

Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
President Bill Clinton

Today, I arrived in Tanzania, on my 11th trip to Africa since my first in 1998, then the longest, most extensive trip to Africa taken by any American President.

In addition to my visit to Tanzania, I’ll travel to Malawi and South Africa to see the work my Foundation is doing and the people our work is benefiting. I want to know how they are doing, how well we’re doing our jobs, and how we can better help to give the people of Africa the tools to live their dreams.

~~President Clinton~~~

Get updates about my trip and my Foundation’s work in Africa


As Always

Our goal of raising $150,000 for our lifesaving projects in Africa and throughout the world is within reach. But in today’s world, the need for our work is urgent and growing.

Before President Clinton boarded his flight home, he committed to extending his offer to match your gift, dollar-for-dollar, for one more day.

Make your gift go twice as far by donating now.

As Always

President Bill Clinton

With the six-month anniversary of the January earthquake in Haiti approaching, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) are continuing their long-term work on the ground. For example, CGI members responded to President Clinton's 2008 call to action with more than $100 million in Haiti-related commitments, and since the devastating January earthquake they have expanded their efforts.

Last year, CGI launched a Haiti Action Network - a group of members that meets throughout the year to share ideas and generate action. The group has met regularly since last November, and 30 projects have been developed or enhanced as a result.

CGI members in Haiti

As Always


Transforming Ideas Into Action: Clinton Global Initiative

The Clinton Global Initiative is a project of the Clinton Foundation that brings together a community of global leaders, university students, and private citizens to identify and implement innovative solutions to the world's most pressing challenges, including poverty alleviation, climate change, global health, and education.

Combating Climate Change: Clinton Climate Initiative

The Clinton Climate Initiative is making a difference in the fight against climate change in practical, measurable and significant ways, by working with 40 of the world's largest cities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. CCI is assisting partner cities to make energy-savings improvements to buildings, transit systems, lighting and waste management.

Treating HIV/AIDS & Malaria: Clinton Health Access Initiative

The Clinton Health Access Initiative is helping to turn the tide on the HIV/AIDS pandemic by working with governments and other partners to increase the availability of high-quality AIDS care and treatment for people in need, lower the cost of essential tests and treatments, and strengthen health systems in the developing world.

Fighting Childhood Obesity: Alliance For a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, is dedicated to ending the increase in childhood obesity and helping all kids and their families lead healthy, active lives.

Promoting Economic Opportunity: Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative

The Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative is helping families and individuals keep more of the money they make by supporting state and city efforts to promote access to basic financial services. CEO also matches inner-city entrepreneurs with successful business leaders to help them grow their businesses and flourish in an urban economy.

Creating Sustainable Development in Africa: Clinton Hunter Development Initiative

The Clinton Hunter Development Initiative is working in Rwanda and Malawi to launch projects that generate income, increase agricultural productivity, and enable sustainable growth to alleviate poverty.

Enabling Sustainable Development: Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative

An innovative partnership between the Clinton Foundation, the private sector, governments, other NGOs and local communities, the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative is working with the natural resource industry to improve health and education programs and alleviate poverty, starting in Latin America.

As Always
President Bill Clinton: To those of you who recently joined our Facebook page: Thanks for being a part of our work!

Watch President Clinton’s video to learn more about our efforts to take on some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

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Keep Helping To Heal The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~

L.O.V.E. Always
