Concerts on July 14th and 16th - who else is going?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Gelsenkirchen, Germany

i am going to the concerts on july 14th and 16th. it would be cool to meet fans before the concert and maybe after it! so if you are attending one of the concerts just write here, maybe we can meet there, would be cool :)

i will be in london from 14th till 17th. so anybody who will be there in london during that time and would like to meet, just write ;)

I'm going on July 14 too.
I'm in B2.. The 16th plan to go still need
to buy a ticket from via :)
Me and my sis are going on july 14 and 16.
We are in the upper tiers,i would stilllike 2 good lower tier (101,102,111,112) seats or A block seats for the 16th...
I am fine with my upper tier seats as well but lower tier or A blovk will be even better.
Not gonna spend my entire income on it
ill be in block 419 on 16th :) since i will be in london alone that day i would like to meet with some people that day before the concert :) so if you or anybody else is interested, just let me know :)
my hotel is in eltham, a bit outside. but im sure we can meet somewhere in london :) will still give you my cell phone number if you like, then its easier to communicate while we are in london lol
i can use english sim cards in my phone, yes. maybe i can get a prepaid card. i will see. but i dont even care to use my german sim ;) it will be good for some sms as well ;) and it wont be too expensive. i used my german sim when i was in the USA two years ago and had some long phone calls even. and it was not that bad ;) so i think instead of getting a prepaid sim for 30 pound, i can better take my german sim to call for 30 pound lol.
Fair enough! :) well i'd be happy to keep in touch with you while you're over here, i'll be with a friend of mine (english like me) so might not be able to meet up but if we can that'd be great!
yeah it really would be cool, but you can just take your friend with you ;) since you are going on the 16th we should be able to meet before the concert hehe
Cool! :) My friend's not an MJ fan but she loves his music and was very enthusiastic about the concert. I just hope she'll be willing to talk with fans etc and won't be antisocial! She's generally ok though, should be fine :)
I'll be attending the 16th july show with 3 friends, don't know about our places since my friend bought the tickets in presale... :D

The hotel we booked is called Custom House something if i remember correctly... i really have trouble waiting two more months, but i guess i'm not alone :cheeky:
I'm going on the 16th! :D In block B3, I'm going with my boyfriend though so not sure if I'll be able to meet up with any fans that night. :(
i dont think so, i was in london a couple of times already. what we will do is going to the thriller live musical and probably the london dungeon. enough hehe. and i am only there for michael anyways ;) haha. so not so much time for sightseeing ;)