Chris Grant on HLN June 25th (Did ANYONE record it?)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Did ANYONE on here record Chris Grant on Jane Velez Mitchell last night??


I'm not talking about this night, or tomorror night when the re run on Friday's show will play again.

I'm talking about Friday night. Did anyone record him yesterday night on the 25th when he first aired???

Now I watched JMV today to see him again because I missed something that was said. But that part when he speaks NEVER came on. Because I know that for JVM and nancy grace, for Saturday and Sunday, they air what was showed on Friday. And then start new talks on monday.
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Yes, I tape it! But, I don't know how to upload anything like that! Sorry!

But, All he pretty much said was MJ was fine when he saw him! Going full out in rehearsals and how MJ would tell them to save there energy and they would laugh because he wouldn't by going all out! He said MJ was hands on with everything and they (the dancers) were all trying to keep up with the king of pop! That was his answer to Jane Velez asking him how can he have been on all those drugs and still perform!
Yes, I tape it! But, I don't know how to upload anything like that! Sorry!

But, All he pretty much said was MJ was fine when he saw him! Going full out in rehearsals and how MJ would tell them to save there energy and they would laugh because he wouldn't by going all out! He said MJ was hands on with everything and they (the dancers) were all trying to keep up with the king of pop! That was his answer to Jane Velez asking him how can he have been on all those drugs and still perform!

Yes, he said all that when I saw it on Friday night.

But I wanted to know what drug that guy from tmz said they found in Michael's home, so when I saw the same episode the following Saturday night, that part of him speaking was not there anymore.
Yes, he said all that when I saw it on Friday night.

But I wanted to know what drug that guy from tmz said they found in Michael's home, so when I saw the same episode the following Saturday night, that part of him speaking was not there anymore.

Oh okay! When I saw it they showed the whole thing!

The guy from TMZ said they found Speed! But, he said there is no proof that MJ took it! They were small black pills he said!

That it was his theory as to how MJ was able to perform the way he did without being out of it because according to him there are drugs that people can use to put u down and then put u up!

The a-hole of Brian Oxman agreed!
Oh okay! When I saw it they showed the whole thing!

The guy from TMZ said they found Speed! But, he said there is no proof that MJ took it! They were small black pills he said!

That it was his theory as to how MJ was able to perform the way he did without being out of it because according to him there are drugs that people can use to put u down and then put u up!

The a-hole of Brian Oxman agreed!

But you saw it on Friday right???

You haven't seen it the next day on Saturday. they kept the talk about drugs with Brian Oxman speaking. but the part of Chris Grant speaking about Michael never came on!

And the episodes for saturday and sunday are always complete re runs of friday episodes. they don't make new episodes for saturday and sunday, or add things, or delete things. it's always just a PLAIN re run of fridays show.
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Yes Friday I saw it and then recorded it on Saturday at 5 am and it was the same part! It was not cut off for me!
Jane Velez Mitchell makes me wanna puke everytime I see her face!
Yes Friday I saw it and then recorded it on Saturday at 5 am and it was the same part! It was not cut off for me!

?? But I clearly watched the whole episode a second time on saturday to see if I just missed that part.

The first half of brian oxman speaking about joe's lawsuits and of the murray drinking the night of Michael's death came on. And then there was the commercial break, and the show came back on, and they never talked about Michael for the remainder of the episode.

Chris Grant never came on.
That's strange cause I saw it complete! I guess it demands where u live at!?

....I've never heard of that. I mean, it's understandable, but it doesn't quite makes sense.

There in Philadelphia, the entire original re run airs.

Here in Houston, we get the first half of the drunk murray and joe lawsuits, and everything else is cut. And then they show Chris Grant come up on on the panel, but never show him to speak.

Can someone else please watch jane velez mitchell tonight and see if the second half of Michael's talk airs with chris grant speaking?
....I've never heard of that. I mean, it's understandable, but it doesn't quite makes sense.

There in Philadelphia, the entire original re run airs.

Here in Houston, we get the first half of the drunk murray and joe lawsuits, and everything else is cut. And then they show Chris Grant come up on on the panel, but never show him to speak.

Can someone else please watch jane velez mitchell tonight and see if the second half of Michael's talk airs with chris grant speaking?

Well, it's seems that's what happened! Which I think is unfair because those who seen the incomplete version just got the whole MJ was an addict sh*t again!

Here in Philly sometimes her and other HLN shows don't air like the schedule say during morning hours or they will have Comcast News (which is the cable box I have) every 30 mins on weekends instead! So the show gets cut off halfway! Weird! But, like I said it demands on where one lives I guess?

I guess I got lucky that day if I can call it that! lol
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, ok. I want to bring in Kriyss Grant. You were the first dancer handpicked by Michael Jackson for his comeback tour. The rehearsal footage was made into an epic blockbuster movie and of course so many of us saw it. It`s "This is It" released by Columbia Pictures.

Chris, I have to ask you about something that perplexed me when I sat down and went into movie theater and watched this film. We know that Michael Jackson died with a drug cocktail in his body that was strong enough to knock over a horse. And yet watching this movie, I was astounded at how coordinated this 50-year-old man was, how lucid, how together. I just couldn`t match those two images of the drugs found in his system and all the stuff that we`re seeing right here. I can`t figure it out.

KRIYSS GRANT, HOST, "GET UP AND DANCE": He was very hands-on. I mean, there was really no signs of anything wrong. He was very into his work. He showed us that, you know, to save our energy and not to give a lot of basically but yet he would perform full out and we all would laugh about it because we never understood. And we kind of found ourselves trying to keep up with the king of pop. And it was just an amazing thing. So, I mean, he was very hands on in anything, the singing, the dancing, everything.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But I still don`t understand. They found Propofol, a surgical knockout drug, Lorazepam, Lidocaine, metazolam (ph), valium; that was in his system. This is right when he was rehearsing. He had come home from rehearsal.

How is it that a man, a 50-year-old man is able to act like that when he goes home and he puts these drugs in his system. I don`t get it. Do you have any explanation?

GRANT: No, I have none at all. When he was with us, it seemed like everything was ok, everything was fine, you know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. It`s a mystery. If anybody on our panel has a thought about that, please jump in.

MIKE WALTERS, ASSIGNMENT MANAGER, TMZ: I have one, Jane. Actually they found Ephedra, a type of stack, like a speed in his house. One of the things they took. It was not prescribed by a doctor. They were black pills found in a bottle unmarked.

I`m not saying Michael did speed but what I`m saying is sometimes you can take stuff during the day when you`re rehearsing and then afterwards take some of the stuff to come down. That`s my theory on Michael and how he was able to perform.

MONROE: That`s absolutely right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. Go ahead Brian.

BRIAN OXMAN, JOE JACKSON`S ATTORNEY: What you have with Michael Jackson is the consummate performer. No matter how bad he`s feeling, no matter how sickly he is, you see somebody who was extraordinary.

The autopsy tells you the story though. He had brain swelling. His brain was swollen. That`s all there was to it. He had chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia and he was anemic. Look at the pictures in that film. He has three shirts on and a heavy coat and the dancers behind them are shirt sleeves, tank tops. They`re bare naked.

This was a man who was not in good condition and there`s just no way around that autopsy which shows it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re right, he`s the consummate performer to pull it off. Go ahead.
Well, it's seems that's what happened! Which I think is unfair because those who seen the incomplete version just got the whole MJ was an addict sh*t again!

Here in Philly sometimes her and other HLN shows don't air like the schedule say during morning hours or they will have Comcast News (which is the cable box I have) every 30 mins on weekends instead! So the show gets cut off halfway! Weird! But, like I said it demands on where one lives I guess?

But it doesn't make sense. You say your show gets cut off halfway.

When I was watching the re run of that episode, it didn't get cut off at all. The content got replaced, and with something that already aired, I believe.

And you when try to think of an explanation for that, you can't.

And that has NEVER happened before.