clay aiken comes out

Soso Deaf

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
je suis de maroc
article about him coming out and a pic of his new son to be featured in oct. issue of be a ton of weight lifted off those shoulders....

People hits newsstands on New York and LA on Wednesday, and there new cover is a doozy. American Idol alum Clay Aiken and newborn son Parker pose for their first photos AND Aiken officially comes out.
Parker Foster Aiken was born on August 8 in North Carolina to Aiken's good friend Jaymes Foster, 50. The pair met when Aiken was a contestant on American Idol.
He was in "Spamalot" on Broadway earlier this year and is returning now.
Aiken has long remained silent about his sexuality. While he has legions of female fans called Claymates, but has also been referred to for years as "The Gaiken" by Kathy Griffin and has been allegedly solicited gay sex online.
I have 2 words.....


Actually no.... I have 7 words.

tell us something we didn't already know? lol
Boy, that must have been very difficult for him to say. But I'm glad he said it!! All the power to you Clay!!
You all should read the messages at his forums. Shock from all the fans. lol Some angry or sad that they defended him for years against coworkers, family members, etc. They can't believe he lied to them or misled them. Or worse - that he went to a magazine about this before telling it to them. People are strange.
Boy, that must have been very difficult for him to say. But I'm glad he said it!! All the power to you Clay!!

I guess having the little one has really made him step up to himself. Good on him, it'll be hard for a while but I'm sure he'll be much happier in the long run.

You all should read the messages at his forums. Shock from all the fans. lol Some angry or sad that they defended him for years against coworkers, family members, etc. They can't believe he lied to them or misled them. Or worse - that he went to a magazine about this before telling it to them. People are strange.

You're right people are strange :lol: nothing like Change to bring out people's true colours

Sept. 23) - Clay Aiken is gay.
After years of dodging rumors and speculation, in a PEOPLE exclusive the former 'American Idol' runner-up gives his Ellen-inspired admission: 'Yes, I'm Gay.'
"It was the first decision I made as a father," says Aiken, 29, who recently had a child through a surrogate mother. "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that."
Aiken says he knows his newborn son will have a lot to process and interpret once he grows up. ""Whether it be having a child out of wedlock, or whether it be simply being a homosexual, it's going to be a lot," he told PEOPLE. "I have no idea if he'll be gay or straight. It's not something I'll have anything to do with, or that he'll have anything to do with. It's already probably up inside the code there ... No matter what the situation you're in, if you're raised in a loving environment, that's the most important thing."

Aiken also tells PEOPLE about how he actually broke the news to his mother.
"I started crying in the car. It was dark. I was sitting there, thinking to myself. I don't know why I started thinking about it ... I just started bawling. She made me pull over the car and it just came out," he says.
Aiken wasn't the first celebrity to come out on Tuesday. After months of speculation, actress Lindsay Lohan finally divulged that she is dating DJ Samantha Ronson.
Aiken had lashed out at Diane Sawyer during an interview just over two years ago when she asked about rumors of his sexuality.

At some point it becomes really rude," he said to Sawyer. "I don't understand why you want to know. I don't know why it's any of your business."Aiken had also said constant questioning of his sexuality in the tabloids had affected him deeply.
"Even though stuff about me that I read in the magazines isn't true, it still makes me lose sleep," he said. "I hurt, not just for my mother who has to watch it happen and who hurts for me. At least when I was in middle school … I understand why they picked on me."
Aiken had also refused to come out of the closet to PEOPLE magazine in an interview done the same week as his sit-down with Sawyer.
"What do you say? It's like when I was 8. I remember something would get broken in the house, and Mom and Dad would call me in and say, 'Did you do this?' Well, it didn't matter what I said. The only thing they would believe was yes. People are going to believe what they want." Clay Aiken Speaks To PEOPLE on Rumors,26334,1536827,00.html
You all should read the messages at his forums. Shock from all the fans. lol Some angry or sad that they defended him for years against coworkers, family members, etc. They can't believe he lied to them or misled them. Or worse - that he went to a magazine about this before telling it to them. People are strange.

You know something, these fans had no idea? My twin sister LOVES this guy and she was angry that he came out. I kept on asking her, "you never had the slightest clue, L?" She is way less naive than I am and I clearly seen it. Of course, she is not happy. Heck, my sister has gay friends and she is angry about Clay being gay? LOL.

Clay was asked MANY times if he was gay and he never asked such an easy question. Now, that he is out of the closet, he can breathe. Good for him. I always liked the guy.

BTW, if those fans were truly his fans, they shouldn't care. Clay never owe his fans a explanation of his personal life. They knew about the rumors and the fact that he had a child with his best friend who he was clearly not having a relationship with. So, whatever.
damn...well fans were in happens.

and a lot of fans who are totally obsessed w/ their idols often fantasize about them so it'd be kind of a rip off if u find out later not only would u never b w/ him cuz he's a celeb but he's also batting for the other team
Yeah I guess i can understand big fans feeling that way... but still... how do you NOT think... at least a LITTLE, that maybe he was gay? I mean, REALLY! :blink:

EDIT: I liked Invisible, though :happy:
I am glad for him. Now he is true to himself This doesn't make him any less as a person, in fact he is bigger in my eyes for doing this. Strength and courage to ya Clay.

Some of the most sensitive, creative, warm and caring people that I am friends with or related to by marriage are gay. I love all of them. I wouldn't change anything about them either.
Hey, I aint mad at 'im. Good for Clay.
I think he has a very beautiful voice and he's one of few that I would
put in that "special" category of singers and Im not even a fan.
article about him coming out and a pic of his new son to be featured in oct. issue of be a ton of weight lifted off those shoulders....

People hits newsstands on New York and LA on Wednesday, and there new cover is a doozy. American Idol alum Clay Aiken and newborn son Parker pose for their first photos AND Aiken officially comes out.
Parker Foster Aiken was born on August 8 in North Carolina to Aiken's good friend Jaymes Foster, 50. The pair met when Aiken was a contestant on American Idol.
He was in "Spamalot" on Broadway earlier this year and is returning now.
Aiken has long remained silent about his sexuality. While he has legions of female fans called Claymates, but has also been referred to for years as "The Gaiken" by Kathy Griffin and has been allegedly solicited gay sex online.
Congrats, Clay, I'm proud of you.:D:yes::clapping:
this mess has been played in the media all this week...why is what i want to know...some things just shouldnt be aired on TV especially when peoples kids are watching...
this mess has been played in the media all this week...why is what i want to know...some things just shouldnt be aired on TV especially when peoples kids are watching...

What mess are you referring to that peoples children shouldn't be seeing?
Call me slow, but who is this person. I have never heard of him till this thread popped up the other day.
u can't sheild children from everything in life....just b/c something differers from ur beliefs doesn't mean that u have to place ur kids in a's called learning.
You know, I've never understood the hate for Clay. He seems like a lovely guy, and if he's gay, so what? That's his business. If he's happy with that, good for him.
i don't likehis music but when i heard him singing to his son, i was shocked. he really has a good voice its just the songs are blah.