Ciao! Hi! Hey! Hello!


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2009
People in my country almost always in unofficial meetings (with friends, for example) say ''Ciao'', insted of usual ''Hello'' or ''Hi'', although we have nothing to do with Italy and their language. When you would say ''bye'' or ''see ya'', we also use ''ciao''.
What about your country? What do you usually use to say when meet some friend?
We use "ciao" to friends or people we already know (like parents, relatives etc.)
Then, we use "buongiorno" (good morning) or "buonasera" (good evening) to people we don't know or that aren't our friends.
When we have to go, we usually say "arrivederci" (see ya)
^ btw I played game called Assassin's Creed. II part and Brotherhood. And the story is in Rome 1503. They sometimes use italian words like you mentioned and others too. Like ''cazzo'', ''signore'', ''Nulla e reale; tutto e lecito. Requiescat in pace''.
^ btw I played game called Assassin's Creed. II part and Brotherhood. And the story is in Rome 1503. They sometimes use italian words like you mentioned and others too. Like ''cazzo'', ''signore'', ''Nulla e reale; tutto e lecito. Requiescat in pace''.


"c***o" is the vulgar word for penis... We use that word when we're angry!
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Well we say the usual "hi" or "hello" (and "hey" is creeping up more these days) but more commonly we greet each other with "Alright?"
"c***o" is the vulgar word for penis... We use that word when we're angry!

Omg they use that word in the game? lol

Here in australia we usually "how ya goin"? and we say "bye"

But when im with my family we always say ciao or arrivederci as my family is italian
I must explain that for people like me & Spoonie and a lot of other London members "alright?" is actually pronounced "aw'ight" but the T is almost silent but there is a hint of sharpness at the end :p lol
Omg they use that word in the game? lol

Yes. Perhaps you just haven't played the ''right'' games? lol ;)

For example, try to play a game called Mafia 2. The word ''fuck'' is used pretty often.
Yes. Perhaps you just haven't played the ''right'' games? lol ;)

For example, try to play a game called Mafia 2. The word ''fuck'' is used pretty often.

No i havent played those game but i reckon my bro probably has lol
We go, "how's it goin'? This is a big deal. I'm not some schmoe here. Do you understand at all what I'm saying?"

Alternately, I always say, Guten Morgen/Tag/Abend, even if everyone around me speaks Englisch.
No i havent played those game but i reckon my bro probably has lol

Yeah, although there are lots of ''inappropriate'' words, but the game itself is very entertaining and interesting :yes:
I must explain that for people like me & Spoonie and a lot of other London members "alright?" is actually pronounced "aw'ight" but the T is almost silent but there is a hint of sharpness at the end :p lol

Thanks for clearing that up Stephen Professor of London Slang :D