Could MJ's next album take over 10 years to make?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just read the other day that Guns N' Roses is releasing a new album called "Chinese Democracy". I guess they have been working on the album for over 10 years! How this ties into Michael is that I believe that it is a good possibility that Michael could take just as long, if not longer releasing his next album. I would be patient with Michael releasing a new album. Sometimes artists do take a long time, it's not just Michael.
I wouldnt be surprised if he did, because its Michael Jackson. It takes ages.
Well, Michael does like to take a long time over an album, but I really doubt we'll be waiting 10 Years in total, we have waited 2-2 1/2 Years thus far, I think maximum we have the same wait again but I would think more like 2010, but that is litterally randomly guessing, no-one will know but Michael what date he has in mind, could be 10 years after all.
i doubt would be given up on long befroe that. GNR are a group with all the issues they had going on. mj is a singular artist and the only issues could be the bahrain lawsuit slowing things imo
Well, basicly we've been waiting for 7 years already since his last full blown studio album, so... that's close enough ;)
Not 10 years, remember Michael is always groundbreaking, new and innovative with his music. With every album, he manages to twist contemporary genres which are popular in that current music market into his own sound, which is much of Michael's appeal. If he took 10 years to make an album he would have to change the sound constantly throughout its writing and recording. So no, 2-4 years is a good time for an artist such as Michael to write, record, change, manipulate. re-write and re-record etc..

Also remember, that in essence, the promotion has already begun for his next project. Thriller 25, King of Pop and upcoming releases of collaborations with current artists are all ways in which Michael is getting back into popular culture in preperation for the release of his upcoming album.

Well, basicly we've been waiting for 7 years already since his last full blown studio album, so... that's close enough ;)

We have only been waiting since around the World Music Awards in November 2006, since around that time he announced personally that he was working on new material and it was in the early stages. You cannot count the one or two year break after Invincible, where he probably just reaped the benefits of the album.. And of course you cannot include 2003-2005 because of the trail.. Since he was aquitted up until the point where he announced he was working on new material was just over a year, which is INCREDIBLE considering what he went through. By all means he could have become a complete recluse and not written or recoreded or done anything again INCLUDING T25, but he has decided to burst back onto the scene merely months after a traumatic experience for him. Give him a break!
I especially think that since the music industry is so bad today, see Britney Spears at No.1 on Billboard 100 this week and Lil Wayne not far behind, we wouldn't be craving some new Michael Jackson music as much right now. The industry needs a spark and I think Michael is the only person that can do that. Some of the music today that is topping the charts is just downright terrible. Sales of cd's are going down as well which is killing the industry. Michael knows this and is probably exploring other options as well...This is something to think about with the delay of an album as well.
Commercial music has always had it's critics, even when Michael released Thriller, people said the music industry was in a slump and Thriller 'saved' it. Today, the MJ community really have a go at the sound of today's popular music and the culture it has helped to create. Michael has been away from the charts since 2001, and has not had a huge impact probably since 'Blood on the Dancefloor' went to number one in most countries.

I have no doubt that this album will have number one material, reminiscent of 'Scream' and 'Blood on the Dancefloor', those sort of groundbreaking hits. The reason being that these were very niche sounding songs, that blew into the commercial market, and created a completely new sound instead of sticking to genres, which is what we hear today in the charts. Most contemporary popular music today can probably be split into around 10 different genres including; pop, pop-punk, indie rock, rap/hiphop, r'n'b and electro/dance. Michael will be aiming to create yet another niche.
Commercial music has always had it's critics, even when Michael released Thriller, people said the music industry was in a slump and Thriller 'saved' it. Today, the MJ community really have a go at the sound of today's popular music and the culture it has helped to create. Michael has been away from the charts since 2001, and has not had a huge impact probably since 'Blood on the Dancefloor' went to number one in most countries.

I have no doubt that this album will have number one material, reminiscent of 'Scream' and 'Blood on the Dancefloor', those sort of groundbreaking hits. The reason being that these were very niche sounding songs, that blew into the commercial market, and created a completely new sound instead of sticking to genres, which is what we hear today in the charts. Most contemporary popular music today can probably be split into around 10 different genres including; pop, pop-punk, indie rock, rap/hiphop, r'n'b and electro/dance. Michael will be aiming to create yet another niche.

I always thought that there was Michael and then everyone else. He's just on a level no one else knows or will ever know.
I'm only giving Michael about 4 years (roughly) to come out with a new album before the apocalypse in 2012.

So, basically he's got to find a way to release it before then (the end of the world).
I always thought that there was Michael and then everyone else. He's just on a level no one else knows or will ever know.

Yeah there are a few artists like that, only some with the calibur similar to Michael's, Your; Elton John's, Freddie Mercury's, some would argue Madonna's. These are people who have helped shape music. Music sounds bad to some people, because there is a distinct lack of people like this anymore.

Luckily Stevie Wonder is putting out a couple of albums, both of which without doubt will be masterpieces. I also admire Jamiroquai and how they became popular with using genres which no one else would touch (Funk, Soul, Electro Pop, Jazz, Acid, Fusion).
Another 10 years is a great idea. I'll be watching the comeback concert from my nursing home.
Not 10 years, remember Michael is always groundbreaking, new and innovative with his music. With every album, he manages to twist contemporary genres which are popular in that current music market into his own sound, which is much of Michael's appeal. If he took 10 years to make an album he would have to change the sound constantly throughout its writing and recording. So no, 2-4 years is a good time for an artist such as Michael to write, record, change, manipulate. re-write and re-record etc..

Also remember, that in essence, the promotion has already begun for his next project. Thriller 25, King of Pop and upcoming releases of collaborations with current artists are all ways in which Michael is getting back into popular culture in preperation for the release of his upcoming album.

We have only been waiting since around the World Music Awards in November 2006, since around that time he announced personally that he was working on new material and it was in the early stages. You cannot count the one or two year break after Invincible, where he probably just reaped the benefits of the album.. And of course you cannot include 2003-2005 because of the trail.. Since he was aquitted up until the point where he announced he was working on new material was just over a year, which is INCREDIBLE considering what he went through. By all means he could have become a complete recluse and not written or recoreded or done anything again INCLUDING T25, but he has decided to burst back onto the scene merely months after a traumatic experience for him. Give him a break!

I rarely get to use this word, but as to your post I Agree
I just read the other day that Guns N' Roses is releasing a new album called "Chinese Democracy". I guess they have been working on the album for over 10 years! How this ties into Michael is that I believe that it is a good possibility that Michael could take just as long, if not longer releasing his next album. I would be patient with Michael releasing a new album. Sometimes artists do take a long time, it's not just Michael.

well, aren't we optimistic?:mello: If this is true, then we might as well forget it.
:no:It could be Mike has just gotten lazy in is old age. He spends a lot of time chillin with the chirins :yes:

Well when mike had a contract, even though he delayed invincible 2 years, we knew that Sony was pushing him to get it complete. Right now, the only one pushing him to do anything is Mike himself.
Well, basicly we've been waiting for 7 years already since his last full blown studio album, so... that's close enough ;)

I can't believe that there is still someone ( a fan? ) who dares to say something like that. :doh: It's unfair to count it this way. There happened things you can't take into consideration in how long Mike has had time for the release of a new album. PEROID!
I don't think this will happen.

Mike will hopefully release a new album in 2009, then maybe we will get a new album again in 2014 or 15 if nothing stupid comes up.
I can't believe that there is still someone ( a fan? ) who dares to say something like that. :doh: It's unfair to count it this way. There happened things you can't take into consideration in how long Mike has had time for the release of a new album. PEROID!

Sure bad things happend, and sure Mike couldn't work on new stuff in that period. BUT no one can deny the fact that his last album was released in 2001 and now we are in 2008 = thus far 7 years has gone since his last release.

I know you couldn't count 2003-2005 (maybe even 2006) - but we have been waiting for 7 years for a new album.

Exactly. Though 2003-2005 were definitely very difficult, it has been seven years since his last studio album. That is a fact as unfortunate as it is.
I Dont Think it will take that long.
Michael takes his time but not that long.
if he knew it was gunna take that long he wouldnt do it.

I think he is either gunna release an album in the next couple of years
and if he dosent i dont think there will be another one.