Chris Brown - No Bullshit (leaked video)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Chris Brown leaked some new video on his Twitter yesterday..​

Video Debut 'No Bullshit'​

Watch here -​​


I don't consider myself a prude but he might as well have made a sex tape. This video is too much, way too much...especially 3 minutes into it :bugeyed.​
It's disgusting isn't it. This isn't music it's porn.

His teenage girl fans seem to love it though... urgh!
His career is over. Why bother? People aren't forgiving and won't let go.
I thought you couldn't link to porn webistes on this forum? Oh wait, it's a Chris Brown video.
nice song and video. chris don't worry about the negative comments being thrown your way. just pray and keep doing you.
This is that same guy that put out a recording to his fans sayin its upto them to get him radio play isnt it? lawl

Dont listen to him, but he had the world at his feet. His career is dead.
Judging on comments I've read all over youtube, etc, it seems to me that his "teenager fans" just like this and think he's so hot n sexy, etc. Haha.
yikes! hes definitely not the same Chris Brown I saw 5 years ago at the club I worked at hahaa...
That whole Fan Of A Fan mixtape is pretty nice, shame his mainstream career is pretty much over though. He doesn't get any support from any radio stations, and only teenage girls remain fans of the guy. Oh well, he reaped what he sowed I guess.
God how has music come to this !!!

The momment he hit Rihanna, I lost all respect for him, and I used to love his music, but after I saw them pictures of her... he lost me as a fan and his career !!

He should just quit while he's ahead !!