cool mj has drinks named after him and his songs lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everyone, I was watching tv today and on "travel and living" channel there was this guy showing traditional food, and food markets in a small island (which I dont remember the name) in Malasia, when suddenly he orders a "Michael Jackson" I was amazed by how his influence has reached every single spot all around the world. It was a dark drink, and the tv presenter tried a bit and said "It's a thriller!" haha Wonderful!
Did you guys know about this drink?

Created by: Robert Stahl, Alexandre’s Bar
This drink will make you sing out: “Though you fight to stay alive your body starts to shiver, for no mere mortal can resist the evil of the thriller!”

“Looking back on the groundbreaking Thriller video, a couple of things stood out in my mind: namely that fantastic red leather jacket of Michael’s, and that tangible feeling of darkness, that sense of foreboding doom. I wanted my shot to echo that as much as possible. I chose a bright red, cherry flavored mixture for the base, and topped it with Jagermeister, which incidentally is blacker than a witch’s tit.

This shot has lots of visual appeal, especially at night. The flavors come out in waves, more so if you give the 151 a chance to burn just a bit before you drink it, giving the Jagermeister a slightly caramelized taste. Just be real careful to make sure the flame is completely blown out before you chug it. I’ve actually seen someone’s face catch on fire after doing a shot like this—not pretty. He ended up looking worse than one of Mike’s backup dancers from the video. Hmm, on second thought maybe I shoulda named this one "Dangerous"!”

1 oz Three Olives Cherry Vodka
¾ oz Southern Comfort
¾ oz Amaretto
½ oz grenadine
float Jagermeister
float Bacardi 151

In a mixing tin over ice, combine first four ingredients to chill and pour into a shot glass. Carefully float Jagermeister on top by pouring against the back of a spoon. Finally, layer Bacardi 151 on top of the Jagermeister. When ready to serve, light the 151 and let it burn for a few seconds, then carefully blow it out before serving. CAUTION: blow out 151 away from customers, as it may catch fire if it spills. Also, make sure flame is completely extinguished before serving. Rim of glass may get hot

This cocktail, named the Michael Jackson Cocktail uses fresh fruit....hopefully from a local market or farmstand will make you sing..."the way you make me feel.....!"

The Michael Jackson Cocktail


* 1/4 cup ice cubes (about 4)
* juice from 1 lime (roll on counter top first to release juice sacks for optimal juicing)
* 5 strawberries, cut in 1/2
* 1/2 cup fresh seedless watermelon, cut in chunks
* 1/4 cup Cointreau (orange flavored liqueur, widely available in any liquor store and generally used in Margarita's)
* 1/2 cup Tequila (for this purpose, I choose Jose Quervo Gold. It has real tequila flavor with smokey notes, but is not a super premium variety that is better used for sipping straight)


In a blender, add all ingredients

Blend on high until all ingredients are well incorporated

Serve in low ball glass on the rocks (over ice) and garnish with strawberry

Non Alcoholic Version of the Michael Jackson Cocktail

For the kid in you


* Same as above, minus the Cointreau and Tequila
* 1/2 cup of Orange Juice ( I choose Tropicana Pure Premium)
* 1/4 cup of fruit punch
* 1 creamcicle bar or 1 Del Monte Fruit Chiller, any flavor


Prepare the cocktail the same as alcoholic version

Serve in tall glass and garnish with straw
and of course, no driving after that. unless you have the non alchoholic version. frankly i don't know how anybody can hold that many combinations of liquor. but it's cool they named these after him. but i don't think he was about that really multiple mixed hard liquor.
and of course, no driving after that. unless you have the non alchoholic version. frankly i don't know how anybody can hold that many combinations of liquor. but it's cool they named these after him. but i don't think he was about that really multiple mixed hard liquor.

apparently it's called "Thriller" for a reason lol
jeez after a person drank that..with all that liquor...they would be on the floor under the table. Michael is already his own drink....God bless his sweet soul.
Hi everyone, I was watching tv today and on "travel and living" channel there was this guy showing traditional food, and food markets in a small island (which I dont remember the name) in Malasia, when suddenly he orders a "Michael Jackson" I was amazed by how his influence has reached every single spot all around the world. It was a dark drink, and the tv presenter tried a bit and said "It's a thriller!" haha Wonderful!
Did you guys know about this drink?

I think the small island is Penang. I really dont know about Thriller but I would love to try that :wub::wub: In Malaysia, Black and White (in Chinese pronunciation) or Michael Jackson (in English) is named because the drink is a combination of soy bean(white) and dark jelly cube(black) :yes: