Conan O'Briens competitors skewer Jay Leno


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states

perhaps someone is listening out there, continuing the get-chu-backs that seem to come from beyond the universe, against those who hate and hated on Michael Jackson? aside from the fact that his show is failing, and nbc seems to be scrambling to keep us from seeing what is obvious, check out Conan OBrien's unlikely new friends. so, for those MJ fans, who might like a laugh at the expense of Jay Leno..
I'm a Letterman person. I have watched him since he started his show on NBC back in 1982.

I used to watch Conan before he left to do the Tonight Show. I wanted to watch him and tried but my loyalties remained with Letterman.

I think both Leno and Conan are being treated very badly by NBC but Conan is getting the worst treatment. I mean, it's only been 7 months since he began on the Tonight Show. They need to give him more of a chance (though I don't want him to beat Letterman in the ratings). And then they want to give Leno a half hour show and move Conan to Midnight? I don't get it.

I knew when they announced this plan years ago it would fail. Leno at 10pm just doesn't work. I need my Anderson Cooper at 10pm. :)
i love conan! the string dance and "in the year 2000" skit lol classic.

leno mehhh hes kinda boring he needs to retire ... and hes not funny

if nbc let conan go im so switching over to letterman ..
Everyone else is finally realizing what Michael's fans have known for years--Jay Leno cares only about Jay Leno.

Yes, he testified for the defense in the trial, but only because he was subpoenaed and therefore required by law to do so. As such, he wasn't able to talk about Michael on his show during the trial, but he was so determined to continue slandering Michael that he had guest comedians come in and tell disgusting jokes.
Everyone else is finally realizing what Michael's fans have known for years--Jay Leno cares only about Jay Leno.

Yes, he testified for the defense in the trial, but only because he was subpoenaed and therefore required by law to do so. As such, he wasn't able to talk about Michael on his show during the trial, but he was so determined to continue slandering Michael that he had guest comedians come in and tell disgusting jokes.

very true.
nbc decided to keep leno and get rid of Obrien. i hope nbc goes the way of most businesses in the usa. and goes out of business. they're well on their way, and it's clear to see why. very bad decision makers. i hope Obrien gets a gig on a rival and blows leno's and nbc's ass out the water. leno got his original time slot back, and he is on for one hour, despite how he was failing in the ratings. what kind of stupid asses run nbc? even David Letterman said so, in so many very funny words, as seen in the vids in the first post. they decide to keep the bad guy. i wouldn't put it past them to have spied on this site.
Even though Conan hpoked fun at Michael he never made it personal unlike Leno. Also at least Conan is funny and can get laughs that genuine and not forced. And he seems to make fun of himself more so than anyone else. Leno is just...yeah he is just an egomaniac who only gives a crap about himself and he takes pleasure in slandering others. Guy needs to just go back in the hole he came out of.

And I just want it to be known, in case there was any doubt...

And didn't Leno tried make the court not give him a gag order so he can tell Mike jokes on the show doing the trial. Or am I making up things again.
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nbc decided to keep leno and get rid of Obrien. i hope nbc goes the way of most businesses in the usa. and goes out of business. they're well on their way, and it's clear to see why. very bad decision makers. i hope Obrien gets a gig on a rival and blows leno's and nbc's ass out the water. leno got his original time slot back, and he is on for one hour, despite how he was failing in the ratings. what kind of stupid asses run nbc? even David Letterman said so, in so many very funny words, as seen in the vids in the first post. they decide to keep the bad guy. i wouldn't put it past them to have spied on this site.

Is this true? Is it official? If so, that is really awful. How could NBC and Leno do this to Conan? He doesn't deserve this. Leno agreed to leave The Tonight Show. I'm sure he thought there was no way he could fail but hello, it happens (and I knew it would). He should deal with it and let Conan continue on.
nbc decided to keep leno and get rid of Obrien. i hope nbc goes the way of most businesses in the usa. and goes out of business. they're well on their way, and it's clear to see why. very bad decision makers. i hope Obrien gets a gig on a rival and blows leno's and nbc's ass out the water. leno got his original time slot back, and he is on for one hour, despite how he was failing in the ratings. what kind of stupid asses run nbc? even David Letterman said so, in so many very funny words, as seen in the vids in the first post. they decide to keep the bad guy. i wouldn't put it past them to have spied on this site.

Thanks for posting. I have to admit that I am enjoying seeing Leno be the brunt of late night jokes. He was relentless in attacking Michael during the trial. What goes around comes around.
Is this true? Is it official? If so, that is really awful. How could NBC and Leno do this to Conan? He doesn't deserve this. Leno agreed to leave The Tonight Show. I'm sure he thought there was no way he could fail but hello, it happens (and I knew it would). He should deal with it and let Conan continue on.'s official. i saw it on nbc's own msn and tmz. and Leno is the type of guy who would do what he just did to Obrien. he certainly has proven that. and Conan is giving ME a run for the money in my serious pot shots at NBC.

here's more:
Thanks for posting. I have to admit that I am enjoying seeing Leno be the brunt of late night jokes. He was relentless in attacking Michael during the trial. What goes around comes around.'s really hard not to look at it as what goes around..because nbc is really struggling to get people to watch. they're responsible for giving us leno and his anti Michael crap. what if nbc is spying on this site.
... holy ****. This is MURDER. It starts off civil, but then Kimmel slaughters Jay right in his face.

Jay's lack of one single comeback illustrates why he is not funny. Professional comedian my ass. What, no comment on how Jay used to bury Kimmel in the ratings, no threats about taking The Jimmy Kimmel Show over next.... not even an easy fat joke? Tsk.

The best part about it is that Jimmy Kimmel probably means every word he's saying. What an uncomfortably awesome segment.'s official. i saw it on nbc's own msn and tmz. and Leno is the type of guy who would do what he just did to Obrien. he certainly has proven that. and Conan is giving ME a run for the money in my serious pot shots at NBC.

here's more:

How sad. Leno should do the classy thing and allow Conan to have the Tonight Show. Leno had his 16 years (or whatever it was) hosting the Tonight Show. He had his chance and blew it. Now he should allow Conan the chance.

Someone else is getting some satisfaction with all this Leno bashing - David Letterman who was also wronged by NBC back in the day...

I feel bad for Conan. He uprooted his family and moved from NY to LA and for what? I guess he'll end up with millions in a settlement and probably get a show on some other network eventually.

Although, I was kind of angry at Conan when I learned he was abandoning NYC for the Tonight Show in LA - just like my mom was back when Johnny Carson left NYC to move the Tonight Show to LA...heh!
OM Goodness. Jimmy is murdering Jay. Bad! Jay can't say anything because he knows he is in the wrong.
... holy ****. This is MURDER. It starts off civil, but then Kimmel slaughters Jay right in his face.

Jay's lack of one single comeback illustrates why he is not funny. Professional comedian my ass. What, no comment on how Jay used to bury Kimmel in the ratings, no threats about taking The Jimmy Kimmel Show over next.... not even an easy fat joke? Tsk.

The best part about it is that Jimmy Kimmel probably means every word he's saying. What an uncomfortably awesome segment.

Calm down. Every joke Kimmel made at Leno's expense was set up by Leno. The fact that Leno even had Kimmel on during this time shows he was asking for it. Literally asking for it. Perhaps Kimmel went a little further than Leno expected, because Leno does look a little perturbed in parts. But if Leno wanted to avoid this kind of roasting from other late night talk show hosts then he wouldn't interview Jimmy Kimmel on his show and he wouldn't be making jokes about it himself, inviting other hosts to do the same.
Amerikans concern themselves with the dumbest shit.
I tried watching an episode of Jay Leno once and I couldn't even make it past the first 15 minutes without him making horrible jokes about Michael.

I watched Conan on Late Night for 3 years, and I think the Tonight show is more interesting now that he's brought some of his material from Late Night to the Tonight Show. At least Conan's a pretty funny and easygoing guy by nature, whereas Leno doesn't strike me as funny at all. It would be a really big slap in the face for NBC if Conan were to just quit altogether and get a better deal on another network, while the ratings for Tonight continue to plummet even without him.