Colors of the website - USA related?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
USA colors are Red White and Blue....

The colors of the website are Red, White and Blue

Do you guys think there is a connection? Or is it just good colors for advertising?

Just something that crossed my mind tonight. :)
Red just pops when you look at it :yes: Attention getter.

If it was USA related I think he would have started here lol. I do believe This Is It will come to the USA though. Holding onto faith = I so wanna see him :lol:
Basicly 'half' of europe has red, white and blue as their national colorc (england, holland, france, luxembourg, croatia, russia, chech republic, etc) LOL
lol...there are lots of other flags with those three colors ;) (most common colors perhaps as well)
'This Is It' almost sounds like 'Who Is It'.....I see a connection there :D
The union jack came into my mind first.
Same. When I first saw the website I thought the colours were supposed to represent the Union Jack because he's doing all his concerts in London. But I can see how other's would think of the USA first. The colours red, white and blue are probably more so indentified with the US than any other country even though many other countries have those same colours on their flags. Those colours are even mentioned in pro-America songs like "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" by Toby Keith.