Could he still get awards?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
No we know more than likely. He will be the biggest selling artist of the year with his passing.

Now do you think he cold still win awards based on his sales an stuff. Like the world music awards or the American music awards and stuff.

Is it possible for dead artist to get awards in their honor?
I guess yeah, if they release the new materials like the new album, and he already going to get awards of a bunch of guinness records i believe, and many other things.
Other family members like Jermain could pick up the prices for Michael!

Yes sure...he still Has to get awards!!:D
Yea. It would be nice to see him get awards in his honor. But it on display somewhere with all his other awards.
^^what did he do with all his awards? I 'member him saying he didn't like having them up cuz their a reminder of what's been done and he was always preparing for eth future.

It makes me kinda sad to think of him getting an award posthumously, but glad that he's being recognized :sad: