Commentary: How Iran's 'Twitter Revolution' died with Michael Jackson

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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This distractive function of Twitter derailed the Green Movement at 2:40 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Thursday, June 25.

When the website TMZ broke the news of Michael Jackson's death, it also broke the World Wide Web. Between 2:40 and 3:15, Google users no longer could run searches because of the volume of queries for "Michael Jackson."

TMZ, as well as other popular gossip pages such as Perez Hilton's blog, crashed soon after. Even the news giants suffered from the increase in Internet traffic. Average download times at media sites such as AOL, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and Yahoo more than doubled, according to a BBC report. Twitter also crashed temporarily.

Although the Internet's failure was temporary, the damage done to the Iranian democratic movement was lasting.

As Michael Jackson Tweets climbed to 100,000 per hour, Iranian tweets were relegated to background noise. By 7 p.m. on June 25, Green Movement Tweets had disappeared from Twitter's trending topics; effectively erasing the political turmoil from Web users' consciousness.

In essence, Iran's Twitter Revolution died with the King of Pop.
let it die.... AND I JUST HATE IT when they say :heart:Michael did it. WHAT THE HELL?

did He choose that and did it intentionally to distract all attentions from the irans green movment to himself.
WTF! this is insane. HOW can they blame :heart:Michael for that?

and some say iran goverment killed :heart:Michael to distract all attention. HOW IGNORANT, HOW STUPID.

F the green movement for making these stupid news up and blaming our beloved :heart:Michael.

it makes my blood boil. :angry:
Of course it's all Michael's fault. How dare he just die?
Good grief, people are really idiots!
No other person is more important than Michael and the world better understand it.

June 25th 2010 - TV better be all MJ.
ohhhhhhh god what is wrong with this people .there is a tread that because of Michael soul music died ,now this .
let me see 1) Michael is responsible for oil leak
20michael is also responsible for al gore divorce
3)what the heck i say Michael is also responsible for global warming (because of his hotness)
4)he is also responsible for war ,here i said it all:dropdead:
oh yeah, everything is Michael's fault.

3)what the heck i say Michael is also responsible for global warming (because of his hotness)

:rofl: :punk:
I remember last summer, people were not blaming Michael for been dead but the medias, nobody understood why it was still on the top of the news one month after, many were thinking that it was really too much - In France we were very worry about the student arrested Clotilde Weiss and we were waiting for her trial.
Michael made such a huge impact on our society in so many different ways, he was just at a whole different level of fame. Our soceity has been shaped by him and when he died it caused the world to simply stop. We had lost someone who we all grew up with, who was fixed in our culture. We grew up with him and everyone lost part of their childhood. The world lost the biggest cultural icon in decades but to me personally, I lost my hero.
Look through history, no revolution dies unless enough people lay down and give up. They're successful despite any distraction and they don't give up. The fact that they have to blame someone else is a reflection of their lack of responsibility for their own country ending up with a dictator again. If they were smart they could have remembered to use Michael's music and the messages in his songs to bring attention to it. It would not be for profit but a good cause. I'll go one better, why not blame the media who spent most of the coverage on Michael's death rehashing old tabloid stories and "what if" theories that mostly never happened. If journalists stuck to pure facts we wouldn't still be having to fight so hard to enlighten ignorant fools who still take what media spoon feeds them and it would have left more time to give reporting on many issues including Iran. Like T-Mez said "Why work when you can sue Michael Jackson" I'll put my own spin on it "Why take responsibility when you can blame Michael Jackson?"
Michael made such a huge impact on our society in so many different ways, he was just at a whole different level of fame. Our soceity has been shaped by him and when he died it caused the world to simply stop. We had lost someone who we all grew up with, who was fixed in our culture. We grew up with him and everyone lost part of their childhood. The world lost the biggest cultural icon in decades but to me personally, I lost my hero.

Look through history, no revolution dies unless enough people lay down and give up. They're successful despite any distraction and they don't give up. The fact that they have to blame someone else is a reflection of their lack of responsibility for their own country ending up with a dictator again. If they were smart they could have remembered to use Michael's music and the messages in his songs to bring attention to it. It would not be for profit but a good cause. I'll go one better, why not blame the media who spent most of the coverage on Michael's death rehashing old tabloid stories and "what if" theories that mostly never happened. If journalists stuck to pure facts we wouldn't still be having to fight so hard to enlighten ignorant fools who still take what media spoon feeds them and it would have left more time to give reporting on many issues including Iran. Like T-Mez said "Why work when you can sue Michael Jackson" I'll put my own spin on it "Why take responsibility when you can blame Michael Jackson?"

I co-sign both of the above.
"disappeared from Twitter's trending topics; effectively erasing the political turmoil from Web users' consciousness."

so what? what did web users around the world have to do with that revolution
other than reading about it?
There were still tweets comming from Iran Movement but some people who were in it were in it because it was the in thing to do. I think it still continues but doesn't garner enough attention since then. So this article is a damn lie, since I think they were still doing the thing after June 25th.
what is more important?

forget that green movement. it ain;t comparable to the disaster that has happened to us.

err... thats a bit off key though.

as far as i remember in the process of stopping this revolution
the state of iran killed several of its own people, many were arrested
and probably now suffer in jail and too many don't feel like
they live a save life in iran now.

that IS worse than one human dead.
maybe not for you personal, but in general yes.
^^ She's from Iran from looking at past posts about her on the board. Though I disagree about the Green Movement blaming this on michael I just think that it's prob an western columnist that is talking his opinion.
ohhhhhhh god what is wrong with this people .there is a tread that because of Michael soul music died ,now this .
let me see 1) Michael is responsible for oil leak
20michael is also responsible for al gore divorce
3)what the heck i say Michael is also responsible for global warming (because of his hotness)
4)he is also responsible for war ,here i said it all:dropdead:

All this says a whole lot about how powerful and important Michael Jackson really is!!!! Everybody thought he was so irrelevant the years before his passing but now he has caused major things to happen!!! Who can be so powerful as to cause all of these things to happen??? Only Michael Jackson! that's who. That is how incredibly powerful and important Michael Jackson is!
If I read the posting again and really try to understand you, ForeverbeinPeace...let me try.

You're saying, if the Green Movement actually really mattered to people, if people were really ready to pull through with this, if things were "ripe" enough- than no matter what, this revolution would have come to fruition.

It seems though- the more time passes on, the more it seems to take much for a real revolution to REALLY happen.

But I wouldn't give up hope quite yet, if there are enough people pi**ed off enough to a point that they don't care anymore about consequences for themselves and more for society as a whole- THEN it indeed will happen.

Since you have been a member of that movement yourself, I simply find it fascinating that you say that this movement wasn't quite there yet. I'm sorry you're getting grief over your honest assessment.
Of course ANY revolution that is STRONG enough in itself (because it is backed by it's people) will succeed.
A revolution without that kind of backing will not be a revolution. And a true revolution will not be stopped by lack of media coverage...

But the time will come and I wish you and your people the strength to carry it to fruition so we all can see it get there.

The "Prague Spring" for example is such an event- an uprising in the former Eastern Block- yet it took decades more for the Wall to come down.

Sooner or later, I have faith and am glad that despite all things questionable you and others are able and willing to communicate in and out how you see things. That is of immense value.
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Michael made such a huge impact on our society in so many different ways, he was just at a whole different level of fame. Our soceity has been shaped by him and when he died it caused the world to simply stop. We had lost someone who we all grew up with, who was fixed in our culture. We grew up with him and everyone lost part of their childhood. The world lost the biggest cultural icon in decades but to me personally, I lost my hero.
Absolutely no need to re-open this, some of what's been said in here is absurd! Closed.
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