co-founder of KC and the Sunshine Band arrested for multiple child molestation charges


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain

Richard R. Finch, co-founder of KC and the Sunshine Band, was arrested Tuesday after a boy told police he had engaged in sexual contact with the 56-year-old at his Ohio home. Police say Finch admitted to having sex with multiple underage boys, though his producer's website denies the claims, according to CBS.

Richard R. Finch (
Apparently Finch admitted to having sexual relations with boys ranging from ages 13-17, according to He was charged with gross sexual imposition, a fourth-degree felony and is being held on $250,000 bond. Additionally charges could be brought as well. "We will let due process happen through the legal system," the statement on the web site read. "We are sure Mr. Finch will be vindicated from these unfounded allegations."

Finch was a bassist for KC and the Sunshine Band, which produced '70s hits like "Get Down Tonight" and "(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty." The band dissolved long ago, and he apparently said in an interview he moved to Newark to help mentor young musicians. The accuser in the case allegedly met him through musical connections.
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a damn shame and wrong people are being arrested for this and they never touch a child in their life in any bad matter and they have people like this co-founder who just sicken
and i'll bet you radio will still play their music cus 'it's a band'. only 250 thou for a band co founder, whose band gets regular airplay every weekend as part of 70's weekend? if their music gets played, i'll consider the radio programmers to be child molesters, too.
^^ I friken agree with you on that. KC and the sunshine band gets airplay from R&B and Pop stations usally as a part of 70's weekend. They prob won't boycott it for that reason.

And since he admited it, I'm not really skeptical anymore.
Horrible.. but it doesn't change the fact the group made some amazing songs. Why should the rest of the band suffer?

well, if they do suffer, perhaps they'll take it out on him.

this is child molestation we're talking about. by association, kids listening will think it's ok. that's how media works, and we all know that.

quite frankly, the songs are alright, but not that amazing.
Harry Casey was the singer and songwriter who has nothing to do with what is going on now. No way should they stop playing the songs.
you consider a singer to be a focal point here? every part of that band is of the same level. this bassist is half the reason why this band existed in the first place. it doesn't matter that the singer had nothing to do with it. the association is way too strong. if you play their music, you play the music of the co founder. there is no escaping that. i knew how convenient it would be to argue the opposing viewpoint. i don't give a crap. are u going to tell me, that with all the blood sweat and tears and closeness it takes to be a band and become that successful, that no other members of that band knew one single thing about this co founder?

to whom much is given, much is required. the bigger the reward, the bigger the risk. the higher the stakes, the more the scrutiny. you have a greater responsibility in a situation like this. do you know that if you audition for an entertainment program, they do a background check on you? that's because the whole show's name is on the line.

you don't hook up with a bandmate and decide, whatever he does is none of your business. the stakes are wayy to high.

if i make u part of my band, ur rep is MY rep. i'm supposed to know you.

now..let's see how many people on here, see this thread, and are thinking of starting a band, who will NOT check out their bandmates, closely, from now on. major reporting of this, even in the entertainment section of msn? any figure getting regular airplay on radio like this, should be reported on msn. but...why am i not surprised?
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Finch only exaggerated upon himself as a co-Founder and his contributions to the band. The band wants nothing to do with him anymore.

Harry Casey has spoken and said "our hearts go out to the victims and their families."
Finch only exaggerated upon himself as a co-Founder and his contributions to the band. The band wants nothing to do with him anymore.

Harry Casey has spoken and said "our hearts go out to the victims and their families."

Thanks for the info, and I now don't think that the band needs too suffer because of one person did. :(

Also I take back what I said about the band suffering.
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you know what? i stand by what i said. this isn't like somebody in a band who smokes cigarettes, and the other members don't.

how many more children? how long? how many hellishly ruined, destroyed young lives, do we have here, now? how could a bandmate not know of such a monstrous bomb? thirty plus years later, this behaviour is being discovered about this guy?

someone went through hell, and was hounded to death for being innocent, from around the entire world, and especially in america (apart from his fans.)

i, at this point, am not concerned with what someone else may think of my opinion, and that is worth repeating. the way i feel, right now, is beyond words. this goes for the way this is being reported, the media, and radio, the government(only 250 thou for bail) for Finch, and the band.

when i close my eyes, i see red, and i see this:

CHILD MOLESTATION! MULTIPLE CHILD MO. LES. TA. TION! and if i had control over the font size during editing, i would have made the bold in the largest size.

and the pain i feel, is indescribable.
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Oh dear.
How much you wanna bet this guy won't have to put up with half the GARBAGE Michael had to, and Michael is INNOCENT.

This sickens me.
^^ you are absolutly right, took the words from my mouth.
Wwhat kind of world do we live in where are the innocent people are condemned and the real sicko's don't get a second glance...
Seriously these people are mentally sick how can one hurt a children, what kind of a sick mind is required to perform all these acts on children. May he rot in hell hopefully their music will be banned althouh I doubt it, mainstream media is hardly paying attention to any of it. Jesus this world is beyond effed up.
MJ was innocent yet every newspaper in the world seemed to have written him of as a pedophile, and this sick man whos a real pedophile doesn't get anyone saying anything wrong about him. I guess innocent until roven guilty only applys to the real sickos, this really :censored: me off !!!!
makes me :puke:
Oh my God, how disgusting, and he admitted to had multiple sexual realtion to many boys :puke: , yet noone does the scandal they did with someone like Michael, who was actually INNOCENT, depressing... agh... im out of here
MJ was innocent yet every newspaper in the world seemed to have written him of as a pedophile, and this sick man whos a real pedophile doesn't get anyone saying anything wrong about him. I guess innocent until roven guilty only applys to the real sickos, this really :censored: me off !!!!
makes me :puke:
you are SO rigtht!!!!!!!!!

im feel sick. SICK.
Oh dear.

I haven't heard of this guy or his band but I guess this won't make big headlines everywhere around the world and it will be forgotten about soon because he is not a massive star. For the media I guess what he did is less important than the accusations against MJ because it won't make them as much money as anything they can attatch Michael's name to. Its all about what sells, what makes them money. Thats what they care about.
I can't stand double standards in the media. Look at those playboy model teachers that sex their male students, they usually glorify the story sometimes by putting a hot teacher angle. The media always makes her look like some sort of romance novel and very few media people call them pedos. And when an unattractive woman does the same thing they tell the truth about her or usually drop that story. The media does have a double standard when it comes to stuff like this.

Sorry for being off topic,I am still mad about what I saw, a youtube ad about sexual predators while I was looking at a MJ vid. I better hope that ad is a coincidence or else!
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Please be realistic, KC and the Sunshine Band last had a top 100 hit back in 1983, of course this is not going to create as much attention in the media's as when MJ was accused of molestation... Michael was and is the biggest male star ever, and creating a scandal about him was bound to sell tons of papers... who would by a paper because of something written about this guy??
Please be realistic, KC and the Sunshine Band last had a top 100 hit back in 1983, of course this is not going to create as much attention in the media's as when MJ was accused of molestation... Michael was and is the biggest male star ever, and creating a scandal about him was bound to sell tons of papers... who would by a paper because of something written about this guy??

so you're revealing that nobody in the media cares about children. even if they discovered that Beethoven was a child molester, and his last hit was in the 1800's, the fact that the subject is child molestation, should make it banner headlines, and of everybody's interest. unless, there is not a caring bone in their bodies, about children.

having said that..

K.C. and the sunshine band, are way bigger than you're giving credit. sometimes, you don't have to have a recent radio hit, to confirm your bigness. when was the last time the Rolling Stones had a hit? BIG is BIG, no matter what the configuration. and in this case, the configuration of big is the bigness of 70's weekends, on radio, and how this kept up the major starpower of K.C. and the sunshine band.

maybe i'm just talking about the u.s.a. here..but here, this band is still really really BIG, and still performing in clubs and festivals, just like the Rollingstones and Paul McCartney, who haven't had a major hit in years.

plus, the media has been trying to portray Michael as not that big, anymore...a has been. and a lot of fans on here believe that Sony needed to do that latest deal, because they believed what the media said about MJ needing to reach new generations, because he was not 'relevant', anymore. so, even though what the media said, was not true, you can't have it both ways, here. the bigness of the star, has nothing to do with why MJ was treated differently, than this band is being treated, now.
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Michael was innocent, yet the media still try to pen these disgusting things unto him til this day. This guy admitted and confessed, I wouldn't be surprised that this is all we hear about it from the media. They crucified Michael for this, Roman Polanski barely got mentioned after he fled...Wow.
Your right, Michael said it best himself I think:
"The bigger the star, the bigger the target"
:cry: this man is a monster !!