Christina Aguilera--arrested?

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
Read it here:

Poor Xtina. I really do love her and her music. It's so sad to see her going through such a rough time. I'm a bit of a fan, I guess, but Bionic was such a lackluster album. It seems like she's just gone through a rough career time, with the undersales of that, the lack of success of the Burlesque film, coupled with the National Anthem "screw-up," which was IMO entirely blown out of proportion. She still did a beautiful job, despite the slight error.

I don't think a DUI can be compared to Britney Spears' dark times (article makes the comparison, not I), but nonetheless it was still reckless and she could have died. I can relate, so I'm not going to preach about recklessness, or anything, but I am glad she's ok. Discuss here.
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Christina is my girl, but DANG, why she wanna get caught out there like that.

I mean, it's not like we haven't heard this story a million times before.

Folks hanging out, having a good time. Nothing wrong with that.

But if you and your man want to go out and let your hair down, HIRE A CAR SERVICE TO PICK YOU UP AFTER. It's so simple!

I'm not just talking about Christina, it's a SIMPLE message for all of the "beautiful" people who want to party like a rockstar, i.e. Leave your car at home!
From what I heard she wasn't driving and was arrested for being drunk in public. People are making too much of a big deal, I'm sure a bunch of us have been drunk in public before. Its not clever but a bunch of us have done it.
No one should be, though. I don't like to criticize others, but public drunkenness to the degree it appears she was in is reckless--it wasn't she who was behind the wheel, this is true, but it was her boyfriend and she was in the car, and they could have killed someone. It is a big deal--one shouldn't brush things off like that. Drunk driving kills a lot of people each year, I am sure those who have lost people to drunk drivers would disagree that people are making a "big deal" out of this. I think her boyfriend should get more of the 'bad press' than she, though, since he was the one who was driving drunk, but that's obviously not going to happen.

I usually have the same view as you--people tend to blow things out of proportion sometimes when it comes to celebrities, sure, but this time, they're in the right to arrest them. According to reports, she was more than just a little drunk--she was completely intoxicated, to the extent of "not being able to take care of herself." She could have hurt herself that night--and I reckon the arrest was just to prevent that from occurring, since they're not filing charges.
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Her boyfriend was DUI and she was publicly intoxicated apparently. I hope if she is going down a bad path or whatever this is the shock she needs to pull her out of it. Marriage breakdown etc is bound to affect her, but she has a son so here's hoping she's ok!
^Exactly right. This behaviour appears to be a bad reaction to her marriage falling apart, but Christina needs to remember that she has a son now and things like this can't happen. She should dump the loser she's with at the moment--I mean, seriously, a twenty-five year old? Imagine if that idiot had crashed into someone, and they were both dead--her son would be left motherless, and at such a young age, due to something entirely moronic. She needs to get her act back together--she's worth more than this, she can do better than this.
Christina being drunk on her ass while in a car with her boyfriend who is also drunk on his ass, is VERY serious. Why the hell is she out going out in public, drunk out of her mind? She endangered her own life and risked taking away her childs mother. Not cool. Christina is obviously going through a very dark time in her life. It obviously started with the downfall of her marriage, but the fact that her album bombed certainly didn't help and it's clear she's depressed because she's packed on a lot of weight in a short amount of time. She barely looks like herself anymore. I hope she gets help.


^I have to agree with Travis' post. Xtina seems to be taking her marriage's downfall pretty badly, understandably enough, but she has a son to live for and can't be doing things like this. She hasn't put on as much weight as Britney Spears did during her dark times, but it's obviously depression-based. I hope she seeks help.
Wow im totally shocked by this :eek:

Im praying for christina and i hope she gets the help she needs to get through this dark time in her life
to bad things like this keep happening to all of these talent people...such a shame.
^I have to agree with Travis' post. Xtina seems to be taking her marriage's downfall pretty badly, understandably enough, but she has a son to live for and can't be doing things like this. She hasn't put on as much weight as Britney Spears did during her dark times, but it's obviously depression-based. I hope she seeks help.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I think that Christina is now heavier than Britney ever was.

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The article says that Christina's BMI is in the "underweight" range.
Well christina has always been naturally skinny, so yes i do think she has gained weight
The article says that Christina's BMI is in the "underweight" range.
No way! Girl has put on the lbs since her marriage fell apart. Anyone who has seen her live appearances over the past few months can attest to that.
She needs to pick herself up for her kid's sake. She is a mom a woman who is 30, not a 24 year old anymore. Now I love her but this kind of behavior is a big no go for any woman who's got the responsibility of a child
Yeah Christina is getting so like in her mid-20s all over agian I mean look at this younger/older pop diva... is getting arested what 4? I think for a DUI??? I wish her luck for court?
^Her boyfriend had the DUI. She had the lesser charge (a misdemeanour, I think) of public intoxication, because she wasn't driving, but was apparently heavily intoxicated.
I thought I was the only one who noticed her weight gain, yeah she's piling it on from her normal size, but she got arrested for being drunk in public, although its not a clever thing to do, there's much worse things to deal with, if everyone who was drunk in public was arrested in my town, I think half the town would be gone !! But I agree that she shouldn't be acting like this when she's got a young child.
Yes her album flopped, but that doesn't mean her career is over, I think she needs to take some time out and get herself together, and get back to your 'Stripped' days, she was on fire then !!
^I agree, she needs to get back to her music. However, she wasn't merely publicly drunk--she was in a moving vehicle with her boyfriend, who was also intoxicated. It would be sending out the wrong message if they arrested him and let her go scot free, since she wasn't just drunk. She was, if the reports are to be believed, heavily intoxicated, and for her own safety, obviously, she had to be detained. That's why they didn't file charges against her, but merely detained her until she regained her senses.