Christina Aguilera underrated?


Proud Member
Mar 6, 2008
The Netherlands
This is something I was just thinking about.
I just watched this performance of her during the Hope for Haiti telethon and I think this is one of the most moving songs I have heard in a while.

In my opion she has an amazing voice and really knows how to reach out to people just by singing. Also look at the past albums she has made. They all stand alone and are creative and different from each other, without losing herself in it. They also seem to tell a story all the way through ( similar to what Janet used to do with the intro's and stuff)

So I don't get it. Why aren't people giving her more credit? I have actually heard people say it is because she is boring. Why because she is married with a child and acts normal?
It's just strange to me. She has been ahead of people several times now. She did the whole circus theme for her "Back to Basics" album long before Britney and Pink did it, but she doesn't get credit for that. Also she said in 2006 her next album would have more of a futuristic feel and now because her new song sounds more electronic people are saying she is a Lady gaga copy. I think it's strange she doesn't get more credit.

Now this is not some crazy fan talking ( Although I do own two of her albums) I just respect her talent and creativity. I'm just wondering if I am the only one that thinks she is underrated. And why would that be? What do you guys think?
Im a big fan of hers and i think shes great :). I've been a fan of hers since her release of "genie in a bottle".

I actually think ppl are giving her more credit now that she has married & had a child and i do think its unfair to her.

PPl used 2 bag her during the "genie days" and "stripped days" and called her a s:censored: and didnt think of her beautiful voice and great dancing. I think ppl are hoping that she do a "a la britney" and have some mental breakdown or somethin , altough personally i reckon she once nearly did. I reckon if it hadnt been for the "stripped" album , she wouldnt be person she is 2day. I think she finally broke free of all her insecurites during the recording of that album and it helped her 2 grow mentally and spritually.
I'm with you on this one, she is underrated in my opinion too. I've no idea why people can't seem to see her talent. She's so much more than the teen who sang about a genie in a bottle... lol.
Her vocals are amazing, I love her voice! And she has some very touching songs, like Hurt, I'm OK, Oh Mother, The Right Man etc. When you listen to those songs you can tell she puts her soul into them, she sings from the heart.

I also enjoy songs like Fighter, Dirrty and Can't hold us down. :)
Definitely better than Spears, Beyonce, Swift and GaGa, but who cares about talent anyway. It's just publicity this age. However, I have to say that GaGa has got some distinctive beats. I don't know if she has any part in coming up with them. All in all, I think Christina definitely has the better voice.
I love Christina! I've seen her live twice! and she was AMAZING! she is totally underrated ... I'm glad shes making a come back .. I'm sick of hearing about lady gaga and that ke$ha girl ... I WANNA HEAR REAL MUSIC!!! . .. not some gimmick that a record company/media hyped up ...

p.s: save me from myself by xtina is probably one of my all time fave song!
Christina is an AMAZINGLY talented lady. However, she is a very boring entertainer on stage. I'd rather watch Britney.
Definitely better than Spears, Beyonce, Swift and GaGa, but who cares about talent anyway. It's just publicity this age. However, I have to say that GaGa has got some distinctive beats. I don't know if she has any part in coming up with them. All in all, I think Christina definitely has the better voice.

Hell Yea, Christina is a far better vocalist then all of them. She is a very talented singer. I think alot of her early pop songs overshadows that and the fact that she is not as commercial as she once was. I exactly applaud her for this because now people can exactly appreciate her for her TALENT and not other crap that has nothing to do with it.
I think the problem with Christina is that she takes herself far too seriously and in doing so has turned a lot of people off. She has overrated herself by her often arrogant attitude and out of control, show off vocal performances. Another problem with Christina the artist, is that she really doesn't have any personality whatsoever and no one really knows what kind of artist she is. The media almost ignores her entirely unlike her less talented counterparts aka Britney, Rihanna, etc. No, those chicks aren't as vocally gifted but they do gain media attention and that's something Christina has never been able to do despite her best efforts. Sure, you can claim you like it that she doesn't have all the tabloids and paps following her but if you're a true star (MJ, Madonna, etc) then your every move makes news. It's like no one cares and that's really sad. Here she is getting ready to come out with a new album after a few years and there is almost no buzz at all. I'm a casual Christina fan, so please don't see this as hating on her, it's just how I see things and I feel it's a pretty fair evaluation.
I think the problem with Christina is that she takes herself far too seriously and in doing so has turned a lot of people off. She has overrated herself by her often arrogant attitude and out of control, show off vocal performances. Another problem with Christina the artist, is that she really doesn't have any personality whatsoever and no one really knows what kind of artist she is. The media almost ignores her entirely unlike her less talented counterparts aka Britney, Rihanna, etc. No, those chicks aren't as vocally gifted but they do gain media attention and that's something Christina has never been able to do despite her best efforts. Sure, you can claim you like it that she doesn't have all the tabloids and paps following her but if you're a true star (MJ, Madonna, etc) then your every move makes news. It's like no one cares and that's really sad. Here she is getting ready to come out with a new album after a few years and there is almost no buzz at all. I'm a casual Christina fan, so please don't see this as hating on her, it's just how I see things and I feel it's a pretty fair evaluation.

That's exactly how I feel.

I do appericate her talent but I agree with everything else you said. I also think she needs to be much more creative.
I think the problem with Christina is that she takes herself far too seriously and in doing so has turned a lot of people off. She has overrated herself by her often arrogant attitude and out of control, show off vocal performances. Another problem with Christina the artist, is that she really doesn't have any personality whatsoever and no one really knows what kind of artist she is. The media almost ignores her entirely unlike her less talented counterparts aka Britney, Rihanna, etc. No, those chicks aren't as vocally gifted but they do gain media attention and that's something Christina has never been able to do despite her best efforts. Sure, you can claim you like it that she doesn't have all the tabloids and paps following her but if you're a true star (MJ, Madonna, etc) then your every move makes news. It's like no one cares and that's really sad. Here she is getting ready to come out with a new album after a few years and there is almost no buzz at all. I'm a casual Christina fan, so please don't see this as hating on her, it's just how I see things and I feel it's a pretty fair evaluation.

I can see your point,however I don't think she takes herself too serious though.
In fact to me she comes of as being a nice person but I guess that depends on what interview you see/read.
Also I hear people buzzing about her new album. It seems there are definitly people out there that are interested in what she is going to do with this album. However you are right, media doesn't seem that interested in her.

But I guess that comes down to what people are more interested in nowadays. People want to see celebritys falling apart and involved in scandals more than ever. Shock still sells.
If you think back to the early 90's sure Michael/Madonna (but they are on a whole other level though) would get a lot of crazy press but people like Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey didn't seem to need that. So it wasn't something that every artist had to be involved in appariantly. You could still be succesfull without it.

I just don't understand why people would put average singers on a higher pedestal then her just because the media can report more dirt on them or they seem more ''interesting".
That's what is strange to me I guess.. Shouldn't it be about the music?
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That's exactly how I feel.

I do appericate her talent but I agree with everything else you said. I also think she needs to be much more creative.

In what way should she be more creative? Every album of hers has a totally different style and look. (not trying to argue just interested in what you mean :) )
Definitely underrated.

Stripped was one of the best pop albums of the last decade. Though, I don't like her style, I can admit that.

I'm kinda disappointed with her comeback though. :(

I hope X-tina don't follow the stupid electronic trend right now... It's kinda like with hip hop at the start of the last decade. It's too much. All the damn autotunes and electronic instruments. Mainstream need variety, not the same recycled producers beat that all mainstream artists seem to share.
I think the problem with Christina is that she takes herself far too seriously and in doing so has turned a lot of people off. She has overrated herself by her often arrogant attitude and out of control, show off vocal performances. Another problem with Christina the artist, is that she really doesn't have any personality whatsoever and no one really knows what kind of artist she is. The media almost ignores her entirely unlike her less talented counterparts aka Britney, Rihanna, etc. No, those chicks aren't as vocally gifted but they do gain media attention and that's something Christina has never been able to do despite her best efforts. Sure, you can claim you like it that she doesn't have all the tabloids and paps following her but if you're a true star (MJ, Madonna, etc) then your every move makes news. It's like no one cares and that's really sad. Here she is getting ready to come out with a new album after a few years and there is almost no buzz at all. I'm a casual Christina fan, so please don't see this as hating on her, it's just how I see things and I feel it's a pretty fair evaluation.

I disagree. How has she overrated herslef when she is hardly in the spotlight? Neither one of us no Aguilera personally to say whether she is arrogant or not but based on her interviews she exactly comes across as nice and Im not even a HUGE fan of hers. The media ignores anything that doesnt SELL or will draw attention. Christina has taken herself away from mainstream which Im very happy with because most mainstream artists are popular because of their IMAGE not because of their talent. Nobody who truly cares about real music cares whether or not paparrazi is following a singer around, what does that have to do with anything? How does that make her less talented? All that is, is unwanted attention and most of that would have nothing to do with her music anyway just personally life which is why music sucks so bad now because people mostly focus on celebrities life and not their craft.

The fact that it seems no one cares is not accurate because her fans care and people who will buy the album will. Just because you dont see the MAINSTREAM MEDIA talking about doesnt mean anything. There are alot of great artists that come out with albums all the time but there not heavily exposed in pop medium because they create REAL MUSIC not an IMAGE to sell. I dont know about you but I love artists and can appreacite artists that make real music and not just do things for attention just to get people to talk about them. Your evaluation is not fair because its bias and thats your opinion. Christina Aguilera is a far better vocalist then all the singers you mentioned.
it really comes down to the songs. when she first started out, she had some really strong ballads..but, to me, her songs started to weaken, as she went along..sort of like Mariah Carey. no matter how good your voice is, if your songs aren't really really strong(and i don't mean personally strong to someone who can relate, but musically strong) you can't go very far.
In what way should she be more creative? Every album of hers has a totally different style and look. (not trying to argue just interested in what you mean :) )

I take that back. Creative is the wrong word, she's very creative. However, I think that her music is inspiration but rarely catchy which is why she's underrated. I think she should keep her inspiration music on her albums but mostly release very catchy songs for singles. Compare her to Britney, Britney's singing is nothing compared to Christina's but damn it Britney can pick out a hit. Her songs stick.

Also, I think a factor is that her and Britney came out at the same time. They were too similar (lookwise, background (the mickey mouse club)). I believe people just preferred Britney over her because she was seen as a total sweetheart. (Who doesn't think Britney, the person, is a sweetheart?)

Another factor is that is seems like Christina takes herself too seriously. In her videos, on her albums and on stage. She seems much older than she really is. She also seems to very often "over sing". It could cause a headache. We all know she is an amazing singer but she shouldn't throw it in our faces every time shes performing. Sometimes, she should just keep it sweet and simple. Most people's ears don't follow complicated singing or music.

On the other hand, I have to say I love her albums "Stipped" and "Back to basics" ever so much. I'm listening to her right now.
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way too underrated she's got a great voice unlike britney, swift etc even better than that of senior generation madonna, janet etc
Anyway has she ever had any thought or said anything about Mike before?

I think i remember her saying that she never met Michael and she felt it would be wrong for her to judge someone who she hasn't met
I disagree. How has she overrated herslef when she is hardly in the spotlight? Neither one of us no Aguilera personally to say whether she is arrogant or not but based on her interviews she exactly comes across as nice and Im not even a HUGE fan of hers. The media ignores anything that doesnt SELL or will draw attention. Christina has taken herself away from mainstream which Im very happy with because most mainstream artists are popular because of their IMAGE not because of their talent. Nobody who truly cares about real music cares whether or not paparrazi is following a singer around, what does that have to do with anything? How does that make her less talented? All that is, is unwanted attention and most of that would have nothing to do with her music anyway just personally life which is why music sucks so bad now because people mostly focus on celebrities life and not their craft.

The fact that it seems no one cares is not accurate because her fans care and people who will buy the album will. Just because you dont see the MAINSTREAM MEDIA talking about doesnt mean anything. There are alot of great artists that come out with albums all the time but there not heavily exposed in pop medium because they create REAL MUSIC not an IMAGE to sell. I dont know about you but I love artists and can appreacite artists that make real music and not just do things for attention just to get people to talk about them. Your evaluation is not fair because its bias and thats your opinion. Christina Aguilera is a far better vocalist then all the singers you mentioned.


I said she is a far better vocalist than the artists I mentioned. That was the whole point of mentioning them. Ha!

Anyway, I guess with Christina she simply doesn't have that "it" factor. She doesn't have the charisma others do to make people gravitate towards her. The buzz isn't there other than among the hardcore fans and that's not enough to sustain interest. The hardcore fans can't make her albums sell well which is apparent given she's never exactly been a big seller.

Also, I never said I wanted the artists I like to be hounded by the press or that they aren't talented if that's not the case. I never said that. I was just stating the obvious- that Christina has never been able to grab attention and yes she has tried. She's put out many interviews about her personal life but the media just doesn't grab on. I don't know why that is, they just don't.

I don't mean to put her down. I really don't. That's not what I'm trying to do. It's just that Christina always comes off so bland and boring. And yes, in interviews and performances she does have an air of arrogance about her- as though she is so much better than everyone else at times. I am not the only one who thinks so if you've read this thread. I've actually read this many times from people at different forums. That's actually one of the biggest criticisms about her besides being bland. Even so, she does often seem really nice. I'm not saying she's a bad person. I never did. Don't take it personally.

And yes, my evaluation is very fair being that I am in no way biased. That's an unfair and completely inaccurate accusation. Don't let your fandom get the best of you. I said I was a casual fan and therefore have nothing against her.

I've followed her career and have all her albums but I've always felt she's missing something. Direction, charisma, you name it... there's just no "it" factor. Mariah had it, Whitney had it, but Christina is just... I dunno how to explain it. She's got a great voice (though she over does it and often murders songs when performing live) but that's simply not enough in her case. I think her performances often put people off because of her vocal gymnastics. It's like she's trying to scream out, "look at me"!

I'm sorry my evaluation offends you. I really am. I wish I could feel differently. It's not like I want to find Christina to be boring. Sorry, it's just how I feel and I'm no more wrong than you are right.
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I love her voice and her songs, and she is underated, all talented people are under rated now, only the talentless people like Britney, Beyonce and Rihanna are given praise nowerdas, where as artists like her, Janet, and even Michael (before his death) are underrated its sad...
She puts all of them girls to sleep she can sannnnnnnnnng her but off when she sang James brown this is a man world i new she was a problem yes my girl is underrated one of the best in the game period
Christina is my all time favorite singer,
I have been a fan since Genie in a Bottle.

People say she's not (that) creative (as other people).
I can tell you, her Back to Basics show, that I saw live... was AMAZING!
It was truly the best night of my life.

Singers or performers, to me, don't have to do everything perfect.
But Christina is a great performer, and a showe bringer.

And people are saying she's a Gaga copy?
Please, she was working on her Bionic album and stuff way before Gaga came along and got famous.

Can't wait for the new album, though I'm not really into the new single :giggle:
Come on, agree to disagree and move on. As far as I can see there's absolutely no need for this to turn into an argument, so cut it out.
While I may not love all of her music, Christina's voice is right up there with the best of the best of her generation.