Claps in Earth Song


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You all have probably known about this for years, but I was listening to Earth Song on the Number Ones cd in the car a few days ago, and I heard two hand claps. I read somewhere that Michael would dance, clap, snap his fingers, and stomp while recording, and any noise that made it through the mic was left in the recording. So, I assume that what I can hear is Michael clapping.

The claps that I heard are in the verse where he sings "What about the Holy Land, torn apart by greed."

I also heard a fingersnap, but I don't remember when that was.

Has everyone already noticed these?
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The snap I think you're thinking of is right before the chorus' chord change.

If you really want to hear this type of stuff, listen to the History acapella.
oh yea u can hear him stumping his feet and snapping his fingers in the acapella trust me
I can't remember which song this is for..and I can't go get the CD case out of the car, but I do remember reading the credits for each song in the CD slip thing a few months ago and was really amused that one song actually had 'Fingersnaps - Michael Jackson' in its credits!
A. Sizzle - yes, I listened to it again, that's exactly where I heard that fingersnap.

MJsPYT1 - The hand claps are at 4:09.

Rockin - if you remember which song it was, please let me know!

I'm going to listen to the acapella versions on youtube!