Confessions of a 12 year old!

MJJ Lover xOX

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Neverland. ♥
I was going through my old diaries last night and they made me smile! It was just when I was discovering the magic and wonder of Michael :heart: Reading them makes me feel so sad though, I miss him so much and he should be here :( I felt like sharing some of the stuff I wrote...

....When I get home I'm just going to dance and dance to Michael Jackson because he's the greatest and I love him so much!!!! He is a gorgeous gorgeous man and I love him!!!!!!!....

I never thought I could love anyone as much as I LOVE Michael Jackson!!!!! Half the time I can't even believe he's REAL - he's so magical and caring and perfect!!!!!!!!! But just the way he sings and dances, the way he is!!!! I don't think I could ever tell anyone how much he inspires me. I just love him. I wish I could meet him! He's invincible. How would I ever live without him?? But luckily I don't have to! I just want to thank him...I LOVE MIKE SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to write to Michael and tell him how much I love him!!

I have covered my walls in pictures of Michael Jackson because he is beautiful and I love him.

Livin' crazy, that's the only way!!!! Life ain't so bad at all...when you live it off the wall!!! WOOO

I am in love with Michael Jackson!!!!!!! Seriously, I am! He makes my heart beat faster and he's just amazing!!!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!! MICHAEL, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

I want to dance to Michael Jackson!!! I love him so much, don't think he is gorgeous??? I want to go live at Neverland Valley Ranch with him...he is just so wonderful. He loves everyone. he's so nice and kind. He's amazing. He's the greatest!

And it goes on and on. :)
Awesome! :heart: I posted an old diaries thread in here too, from when I was 11-12 :lol: I gotta say you sounded much more grown up than me, my entries and Michael comments were totally random :lol:
Aww :D

I wish I wrote more about Michael in my diary the time I became fan, there's few mentions and they are pretty much something similiar to yours..
Amazing! I was just going through my old diaries last night and discovered a lot written about how I love Michael, how I got the tickets for my first concerts, etc. Maybe I will also post them here, though I was 14 and 15 at that time :))
That is awesome! I love reading stuff like that...I don't think I ever wrote a diary of Michael, even though I was around 13 when I became a MAJOR fan...I wish I would have though..
aaaw what a concidence! Yesterday I cleaned up my room too and found an, well, old diary! I made sentences from his lyrics!:lol: It's nice to read this stuff.
Aww that's cute. I never wrote about Michael in my old journals because I'm more of a newer fan. :( But, I have been writing about him now, poems and drawing little comics.
i used to try and draw stuff out of Dancing the Dream when I was about 13 or 14...I can't draw very well remembe drawing the picture of a dolphin, i think, jumping out of the water...I can't remember which poem it was part of...
Aww so cute!! Thanks for sharing it with us all :)

I write a diary always, im 14, i keep them all and i was reading back on mine the other week and it amazes me how different i am writing even scince last years diary. Its heart breaking looking back on how i'd speak of how in love with Mike i am, when i compare it to the sadness i seem to feel writing this year about him.
It's like a copy off my own diary... :lol:

I keep a diary too ever since I was 9 but I've only started writing about Michael daily in my diary since last year. Reading them now is really bittersweet...

I remember the excitement of discovering his music and Michael as a person... I'm glad I keep a diary. I can share it with my children one day... :D
Aww, that is really cute! Thank you for sharing. :cry: Happy tears. :)
aww i was about 12-13 in 2001-2002 lol, but i wasnt an MJ fan until 2004, dont think i really ever wrote in my diary about him, wish i did though. Your entries sound really sweet awwww xxxxx

love always

Jackie xxx:)
I found some old emails from 2005 (when I became a fan).. aww brought back memories :)
I so love your entries. As for me I had never kept a diary. I just never saw a purpose in it. But you sounded like how I was when I was in my teens and early 20s. I am 30 years old now. And I am more obsessed with Michael now than I was during the HIStory Era. I have been a fan of Michael's since the early 80s. Even though I had never kept a diary. I do have my high school year books where a few kids had wrote about Michael to me in them. Especially my senior year book where the one girl had wrote good luck in marrying Michael Jackson. And I have a huge thick folder full of other fans stories and other MJ related stuff. That I had printed out about 10 years or so ago. A lot of the fans stories came from the MJIFC site. I used to be a member of that site then. And it is so nice of reading them again even though reading those stories just makes me cry now. I just love your one entry of how you had covered your walls with pictures of Michael. That's exactly what I did back in 2004. And my walls and doors are still pretty much cover with pictures of Michael. And so is my bed believe it or not. Michael is definitely everywhere in my room. And I so love it that way.