
Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I'm interested to know what everyone thinks of "climategate". It started recently when thousands of emails were leaked out of the Climate Research Unit in the U.K. that showed a lot of doubt coming out of climate scientist community about the evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming.

I think it was only a matter of time until the lid was blown on all of this. Skeptics, conservatives, libertarians, independent climate scientists and the likes have always been very skeptical about anthropogenic global warming and have known for a long time not only about the lack of evidence but the contradicting evidence. Now everyone knows and I am hopeful the world will start to turn against this massive hoax.

I've become very hopeful very recently with the Australian parliament falling to bits of the emissions trading scheme the government is starting to pass. PM Kevin Rudd's Labor government has been trying to pass an emissions trading scheme and the opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull is onboard. But he's been having a lot of trouble convincing the Liberal party to jump onboard too. Recently five Liberal front-benchers resigned in protest of the emissions trading scheme and Turnbull's support of it. Now his leadership is up for grabs and it's likely that be next week a rational Liberal who doubts anthropogenic global warming will lead the party.

I mean, the evidence does suggest a slight increase in the Earth's surface temperature. But the evidence just isn't there that we are contributing to it in such a big way that we have the power to reverse it. That's ridiculous. And what's more ridiculous is that a complicated tax scheme is the solution. Why aren't we considering geo-egineering solutions? And the need for a solutions comes only if there is a real problem. Which is questionable. What do you guys think?
I think there is a problem. If we contributed to it or it just happened, I don't know. I've heard about all this but I haven't had time to look into it.

But I definitely think there is something going on. It's probably not as bad as they are making it out to be.