Confused... I need help!


Proud Member
Sep 18, 2009
Hey everyone!

I just recently got my copy of This Is It Double DVD Collector... and I'm confused on many levels, here's why...

I heard that "Dancing Machine" was going to be on the Blu-Ray, and "The Musical Experience" was gonna be on every support! But I don't have "The Musical Experience" on my DVD, but I have "Dancing Machine"... can someone explain to me what's that about??

And my big question... before the release of the DVD, amazon posted a movie clip of one of the bonus featurettes, and it was all about lightman... showing the final version, what was going to happen, even showing michael on stage rehearsing the sequence! Where is that???? It dosen't exist... i searched for it, and can't find it! Could someone please explain to me... I'm so confused with all the missing and changing featurettes!
The lightman featurette is only on the Amazon website and not on any DVD or Blu Ray.

I've never heard of the "Musical Experience" feature!!!!!
The lightman featurette is only on the Amazon website and not on any DVD or Blu Ray.

I've never heard of the "Musical Experience" feature!!!!!

Well that's stupid... why not adding it to the DVD? Is there any way to download somewhere the Light Man segement??

Also, "The Musical Experience" is all about the creation of the setlist and Michael's talent... they talk about many things revolving the music of the show, for example how Michael decided he was going to do one night "Human Nature" and another night "Stranger In Moscow" depending on how he was feelin on the night! Also how the bands favorite music to play was "Threatned" ...If you check iTunes... it's there! I downloaded it!
Well that's stupid... why not adding it to the DVD? Is there any way to download somewhere the Light Man segement??

Also, "The Musical Experience" is all about the creation of the setlist and Michael's talent... they talk about many things revolving the music of the show, for example how Michael decided he was going to do one night "Human Nature" and another night "Stranger In Moscow" depending on how he was feelin on the night! Also how the bands favorite music to play was "Threatned" ...If you check iTunes... it's there! I downloaded it!

I agree it is head wrecking they way different editions have different extras, i got the 2disc special edition and it doesn't have the dance machine part, can you tell me did they mention YRMW in the set list part, i read somewhere that it was definitely going to be included but i can't remember where.