Christian Bale F-Bombs Terminator Set; "It Was Just a Moment," Assistant Director Says


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Jul 25, 2011
Christian Bale F-Bombs Terminator Set; "It Was Just a Moment," Assistant Director Says

Today 4:47 PM PST by Natalie Finn
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Sounds like John Connor's biggest weapon is his mouth.
Christian Bale, ticked off at Terminator: Salvation's director of photography for interrupting what we're told was a very intense scene, ripped into the guy for about three and a half minutes, at one point telling him he was going to "kick his f--king ass" and threatening to quit the set unless the man was fired.
"I want you off the set! You prick!" the 35-year-old actor yelled at D.P. Shane Hurlbut. "No, don't just be sorry! Think for one f--king second! What the f--k are you doing? Are you professional or not?"
The rant, captured on tape last year, continued in that vein for several minutes, with the F-word taking center stage.
(WARNING: The following clip contains language that may be found offensive.)
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But although Bale's behavior makes us think twice about taking tea with the Brit, let along working with him, Bruce Franklin, an assistant director and associate producer on the fourth Terminator film, tells E! News that Bale, a "consummate professional," just had a bad day.
"If you are working in a very intense scene and someone takes you out of your groove...It was the most emotional scene in the movie," said Franklin. "And for him to get stopped in the middle of it. He is very intensely involved in his character. He didn't walk around like that all day long. It was just a moment and it passed.
"This was my second movie with Christian, and it has always been a good experience with him," added Franklin, who also worked with the actor on 2000's Shaft. "He is so dedicated to the craft. I think someone is begging to make some noise about this, but I don't think it's fair. The art of acting is not paint by numbers, it's an art form. "
Reps for Bale and Hurlbut did not immediately return calls for comment.
Rumors of Bale's Terminator temper tantrum made the rounds last July when he was questioned by British authorities in connection with a public spat he had with his mom and sister. The Dark Knight star was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing.
—Additional reporting by Whitney English and Claudia Rosenbaum
(Originally published Feb. 2, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. PT)
Better don't knock on the door when I'm in a talk with a client!
Just imagine it's a good moment and the client finally opens up about a problem and the moment is destroyed.

It's maybe only thoughtless but also to be seen pretty respectless to ones work and nobody can bring back that moment.

I do have some understanding for Mr. Bale! *shrugs*
Yikes!! Talk about being pissed lol.
I dont think they will be working together anymore
wow effing batman is seriously effing pissed off with the effing photographer. i wouldnt wanna effing be in the effing's photographer's effing shoes. thats for effing sure. no effing way.
Think about it like an artist creating a masterpiece and someone comes along and falls into it, smashing it to the ground and ruining it, or a writer having their work erased from a computer due to someone accidentally turning off the power or something, or Michael in the studio getting the perfect recording, and someone opens the door, or pulls the wrong switch and that moment is lost forever. Can it be duplicated? Not really. It can be redone, but will it be as good? Maybe, might even be better, but he did have a right to be upset even if he took it over the top.
Think about it like an artist creating a masterpiece and someone comes along and falls into it, smashing it to the ground and ruining it, or a writer having their work erased from a computer due to someone accidentally turning off the power or something, or Michael in the studio getting the perfect recording, and someone opens the door, or pulls the wrong switch and that moment is lost forever. Can it be duplicated? Not really. It can be redone, but will it be as good? Maybe, might even be better, but he did have a right to be upset even if he took it over the top.
Whoopi Goldberg would tend to agree.
the director of photography is an artist too. I agree with him but he went way too far, overinflated ego or its a loss of control, is he acting professional?
Why AICN Doesn't Post Links To Stories Like This Christian Bale thing that's everywhere!

Hey folks, Harry here... I'm getting slammed with assloads of people angry at me for not posting the Bale explosion from the set of McG's TERMINATOR: SALVATION. Well, first off - there's a real simple reason. It isn't news. And it certainly isn't cool news. It is a moment in a man's life taken completely out of context and most likely leaked to personally embarrass Christian Bale. Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking... There's no excuse for a temper tantrum like that to ever occur and if you are going to act that way, you deserve to be embarrassed by your own actions.
Except, you want to hear the REALITY behind that clip?
I know this because I happen to be somewhere where someone that was there that day and for the shoot is. And this person isn't a publicist, nor are they invested in Bale's career. They're just someone that thinks it is absolute bullshit that this moment in Bale's life is being aired and that the real story should get out there.
The DP on TERMINATOR SALVATION, Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He's a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big "NO NO" on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.
The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone's eye lines, and definitely not to move lights around while FILMING. You lock that shit down before the scene starts.
Bale had indeed warned the DP on multiple occasions about messing with lights while the cameras were rolling, and Bale was in the midst of a painful scene with Bryce, what was described to me as being the emotional center of the film and his character for the film.
Now, the reason I know all of this is because the person that was there, felt that it should be made perfectly clear that Christian Bale was the utmost gentleman and cool guy on set. And the DP really was doing something that professional DPs with experience just don't do. Not during a performance.
You don't need me to give you a link, it's all over the internet, I just felt that you should know what really went down - and that this particular outburst did indeed modify the DP's behavior - and for future DPs. Fuck with the lights before and after your actors are acting. Not during.

I stay out of the 'personal gossip' arena because frankly... can you imagine your personal shit aired for all to see. None of us are perfect, and certainly we have all sinned to some degree. Actors, Actresses, Celebrities and the people exploited on sites like TMZ. They're human beings that I personally feel are owed the same inalienable rights that the rest of us hold dear. Can you imagine cameras documenting your every attempted private moment. This moment was something that occurred in the heat of a moment on set between professionals. The audio is so clear on Christian, that it's obvious a mike was on him or a foot and a half above him. These are the sorts of moments that are private affairs. Yet somehow, because he's an actor. We feel it's permissable to air his dirty laundry. It isn't our business. It isn't anybody's fucking business. Will this affect TERMINATOR SALVATION? Will this give us insight into his character? Only because I found some details out, do we know it was in the midst of a scene between him and Bryce Howard. But that's accidental... and certainly hasn't been revealed by CNN or any other media, because they just run the clip with BEEPS. Is it funny? I suppose it may be. It allows regular people to laugh, point fingers and call someone other than themselves an ASSHOLE. But frankly, I find it disgusting. It's the exact thing that I made AICN to not be about. I wrote this, not to create an endless TALKBACK, but to express my opinion on the spreading of stories like this and making Christian look bad, when he isn't.

Everyone needs to do their job properly in order to get the best out of everyone. In theater if I am acting on stage and the lighting que is screwed up because the lighting guy isn't paying attention, it can totally screw up the scene. Usually it's fine, things go on and we get through it alright, but if it keeps happening in the same place it gets really frustrating. This one part I was supposed to be seconds away from pulling the trigger to shoot someone on stage, my name gets called, I look away for a split second, The lights were supposed to go off THAT second because in the next second a gun goes off in darkness so the audience doesn't know what happened or who gets shot. It is supposed to be a very intense scene and timing is everything. The lighting person waited almost 10 seconds before doing to blackout which doesn't sound like much, but it is. That was the most uncomfortable 10 seconds ever on stage because it just does not work without their being on top of their job and doing what they need to do. Now mistakes happen, yes, but that person making the mistake also has to understand how important their job is as well and to do it properly or it can really take away from the magic that is supposed to be happening.
Some of these actors need to calm down.
It's understandable if one is to get a bit aggravated by another person, but the way this man handled the situation.. You ain't Batman.
wow effing batman is seriously effing pissed off with the effing photographer. i wouldnt wanna effing be in the effing's photographer's effing shoes. thats for effing sure. no effing way.
LMAO :rofl:
I still think Christian Bale is an awesome actor. But I find this recording of him really funny, as his ego appears to be out of control. But that guy he was having a go at does seem like an annoying idiot.
Christian Bale Apologizes for "Potty Mouth," "Inexcusable" Rant

Today 10:05 AM PST by Gina Serpe
AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi
There are at least two men with whom Christian Bale is not professionally done: Los Angeles DJs Kevin and Bean.
After a week of unrelenting press coverage in the wake of his leaked onset rant, Bale unexpectedly chose to break his silence over the incident on KROQ radio's popular morning show, taking full responsibility for his Terminator: Salvation explosion.
"It's been a miserable week for me," Bale told hosts Kevin Ryder and Gene "Bean" Baxter. "Listen, I know I have a potty mouth; everybody knows this now.
"The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.
"There is nobody that has heard that tape that's been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is inexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear."
Listen to Bale's apology:
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As for what brought on the much-played rant, Bale said that the day's shooting was particularly intense and that "I put so much into what I do and care so much about it and sometimes the enthusiasm just goes awry.
"I'm embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely."
Not that he doesn't understand the public's insatiable desire to hear—and mock and remix—the audio.
"Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely."
Bale, who could easily have chosen any worldwide media to deliver his mea culpa, said he selected KROQ because had been listening to the morning show's mockery and incessant playing of his rant all week.
"I spoke with you guys a few years back; you seem like good guys and I wanted to talk with you about it," he said, before adding that the DJs' take on his rant made him laugh. "Believe me, this is no punk."
Kevin and Bean, meanwhile, had a slightly more humbling take on why they were chosen.
"You can talk to a guy who tries to high-five a blind dude or you can talk to Kevin and Bean; those are your options in the morning," they said.
(For those doubting the validity of the scoop, Bale's rep Jennifer Allen has confirmed that it was the actor, and not the station's dead-on Bale impersonator, Ralph Garman.)
As for any residual hard feelings between Bale and D.P. Shane Hurlbut, the object of his on-set rant, the actor said it ceased being an issue shortly after the outburst.
"We have resolved this completely...I have no intention of getting anyone fired. There is no problem whatsoever."
(Originally published on Feb. 6, 2009 at 9:36 a.m. PT)
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To explain how Bale felt during that take.

Imagine you're an NFL Player, you're just about to make the final touch down at super bowl that will secure the win for your team, and suddenly as you're about to touch down there comes some idiot from the stand running out on the field distracts you.

Or even better... You're Michael Jackson... you're in the concert hall recording the choirs to the intro of "Will You Be There". You've been there all day waiting for the perfect take. And you're now almost done, this is the moment, the whole choir connect with each other, you just have 2 notes left to record and it's done... then some idiot runs into the concert hall and starts screaming like a mad men. It's kind of the same thing.

I think Bale was a bit harsh, but the same time I can understand him.
It must be said that I'm a big Bale fan, but I try to have self distance.

Victory 2004 Thanks for posting that audio, he really does sound sorry.

EDIT: Ops, Ape already said almost the same thing about this. My bad :)
Christian Bale Apologizes for "Potty Mouth," "Inexcusable"

"It's been a f*cked up week for me," Bale told hosts Kevin Ryder and Gene "Bean" Baxter. "Listen, I know I have a f*cking potty mouth; every mofo knows this sh*t now.
"The f*cking thing that I really want to stress is I have no F*cking confusion whatsoever. I was out of f*cking order beyond f*cking belief. I was way out of f*cking order. I acted like a f*cking punk. I f*cking regret that.
"There is no mofo that has heard that f*cking tape that's been hit harder by it than me. I make no f*cking excuses for it. It is f*cking inexcusable. I hope that that is f*cking clear."

"I'm f*cking embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit the f*ck down and ask themselves, have they ever had a f*cked up day and have they ever lost their f*cking temper and really regretted it immensely."
Not that he doesn't understand the public's insatiable desire to hear—and mock and remix—the audio.
"Feel the f*ck free to make fun of me at my f*cking expense; I f*cking deserve it"
Bale, who could easily have chosen any worldwide media to deliver his mea culpa, said he selected KROQ because had been listening to the morning show's mockery and incessant playing of his rant all week.
"I f*cking spoke with you pr*cks a few years back; you seem like good f*cks and I wanted to f*cking talk with you about it," he said, before adding that the DJs' take on his rant made him laugh. "Believe me, this is no f*cking punk."

"We have f*cking resolved this completely...I have no f*cking intention of getting any mofo f*cking fired. There is no f*cking problem whatsoever." "So f*ck off".


good that he apologized :clapping:
HAHAHHAHA!!! Roxanne that was hilarious.

Bruce Wayne you said it perfectly and put it in a way that sports people could understand as well (which I wouldn't have thought of)
I love Christian Bale and was a little WTF at his tirade....I can understand his frustration on set etc but he did go on a bit....great that he apologised. Cant wait for his 2 summer movies....Public Enemies with JD in particular. Thanks for the audio.