Concerts recorded for future viewing..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember the people of stated that the concerts will be recorded for future viewing and said that more information will be released in the coming months. Well, with only about six weeks until showtime we still haven't heard any news regarding this matter. Does anyone have any inside info? Will any of the concerts we broadcast on TV? Will there be a DVD released? Anyone have any info at all?
The only information I have heard is from the O2 (after AEG hinted there MAY be DVD a release - I don't think they have ever said there WILL be). The O2 rep stated that there are no plans to record the shows for a DVD release, but they could be wrong.
Normally, the artists will do the shows first, and then information on a possible DVD Release/TV Special gets announced officially :)
^^ Exactly as Mo said. Once the shows are in the bag, Mike can negotiate to sell the shows to TV, DVD or PPV. MJ has more of a chance of getting more for the rights to show the concerts once their recorded than before in case Michael cancels (which isnt going to happen but thats business)
History tour Munich was broadcasted at Russian TV - 60min (edited version)
If i right understood thread
MJ and AEG could make a ton of $$$ if they decide to televise a show or two in the US like they decided to do w/ the MSG Concert. And on top of that MJ and co. could make boat loads of $$$$$ with even one Concert picked and recorded for DVD purposes. Even without any extra features or anything, fans would still go wild for a DVD release of a concert.
From what I've heard that is going to be a DVD of the concert and the dancer auditions video that we all saw is going to be part of it. The dancers themselves have even said that they have been filmed for a documentary so it looks like some kind DVD release/tv special is going to happen.
I think paperview would be a great idea, and a dvd would be nice in the future.