chris brown performed his own version of RWY and thriller in a fan party


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in your mind
MANILA, Philippines - With the two of the hottest pop sensations performing in the year’s most-awaited back-to-back concert, there’s never a right time to say goodbye!

Under the fullness of the moon, Chris Brown and Rihanna drew in as many as 70,000 fans last November 16 to The Fort Open Field, Global City, in Taguig, for their first-ever Philippine concert.

From the moment Chris Brown took the center stage, to the time he bid the audience goodbye to give the floor to Rihanna, the audience were wild, feverishly singing their lungs out, dancing, jamming, and clapping their hands.

Brown opened the night with an assurance to his crowd that the night will be a sure “party” – and partying on a Sunday night has never been this fun!

His dance moves were consistently flawless and his own version of Michael Jackson’s Rock with You and Thriller was a bomb.

One fan even said: “He’s the contemporary Michael J,” referring to pop icon Michael Jackson.

source :
November 8, 2008 Concert in Sydney. His dance tribute to Michael Jackson!

Chris Brown live at Perth Burswood Dome. Tuesday 11th November 2008!
Chris Brown dancing like Michael Jackson!

Chris Brown dancing and singing to a few michael jackson songs at the first Auckland concert in New Zealand

When CB makes these performances MJ must be getting monet due to copy rights, right??

Nice to see him perform these songs BTW!
No he don't get money because Chris Brown performs a song. Even if he did, it would be like 1 dollar.
well chris is a huge fan

and mikes not after hm for royalties due to chris's obsession with him lol

weve all gone mad....... havent you..... !! :D
mj is the contemporary mj... hello people..... !

yes we may have all gone a little crazy sometimes havent you...! .:better:.

not while he is on this planet there will be only one..... michael jackson.....!!!!

cudnt agree more with ya foxy... :)
Why do you want to lipsync another artists song? Embarrassing is the word.
Why do you want to lipsync another artists song? Embarrassing is the word.

The same reason people dance to music by other artists?
How is it embarrassing for Chris to pay tribute to Michael?
Meh :mello:. Chris Brown doesn't have anywhere near the same finesse as MJ when he's doing his moves, but you gotta admire his energy.

It's nice that he has at least a few minutes of tribute in those shows. They're clearly just that - tribute. It's not like he's ripping moves or music straight up and labeling them as his own (or ripping the same concert/stage moves, a la Usher). He's barely even singing during them, which I'm glad for. Those of you saying that CB's lipsynching - isn't that a good thing? Everyone at those concerts hears MJ's voice loud & clear. You can't even be mad at him, cuz it's so cute when he smiles at the end of the last clip :D. He's a fanboy reenacting his idol's work (step by step too!), the same as most of us fans would love to do. I just get a little annoyed when CB gets asked things like if MJ can make a comeback and then says no. :smilerolleyes: Then you gotta be like: "Boy, you seriously trippin...!" :doh:

And Justin is the new King of Pop..

Pile of blah.

LOL. True that. People never get tired of labeling other, newer artists as the new MJ. I posted these a while back, and they're from just one publication (this year):




I thought JT's pose was just added insult to injury :rant:(and the Usher thing is really just laughable), but whatever. It was strange how that one magazine kept referencing MJ, even if they had little love for him.

But Chris Brown is clearly a fan. It's nice, even though he seems like a straight-up copycat sometimes :unsure:. But CB's much more hip-hop-oriented, so I'm not sure there can be many comparisons in the first place. The youngings who are into CB ain't gonna see that though.
Man, I read that excerpt from that magazine about Usher a while back and I nearly spit out my drink. It's the most hystrically wrong thing I think I've ever read. Usher, better then Fred Astaire and better then Michael Jackson, lol. Usher ain't shit as a dancer. Whoever wrote that is so dillusional that it ain't even funny. And Justin just looks like the dork that he is. Ya'll already know my position on Chris as a dancer. Its just hystrical how ignorant people actually are about these kinds of things.
I think sometimes so called journalists insult Michael on purpose because of being angry with him not playing their game. As much as I am a fan of Usher no way would i ever think he dances better than Michael and Fred Astaire combined, that would be like saying a jack in the box burger is much better than a ribeye and filet mignon combined, no one in their right mind would suggest such a thing. As for Chris he's beautiful eye candy and i never tire of looking at him and Justin we shall see if he makes that continual transition or have trouble like Usher is having as Usher has just turned 30 and Justin is 28.
Why do you want to lipsync another artists song? Embarrassing is the word.

Thats not embarressing its just few minutes of tributing to Michael,I'm happy that he is doing this and he shows he's respect and supprt to Michael.CB's fan whicha re mostly the new generation will here Michael's song and see who is the idol of CB.Any way Michael like CB and he said he is his fan.
I went to the CB and Rihana concert in Wellington and I thought CB was really good! The crowd really liked the MJ tribute.

I dont see why people hate on tributing, even MJ impersonates ie James Brown.

He isnt lip-syching, im pretty sure the Dj is actually playing MJs vocals etc. CB is just singing over the top.
Thats what was cool about CB, i dont think he did any pure lip synching, he just sang over the top of the tracks.
oooh loved that crowds enthusiasm!!! Chris has gotten a lot better since last time i saw him dance. wishes you could see it better, but that's great someone captured and uploaded it. claps :clapping:
Thanks for sharing Chris Brown doing his dance tribute to Michael Jackson at a Concert in Sydney.

It looks like it was fun for everyone there, including Chris! He has excellent shoulder movement. He's quite loose. It's wonderful how he consistently, and whole-heartedly, points to MJ in his own entertainment. :clapping:
Thats is great , and chris brown is the perfect example of how good a person can by simply by being influenced by the king of pop.

Im not a huge fan of chris brown but i enjoyed his thriller performance at the WMA's 06 and i wouldnt mind going to one of his concerts simply to see his Michael jackson tribute
Oooooh GAWD, here we go again Chris Brown. LOLLLL. Seriously, I find it kind of sad that Eddie Griffin, a comedian, has a better moonwalk and can do MJ moves better than Chris Brown, who is a supposed dancer. :lol:

The same reason people dance to music by other artists?
How is it embarrassing for Chris to pay tribute to Michael?

Because he ALWAYS DOES IT and he NEVER EVER STOPS and it's GETTING OLD. lol. And besides, lip syncing an artist's song when you're supposed to be a recording artist yourself is pretty pathetic, and yes...embarrassing.
Yes, it is very embarrassing to pay tribute to a person who inspired you. He should feel horrible for sharing MJ's music with his fans. What a bad man Chris Brown is.
I was being sarcastic. Reread what I said. My post was proving you wrong -_-
I'll be off to see CB in January and hope he does a tribute to MJ at it. Most black artists I've seen in concert always perform or refer to MJ during their hows, e.g Alicia Keys.