Corrective Scoliosis Surgery!!


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
So I have a bad case of Scoliosis its about 40+ degrees- enough to have the corrective surgery. I really want it for the reasons that 1. I'll be healthier! & 2. I"m gonna be taller. lol.

Bottomline it will be better for me. I had to wear a brace for afew years but no-one told me it'd be permanent so I stopped wearing it ; plus if you ever had to wear one, you know the excrutating pain both emotionally and physically.

I have looked up drs and info on the internet. Incase you don't know what they do is put in steel rods called Harrington Rods and they screw them into / onto your spinal cord. I know there can potentially be problems down the line- screws coming loose, even falling out etc... But this is something I want. I don't even walk in a straight line thats how bad my back is.

So I'm wondering if anyone has had it & or knows anyone that has had it already. Please post here! Even pics of before and after...

I just want to say how sorry I am that you have that. I know a lot about scoliosis since I did go to a year of Med school and I actually did a project on scoliosis.
:better: I hope everything goes well and the best of wishes to you!
I have scoliosis in the lumber region. It hurts sometimes and I often get alot of pain in my kidneys. I have never researched anything about the surgery. I heard its alot easier to have the surgery when you are a child rather than older. For me I would be too scared to get it done.