Costume flashbacks?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in the light
Just wondering what you guys would think of a costume flashback idea?

For example; if Michael chooses to split the concert into "era's" I suppose you could call it that, where he would have his stage costume from that tour and performed some of the songs dressed like that.

I mean there are the iconic outfits from Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Black Or White etc but what if there was an "era" iconic themed concert

For example:

He comes out in that silver military type outfit from Victory tour or the one with the black and white stripe pants and performs songs like Off The Wall and a few J5 songs (but not the medley).

Then comes out in that silver top with the buckles all over it and the black pants with the buckles from the Bad tour and does songs like Bad and Speed Demon.

Then comes out in the gold jump suit with the sparkly jacket from Dangerous tour and does Jam.

The comes out in the completely gold outfit from History tour and does Scream and They Don't Care About Us.

Do you guys think this would be a good idea or not, discuss. :)
Michael would not do such a thing. Imagine Michael re-doing the afro? No no, not for me, lol! We've already seen Michael in afro at that costume party thingy - and it was not a good look for him, lol! :D

But it would be a good idea for an immitator show. But Michael don't imitate himself.
so he really did that? I thought it was an edited picture,

I don't think he'll do that either

but I think for black or white it would be cool if he changed it from the white shirt to have it the black style from the dance sequence at the end of BOW video
and have a car and everything and dance like the video with wind and everything

It's an interesting idea, but I'd like new and innovative costuming because this is a new era, and needs something fresh.
He doesn't wanna reuse good ideas, he wants to come up with new good idaes!

He is a pioneer, not a person who uses the same stuff again and again.

SURE he will use Beat It, Thriller and SC jackets (outfits) But not stuff from previous tours.
I'd love to see a TWYMMF outfit, with the blue shirt open, tanktop and black pants. That's one I don't have a problem with seeing again.
itll be the same but different probably. look @ the beat it jackets thru out the tours. all the same but different style/material
yeah that's what I'm trying to say. Michael Jackson has all of these iconic clothes that we remember from certain videos and so forth and even with the evolution of time he has changed them slightly but kept the kind of original design there.

So I guess basically the question is, are the outfits from the tours as iconic as costumes such as Thriller, Beat It etc?
Yessir,i love the white thriller jacket he wears on tour (dt-Ht) altho he wore different 1s on some shows thruout the history tour. and i think the dangerous tour beat it jacket was the best. And the Smooth Criminal Suit jacket on the history tour had the fly pinstripes unlike the others. So id say yes they are as iconic
Main Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory outfits are, yes.

Bad's were plain badass. Dangerous was strange and amusing. HIStory...weell gold pants.
I dont see whats so special about the bad tour outfit lol. I mean yea its fly and everything dont get me wrong,but it was just basic lol