Cops Release Statement On Michaels Dr

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Dangerous Incorporated

The LAPD interviewed Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, and released this statement:

"Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician who was with Michael Jackson at the time of his collapse, voluntarily contacted the Los Angeles Police Department. Detectives assigned to Robbery-Homicide Division met with Dr. Murray and conducted an extensive interview. Dr. Murray was cooperative and provided information which will aid the investigation."
that was the statement released the other day. i don't think it's today. since then, his car has been impounded, and the police had trouble locating him

Today, Dr. is said to have hired a lawyer, that's the latest so far.
so michael fell down...collasped what have you...on the floor, unconscious and then dr murry put him on the bed and then proceed to to cpr. or michael just collasped and was on the bed already ok. whatever we don't know. ...

So now to my understanding is that you only have 4-5 minutes to work on somebody who went into arrest. Now if dude was stand or near mike where did he go wrong with jumpstarting michael's heart back??? Did he pass medical school with a D- or what. Im lost here?
It was pretty self explanatory I thought. Michaels Dr contact the police and was interviewed by them.

So rumours of the Dr running away arent true.
not true. he ran for 24 hrs after mj passed. insted of talking to his patient's family, he took off and offered NO explanations or anything to them about what happened
even if they dont think it... The whole world is thinking it because of the actions he did following Michaels passing.

You dont take off from something like that. He had something to do with it. You dont ACT like that. and anyone knows that you do not do CPR on a bed.

And if he was a heart doctor that moved in with michael you would think he would have a defibrillator just in case.
can't we all just go to sleep and pray that we wake up and realize that we all shared the world's worst dream.... or maybe God will send one of us to the past to talk to mike and tell him to watch out....lay off the pain meds, beware of his doctor just in case and stay with him to make sure he makes it through...i'll volunteer!!
how do they know that the information he "provided" them with is true? they might just be concerned about fans that cna be foolish enough (and hopefully such dont exist) that can be after the doctor now. what i don't understand is why there is no explanation of what happened. why he was on the bed? why the doctor didnt call first and then began doing cpr? what was given to Michael?

though i'm stupid to ask for truth if even Michael's family doesnt know and doesnt believe the investigators.
I think it's very strange that the doctor would leave the scene and also leave his car behind like that. I think he freaked out because MJ went into cardiac arrest while in his care and because that other person knows he was there.