Chris Brown: “I Want To Make Michael Jackson Proud”


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Chris Brown has revealed one of his personal goals is to make the late Michael Jackson proud.

Sitting down with Fuse some weeks back, the ‘Fame & Fortune‘ maestro spoke openly on his relationship with Pop icon, and the impact he has made on his life and career path.

Interview below…

On Jackson:

My legacy is not to be Michael Jackson, but to just be me. … I want to make him proud. I don’t want to make it an effort to copy because I hate clones, so I don’t want to be a clone.

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ehhhh....he's just trying to use Michael's name....I am so done with people doing that.
i so agree with you, he is out brawling with drake and now he wants to make mj proud. give me a break. he is so sad and i am so tired of ppl using mj and his fans to get publicity. i almost hate that mj gave him a thumbs up cuz he so doesnt deserve it.
Why, is Michael his daddy.

Ultimately he has to be proud of himself, and make his mom, dad and family proud of him.
He lost any chance of making MJ proud of him when he beat on Rhianna.
In this case, Separating Personal life from the professional life is very important. *We (MJ Fans) know what happens when Personal and professional life is seen in the same light. Chris saying he want to make Michael proud, I think is a good/cool thing cuz it shows us how much influence he has over him (Professionally)!

Him mentioning Michael on an interview shows me that he really loves Michael and respects him. I personally dont think he wanted to get attention cuz he gets attention even when he's not talking about Michael.

So Tnx CB for loving and respecting Michael! :)

i so agree with you, he is out brawling with drake and now he wants to make mj proud. give me a break. he is so sad and i am so tired of ppl using mj and his fans to get publicity. i almost hate that mj gave him a thumbs up cuz he so doesnt deserve it.

I think Michael gave a lot of "thumbs ups" to new artists because he was too humble, kind, and modest for his own good!

I agree though. He (and Justin Bieber for that matter) need to stop using his name.
In this case, Separating Personal life from the professional life is very important. *We (MJ Fans) know what happens when Personal and professional life is seen in the same light. Chris saying he want to make Michael proud, I think is a good/cool thing cuz it shows us how much influence he has over him (Professionally)!

Him mentioning Michael on an interview shows me that he really loves Michael and respects him. I personally dont think he wanted to get attention cuz he gets attention even when he's not talking about Michael.

So Tnx CB for loving and respecting Michael! :)


I'm with you on this one. Chris has always been a fan of MJ's. Just like Usher, Beyonce, Britney, Gaga and practically every other artist out there. For Chris to meet him at age 17 and get to perform before him, I'd think that would be forever an experience he'd never forget, especially with that being the 2006 World Music Awards. That night is certainly one of my favorites for MJ. When MJ stepped out on that stage, that crowd went absolutely wild. You could see how touched it made him. It showed him again how much he genuinely was loved, so I totally get it honestly being memorable for Chris.
In this case, Separating Personal life from the professional life is very important. *We (MJ Fans) know what happens when Personal and professional life is seen in the same light. Chris saying he want to make Michael proud, I think is a good/cool thing cuz it shows us how much influence he has over him (Professionally)!

Him mentioning Michael on an interview shows me that he really loves Michael and respects him. I personally dont think he wanted to get attention cuz he gets attention even when he's not talking about Michael.

So Tnx CB for loving and respecting Michael! :)



Geez. First let me say this isn't directed as an attack at anyone here its just an overall observation over the last few years especially.

It seems as though no one can mention MJ without there being some type of hidden motive (wanting to get attention)...give me a break guys. Chris is actually a pretty big star, not like Michael of course but who is? He doesn't need additional attention lol. Chris has proven time and time again how much he loves and adores MJ and he is one of the few that CONTINUES to show and state his love, and instead of being happy for that, we always as a whole come at his neck for being a wanna-be or whatever.

As MJ fans it is pretty hilarious to me that anyone can comment on Chris' life. Let us not act as though Michael didn't have his flaws, we ALL do. Chris has done some stupid stuff in his life but clearly he is speaking on a professional basis.

I certainly don't agree with his personal life but that isn't my place, or others. I don't agree with everything MJ did but do I or any of you hold that against him? I think not. If you appreciate his work great. If you think he's scum, so be it. But I find it foolish at this point for fans to continue to tear him apart, and I'm glad he finally spoke out and said he doesn't want to be an MJ clone. Again, this isn't just here, I see this everywhere and just think its a shame.

I applaud all that Chris has done in the spirit of keeping MJ alive in music. And though I hate when people say these types of things, musically...I'm sure Michael IS proud of him.
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Personal life or not, beating women up goes far beyond the acceptance of the norm professional or not. my view is the man needs to seriously buck up his act before he can even be mentioned in the same sentence as MJ

Like his music but cant stand the man, IMHO of course. ;)
Didnt he smash the GMA's window just because they asked the rihanna question? He should learn how to be a decent Human first to even mention Michael's name. I had nothing against Chris brown and am happy the latest hot celebrities are all inspired by Michael, but he needs to put himself together and stop violence.
So everytime we mention Michael by name does that mean we use his name to our own end? He hasn't mentioned anything nasty about Michael so why say he's using him? He's a fan just like us! *bites lip*
He should look at himself in the mirror and really think what he is all about. I'm tired of people using Michael's name to boost careers. They should accept their position in the music business which is nowhere near Michael!!!
He lost any chance of making MJ proud of him when he beat on Rhianna.

Leaving that incident on the side, I respect Chris Brown million times more than Rihanna. With her vulgar language and acting like a whore and promoting that lifestyle among young people.
Personal life or not, beating women up goes far beyond the acceptance of the norm professional or not. my view is the man needs to seriously buck up his act before he can even be mentioned in the same sentence as MJ

Like his music but cant stand the man, IMHO of course. ;)

Beating women is very wrong indeed, but after all we are all human and we all make misstakes right? Mr Brown took full responsibilities for his action, went in to court, confessed, got his sentence, did his community time, showed remorse over his action. Time after time he stated that what he did was very wrong and he was ashmed of himself, in interviews, live at Oprah. Michael always belived in forgivness, so who are we mere mortals to hold something against anyone if that person really understands his wrongdoing and want to change for the better.. IMHO ofcourse :)
If he wants to make Michael proud then he should stop copying him dance move wise and accept he will never be in the same league as Michael
He did support Michael when it wasn't popular to do so and for that I give him props. He should be himself. If he wants to make Michael proud, his family and fans then he needs to be the best person he can be.
beating women is very wrong indeed, but after all we are all human and we all make misstakes right? Mr brown took full responsibilities for his action, went in to court, confessed, got his sentence, did his community time, showed remorse over his action. Time after time he stated that what he did was very wrong and he was ashmed of himself, in interviews, live at oprah. Michael always belived in forgivness, so who are we mere mortals to hold something against anyone if that person really understands his wrongdoing and want to change for the better.. Imho ofcourse :)

*great post*
:ciao: I love Chris Brown :pray:

I am so happy he has chosen Michael Jackson to make proud of him :bow:

It shows to me that Chris has really grown up and matured after all the trials he has been through over the last few years :pray:

If anyone can understand what it feels like to be attacked by the Media it is Chris, and I am glad he is getting his life back on the right track by following Michael Jackson's footsteps to being and evolving as human being for a better spirit energy in the world :clapping:
There is war, for the MJ fans.

And it looks like they are succeeding .
:ciao: I love Chris Brown :pray:

I am so happy he has chosen Michael Jackson to make proud of him :bow:

It shows to me that Chris has really grown up and matured after all the trials he has been through over the last few years :pray:

If anyone can understand what it feels like to be attacked by the Media it is Chris, and I am glad he is getting his life back on the right track by following Michael Jackson's footsteps to being and evolving as human being for a better spirit energy in the world :clapping:
Mature? Have you ever read his twitter feed? So much foul language and name calling on there.
No one is saying that Chris should not mention Micheal, but after you see a pattern of an artist always bringing up the name of a popular icon in their conversations and continuously copying their moves, one sees that there is an ulterior motive behind this all. Michael did not consistently drop James Brown's name around either, because he had borrowed from the greats and forged ahead to make his own mark on the world. This is what Chris needs to do, then his mention of Michael's name will be seen in a different light by some. We all know that Chris is a fan, but it looks like he thinks that by mentioning his closeness to Michael's talent, he will be somehow given the same artistic genius as Michael Jackson. Notice the difference with other artists who are Michael's fans, like Beyonce--they do not continuously drop Michael's name around in interviews. Chris is a great talent in his own right and no one can take that away from him.
He should follow Michael's steps and strive to be unique!!!
you can see michaels influence on chris in every one of his music videos especially 'turn up the music' & 'she aint you' :)
he IS now the best dancer in the world (never beating michael of course :))
Leaving that incident on the side, I respect Chris Brown million times more than Rihanna. With her vulgar language and acting like a whore and promoting that lifestyle among young people.

Wait what? cb doesnt do all those things? give me a mf'ing break *rolls eyes*............