Confirmed HIStory Tour release for 2021?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Okay so everybody has heard about the rumor, but, according to this woman, John Branca assured her that this tour will be officially released. Here's the post

What do you think about this? Do you think that the chosen show is Munich '97? What I don't understand, if John is searching for the most profitable release, why does it have to be a tour that has been aired all over the world and it's also been seen by millions of people on YouTube? How is that going to sell?
I'm not sure how I feel about this. It will probably be the Munich concert that we all have seen so releasing it feels pointless. Also if it gets released all the reviews will criticize it because of the lip-syncing. Would the quality be much better than the HD version we already have? Someone should ask Branca about the Bad Tour concerts that are on film.
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I'm not sure how I feel about this. It will probably me the Munich concert that we all have seen so releasing it feels pointless. Also if it gets released all the reviews will criticize it because of the lip-syncing.

If they only edited the audio with some live vocals (like Black Or White live in Wembley '92) would be great though.
If it’s Munich 97’, that would be anticlimactic, we’ve seen it like a million times on YouTube anyways.
If it's nothing brand new and never been seen before then that would be a waste of time. they been saying concert releases for a very long time and haven't did so since bad 25. i'm to the point giving up on concerts cause the estate don't want to do them and I don't understand why. they can make money with that if they really want too.
This would pass in my book as long the concert is an unreleased one, and an EXCEPTIONAL one (Prague, Bremen, etc.). If not, it could at least be Brunei or Basel (top two gigs in my view). Not Munich, please. The least they could do with this is to release an energetic and enjoyable one (not saying Munich is not enjoyable, but it is the one pretty much everyone has watched, and my eyes want to watch something new).

But why HIStory Tour? Look, I am all about a new concert release, but considering Michael’s image nowadays, a release from this tour may cause grave detriment to his legacy and what not. I have seen people call MJ the “King Of Lipsynch” for not singing Billie Jean live at Motown 25. Imagine their opinion on a concert that is primarily not sung live?

With all due respect, concerts from the Bad Tour and earlier tours would be much better releases, for both sides of the spectrum. Fans get to enjoy a new (enjoyable) concert, and it helps sustain Michael’s legacy, one the media cannot touch. Hearing people say “Wow, his voice and energy is amazing here!” would float my boat rather than hearing “He lipsynched most of this concert?? What a weirdo.”
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To the people that say
"The estate wont release Bad tour Film/concerts because it would cost too much and not make any $".....
Any History tour show even munich will sell worse than bad25. Count on it.
Unless they package it with something new or different edits/rehearsals I dont see the point. History tour munich is the most viewed MJ concert on youtube.
I wish she asked him about bad tour film footage. If he is saying "the quality isnt good" he is only talking about umatic tape. Next person who meets him please bring up film.
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For the love of all that is good in this godforsaken world.

Do not do this.

For the love of all that is good in this godforsaken world.

Do not do this.

Especially if it's Munich. If it's any other city it MIGHT be okay, but given how the HIStory Tour is the weakest of his solo tours, it would not really be a good look. They need to release something really special that'll get people talking positively about Michael again.
To the people that say
"The estate wont release Bad tour Film/concerts because it would cost too much and not make any $".....
Any History tour show even munich will sell worse than bad25. Count on it.
Unless they package it with something new or different edits/rehearsals I dont see the point. History tour munich is the most viewed MJ concert on youtube.
I wish she asked him about bad tour film footage. If he is saying "the quality isnt good" he is only talking about umatic tape. Next person who meets him please bring up film.

I agree with you.
Especially if it's Munich. If it's any other city it MIGHT be okay, but given how the HIStory Tour is the weakest of his solo tours, it would not really be a good look. They need to release something really special that'll get people talking positively about Michael again.

If it suddenly disappears from YouTube...its definitely truth to this unfortunately. His estate people are....(unfiltered words)
I would love to have any official release from the HIStory tour. I say bring it on.
This would pass in my book as long the concert is an unreleased one, and an EXCEPTIONAL one (Prague, Bremen, etc.). If not, it could at least be Brunei or Basel (top two gigs in my view). Not Munich, please. The least they could do with this is to release an energetic and enjoyable one (not saying Munich is not enjoyable, but it is the one pretty much everyone has watched, and my eyes want to watch something new).
It definitely is Munich, that's the show that was filmed with state-of-the-art equipment. Brad Buxer and Michael Prince have said during Sundberg seminars that they worked on the audio for it.

I agree, it'd be a terrible decision to release this (unless it was way down the line, on a collector's label, after better material had been released).
The question is: if you release it.....why release it in 2021 and not 2020 for the anniversary of HIStory?
John Branca agreed with fans that it didn't show MJ in the best light and would not be getting a release - we have him on tape saying it.

He may have done a 180 since then, but I wouldn't take her word for it. Whoever she is.

I really hope this isn't true
Bizarre move if it is true. I mean this last 12-18 months has been a rough ride for Michael and his legacy, so why on would the estate look to compound the disappointment further by officially releasing a tour Michael didn't appear to be satisfied with himself. I mean he did stop the release of the Seoul show on VHS didn't he? Around 1997/98?

I just can't understand it. If the fans don't want this released then why go ahead? Who is it they're targeting? Because general public or casual fans will see the glaringly obvious, that Michael wasn't at his best and it would undermine his legacy as the greatest live performer in history.

Michael stressed quality over quantity and if the Estate press ahead with this then they clearly don't have his wishes at heart from an artistic point of view
It definitely is Munich, that's the show that was filmed with state-of-the-art equipment. Brad Buxer and Michael Prince have said during Sundberg seminars that they worked on the audio for it.

I agree, it'd be a terrible decision to release this (unless it was way down the line, on a collector's label, after better material had been released).

If Brad and Michael Prince had the opportunity to work on the audio then maybe they will use more live vocals.

Michael Prince has stated that he has recorded Michael's live vocals from different shows on the HIStory Tour. Maybe they will use some of those (of course...hopefully not from the Munich show though).

John Branca agreed with fans that it didn't show MJ in the best light and would not be getting a release - we have him on tape saying it.

He may have done a 180 since then, but I wouldn't take her word for it. Whoever she is.

That's not what he said at the Diamond Celebration in Las Vegas.
He said that they have converted it to HD and that they have noticed that Michael isn't always singing live (however he also says that most of the time he is singing live which is not true). Then he said that the last thing they would put out is something that doesn't represent who Michael truly was.
At the end he assured the public that ''there will be HIStory footage'' and that at some point they will do documentaries for both the Dangerous and HIStory albums and will use the concert footage then.

I don't see why we shouldn't trust her. What would be her reason to lie about this?

I really hope this isn't true
Bizarre move if it is true. I mean this last 12-18 months has been a rough ride for Michael and his legacy, so why on would the estate look to compound the disappointment further by officially releasing a tour Michael didn't appear to be satisfied with himself. I mean he did stop the release of the Seoul show on VHS didn't he? Around 1997/98?
I think the Seoul concert was released on VHS in Korea. It wasn't planned to be released in other countries most likely.
No... Don’t do this. Everyone will criticize him. I love Michael, but his condition was reallybad during the HIStory concerts...
I wouldn't take this as a "confirmation".
It was more like old fart briefly small talks with young MJ fan girl at a party.

And at the end she wrote...
"He was nice enough to me, but I got this sly feeling off of him. I don't like it. 🤔"

So this might be nothing.

Brad Buxer and Michael Prince have said during Sundberg seminars that they worked on the audio for it.

Worked on it when? For the TV release in 1997 or in recent years?