costume party


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey all! :)

I'm invited on a costume party in July. The theme of the party is: "USA". Nobody here will be surprised that I want to dress up as the one and only.... Michael Jackson :)

I went to a costume shop today and they had a really nice MJ costume:

But unfortunately it was waaaay too big for me :(

Now I'm searching online for MJ costumes (to buy or to rent) but so far without success.

I'm also still in doubt about which costume I want to wear: the Smooth Criminal costume, golden HIStory (space) costume, Billy Jean costume, Bad costume,...

I've a few questions for everyone here that could help me deciding:
1. Which is -for you- the most typical MJ costume? (If you think of MJ, which costume is the first one that pops in your mind?)
2. Do you know other typical MJ accessories/characteristics? (like the white glove, sunglasses, white socks,...)
3. Do you know any good (web)shops/sites with MJ costumes?

Your help/advice or own experiences are much appreciated!! :bow:

As a big "thank you" I'll post one or more pictures with the result (if everything works out of course) ;)
just posting some costume pics I saw on this site
I think the most common costumes are thriller and BJ - I like all of them but prefer
the Bad






Waw, those are really nice costumes, thanks for the link :pleased:

The Bad costume is indeed very cool, but imagine the third costume with a black hat.. That's really nice as well.. :cool:

pff I need to make up my mind.. :scratch:
Hey all! :)

I've a few questions for everyone here that could help me deciding:
1. Which is -for you- the most typical MJ costume? (If you think of MJ, which costume is the first one that pops in your mind?)
I usually think of the Smooth Criminal or DANGEROUS outfit of MJ... and I always think of the Arm Band!....

I also think of a red shirt like from JAM... actually my favorite is the JAM outfit. It's nice and simple.. U just get BLACK pants, and a button-up Long Red Sleeve shirt, and make sure the arm band is on it. :) Also, dont forget the fedora!

2. Do you know other typical MJ accessories/characteristics? (like the white glove, sunglasses, white socks,...)

3. Do you know any good (web)shops/sites with MJ costumes?
Sorry, dunno those questions.
Thanks alot for the ideas, Darvin! :cool:

The black pants (which should be a little too short :)), the arm band and the hat are indeed MJ's trademarks :)
Another cool typical pants is the black pants with the white stripe:

But I don't think I can find this somewhere...

The only thing I'm now doubting about is the shirt: shall I go for a jam-like shirt or a flashy billie jean one or something else... :thinking:
I say JAM

and as for the pants you can maybe get someone to put a white stripe over the pants side... you can sow it on there or hot glue it on there....
The costume party was a little bit more than a week ago and it was really amusing! :yes:
I've included some pictures in this topic..
It would be very easy to make your own Michael Jackson costume, and I think it would look much better than any of the ones you would buy at a shop! To me, I almost feel like those are poking fun at him sometimes, because they are so awkward looking...

I did a dance routine when I was younger and we did it to Smoothe Criminal, but we dressed up like Michael.

We bought black dress pants and just hemmed them so they were a little bit too short. We wore the chunky white socks rolled down. We went out and bought collared tank tops that had a TON of sparkles and sequins on them. We wore a black dress jacket over that. We had the white glove and we put fabric paint glitter dots on it. Then we went and got the stretchy sequins and we made arm bands out of those to wear over the sleeve of our jacket. Then we went out and just bought a cheap plastic fedora and we put lines of sequins around it. We actually looked really nice. We wore the black eyeliner like him too lol and a pony tail.
It would be very easy to make your own Michael Jackson costume, and I think it would look much better than any of the ones you would buy at a shop! To me, I almost feel like those are poking fun at him sometimes, because they are so awkward looking...

I did a dance routine when I was younger and we did it to Smoothe Criminal, but we dressed up like Michael.

We bought black dress pants and just hemmed them so they were a little bit too short. We wore the chunky white socks rolled down. We went out and bought collared tank tops that had a TON of sparkles and sequins on them. We wore a black dress jacket over that. We had the white glove and we put fabric paint glitter dots on it. Then we went and got the stretchy sequins and we made arm bands out of those to wear over the sleeve of our jacket. Then we went out and just bought a cheap plastic fedora and we put lines of sequins around it. We actually looked really nice. We wore the black eyeliner like him too lol and a pony tail.
I can understand why you feel like this kind of costumes feel like they are making fun of MJ.. This was definately not the best costume, but I remember Michael wearing an (army?) outfit with alot of gold and this looked a little bit like that..
My plan B was indeed to create/compile a smooth criminal or jam-like costume myself.. :)
Do you happen to have one or more pictures of your costume? Reading your detailed description made me really curious! :)