherrif of S.B. mj went to a hospital had the brusiers photographed. i guess the doctors faked it for him.or according to dimond karen faye did it. not sure how she got the swollen images on his arm i guess she jumped on him ppl who suffer from lupus bruise very easily
the fact ppl could even question this shows they have no clue about the integrity of the man.
everyone thinks mj made think up. he wasnt human he didnt bleed or hurt, it was all apart of dehumanizing him.

anderson was a rednick sherrif of S.B. mj went to a hospital had the brusiers photographed. i guess the doctors faked it for him.or according to dimond karen faye did it. not sure how she got the swollen images on his arm i guess she jumped on him ppl who suffer from lupus bruise very easily

They say the bruises weren't in the place the handcuffs were.

So it was doctors who took the photographs?.

Are those recordings the police say they had of Michael anywhere online...?.

Oh, and does anyone know that guy's, Anderson's full name?.

I'm sorry to ask so many questions :).
well, the General Attorney opened an investigation although MJ did not file an official claims , at the time Mez or Geragos refused to participate , they did not allow MJ to be interviewed and the evidence he had was not delivered to the people responsible for that investigation , because clearly the GA regardless of any evidence would sided with the SB police no matter what .

the GA only heard the SB police version of events , did not meet mj or any representative on his behalf and concluded there was no evidence of brutality . and the media made it seem like mj filed an official report and the GA determined he was a liar . NOT TRUE AT ALL.

as for the clip they showed where the officers asked mj whether he was comfortable , mj had a bride and while we can be sure he was not at all comfortable for being in those handcuffs for more than 30 minutes , he just said it was ok. please try to put your hands behind your back and sit down for 40 minutes and tell me how ok it does feel .

what happened was indoors , when Geragos went to do some procedures , that we don't have cameras of, and only mj's words against their words .

MJ turned himself , he was willing to go to the SBPD , but they went to the airport and handcuffed him , and humiliated him in front of the whole world ..

the jacksons can do nothing about it, mj should have filed an a official compliant within two years . he did not .
Also that audio tape...can't it very well be from BEFORE he went into the police station where he was put in a cell?

By the way, remember 'Untold story of Neverland' ? Where you see the cops talking to Gavin, and at the end they actually say something along these lines ' remember Gavin, you are the goodguy here, he's the bad one, don't forget that' basically these asshole officers already had their opinions ready...without even having talked to Michael or anything. This shows alot, and what they are capable of. Of course i believe Michael.
Don't you guys remember the tape in which the police tell Jason Francia this:

" You must come up with a story. If you don't, I'll show the world pictures of you naked. Come on, Jason, come up with a story."
Jason answers: Stop it. I want to hit you.
Police: I've been raped as a kid, you know? We know Michael is bad. Don't be afraid. Jason: I wasn't raped.
[some minutes after]
Police: Do you want me to show the world pictures of you naked? Make up a story.Quick.
Jason: Ok. I'm working in that."

Remember the sheriff telling Michael's lawyers that he would make Michael's life a living hell? The bail costed 3 millions: that's too much. It was the highest of all time. The trial was the most expensive ever in S.B.. Don't forget that Tom Sneddon has been sued 60 times for malicious prosecution: many people accused him of making up stories and being very violent.
The police treated the fans, and Michael, like dogs.
They say the bruises weren't in the place the handcuffs were.
look at the pictures the swellings are above where the cuffs would be. that is where they would swell due to lack of circulation.
Also that audio tape...can't it very well be from BEFORE he went into the police station where he was put in a cell?

By the way, remember 'Untold story of Neverland' ? Where you see the cops talking to Gavin, and at the end they actually say something along these lines ' remember Gavin, you are the goodguy here, he's the bad one, don't forget that' basically these asshole officers already had their opinions ready...without even having talked to Michael or anything. This shows alot, and what they are capable of. Of course i believe Michael.

Actually yeah, I'm not an expert on this aspect, but I remember reading that the tapes were recorded in the police cruiser. He was also asking them to turn on the AC or the radio or something - so that would have been before the locked-in-the-bathroom incident.

It makes my heart hurt just typing that, by the way...:cry:
He also played an audiotape, which he said was made during Jackson's ride to the station, in which the singer said he felt ''fine'' and ''wonderful'' and whistled and sang to himself.

Martin Luther King did sing too. What else could MJ do to calm himself? Should he break down and cry?
Yes, he he kept repeating that he is fine. He would never worry his fans. Of course his answer is "I'm fine" no matter how hard times are. Michael is fine, Joe is fine, Janet is fine always and the world -of course- is fine.

The family should have sued them the day it happened, why would they do it now.
What they did to him is a disgarce and even if he would have sued them, like many other bm before, it sure would not have hurt them, they usually get away with everything.