Christchurch Earthquake


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
New Zealand
You've all probably heard about this by now on the news but anyhow.

This happened yesterday morning at about 4:35am-ish. 7.1 on the richtor scale. I was in bed and then woke up to the shaking and blurt out a few swear words on my way to the door. The whole house was shaking it was bloody intense. Then the power went out with the first aftershock about 10 minutes later. It's still off for some people but we got it back at about 11am yesterday.

Our whole CBD has damage, and certain houses have been ruined with flooding and just because their house has half fallen down (i know people from these places that have lost a lot of their stuff along with their houses)

One person is supposed to of died in it as a result of a heart attack,apart from that and a few that got seriously injured everyone is physically fine.





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wow..I am so sorry that happens to your country...I am glad that you are ok though..:hug: Where I live we had a hurricane yesterday....we were lucky though the worst of it stayed out to sea.
I hope you and your loved ones are ok.
Im very sorry to hear bout what happened in chrustchurch, my prayers & thoughts are with u all. Especially you and your family edge.
i didn't hear about this in the news. i'm very sorry for what you went through. my prayers to you and yours and to all, there.
I heard about this earthquake in the news but hadn't seen the terrifying photos of the damage as these. I just can't even imagine. Glad you are ok.
I hope you and your loved ones are ok.

Same here

I also had heard about it in the news. And seeing those horrible pictures of the damage that earthquake has cause. Just makes me lucky that I live in a place where earthquakes are an extreme rarity here. I only experience maybe 2 or 3 earthquakes in my 30 years of life. And 2 of those suppose earthquakes I didn't felt at all. And the one I did felt was just a real little one. That hardly cause any damage. And this was back during the Dangerous Era when I felt that earthquake. But the one thing we do have where I live are Nor'easters. Those are really bad storms that can pretty much happen at any time of the year.
Apparently there have just been some aftershocks. Again, I hope you're all ok.
Everyone is fine. there have been heaps and heaps of aftershocks since the quake, most of them large enough to feel - they are going down in force, mostly just little 3.5 ones now but occasionly we get a high 4 one (couple during the night and one around lunchtime and 3pm)

There are diggers and stuff in town today demolishing buildings and cleaning more bricks up and schools are closed until at least Wednesday to check safety - one bonus i spose ;)
You've all probably heard about this by now on the news but anyhow.

This happened yesterday morning at about 4:35am-ish. 7.1 on the richtor scale. I was in bed and then woke up to the shaking and blurt out a few swear words on my way to the door. The whole house was shaking it was bloody intense. Then the power went out with the first aftershock about 10 minutes later. It's still off for some people but we got it back at about 11am yesterday.

Our whole CBD has damage, and certain houses have been ruined with flooding and just because their house has half fallen down (i know people from these places that have lost a lot of their stuff along with their houses)

One person is supposed to of died in it as a result of a heart attack,apart from that and a few that got seriously injured everyone is physically fine.






thankyou for new news
i had it on the news on sunday australia time
the after shocks are one that make the most damage
in austalia i never exprice a earth-quake yet
so i don't know much
^^ yeah the aftershocks can be worse because some unstable buildings or chimneys and things fall with that extra bit of movement.

Good aftershock just as i was writing this
wowoow.... another earthquake.
How many this year? I lost count! NZ, Alaska, Haiti, Chile, China, etc.
Seeing your pics was like see images of Chile in February. It's good to know your country is rather "well" given the situation. I just hope you'll be strong enough to recover as soon as possible.

As for aftershocks... man!!! We still have them even 6 months later :eek:, and many of those are but earthquakes on their own :no:

All my love to NZ!!! :hug:
Such a wonderful country and such wonderful people, you deserve the best!
What´s happening to the planet?
I´m happy you are ok
Just an update on this thread, as of this moment we have had 2915 total aftershocks since September 4th and they are still coming.. Today we have had two earthquakes one 4.7 and a 4.9 magnitude earthquake.

Our city is still in much need of repair, unsafe buildings still being demolished, building bricks still lying on the streets but Christchurch will be beautiful again ;-)
MJLIVESON;3076205 said:
Just an update on this thread, as of this moment we have had 2915 total aftershocks since September 4th and they are still coming.. Today we have had two earthquakes one 4.7 and a 4.9 magnitude earthquake.

Our city is still in much need of repair, unsafe buildings still being demolished, building bricks still lying on the streets but Christchurch will be beautiful again ;-)
That´s a lot of aftershocks.
I think Chile had many aftershocks too,but I don´t know if it´s common.
They don´t mention such things in the news.
I hope it will calm down soon.
^^ it is a lot but many of them were too small to do any damage or even feel. if it's over a 4 generally you feel them and things wobble around. Don't know how many over 4 we've had but it's been quite a few now. Also the depth impacts how bad they are even if they are a 4 however most are pretty shallow.