Chris Brown Finally Speaks: 'I Ain't a Monster'


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Jul 25, 2011
Chris Brown Finally Speaks: 'I Ain't a Monster'

By Joey Bartolomeo and Ken Lee
Originally posted Wednesday May 27, 2009 01:10 PM EDT

After three months of laying low in the wake of his felony charges for allegedly assaulting Rihanna, Chris Brown has finally broken his silence.

In a short video posted on, the R&B star, 20, speaks to the camera about his upcoming album and makes an apparent allusion to the drama in his personal life.

"I just wanna say 'What up?' because I ain't been out there in a minute," explains Brown (whose pal Bow Wow also makes brief appearances in the clip).

"New album will be coming soon," he says. "We're working on it right now. Called Graffiti. Got everything on it, know what I'm saying? I'll be ready for that. I'm about to drop a single this summer for y'all. So we ain't going nowhere."

Brown, who faced enormous backlash after his arrest in February, concludes, "Everybody that's haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain't a monster." Reps for Brown had no comment.

Meanwhile, Brown's case continues to stall in court. His lawyer, Mark Geragos, is seeking access to LAPD records to determine if there was police misconduct in the investigation, which could be grounds for a case dismissal.

A hearing is set for Thursday, but Brown is not required to attend.,,20281314,00.html
Chris Brown Finally Speaks: 'I Ain't a Monster'

By Joey Bartolomeo and Ken Lee
Originally posted Wednesday May 27, 2009 01:10 PM EDT

After three months of laying low in the wake of his felony charges for allegedly assaulting Rihanna, Chris Brown has finally broken his silence.

In a short video posted on, the R&B star, 20, speaks to the camera about his upcoming album and makes an apparent allusion to the drama in his personal life.

"I just wanna say 'What up?' because I ain't been out there in a minute," explains Brown (whose pal Bow Wow also makes brief appearances in the clip).

"New album will be coming soon," he says. "We're working on it right now. Called Graffiti. Got everything on it, know what I'm saying? I'll be ready for that. I'm about to drop a single this summer for y'all. So we ain't going nowhere."

Brown, who faced enormous backlash after his arrest in February, concludes, "Everybody that's haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain't a monster." Reps for Brown had no comment.

Meanwhile, Brown's case continues to stall in court. His lawyer, Mark Geragos, is seeking access to LAPD records to determine if there was police misconduct in the investigation, which could be grounds for a case dismissal.

A hearing is set for Thursday, but Brown is not required to attend.,,20281314,00.html

there are so many things can be said about that. that's the thing about the internet. you can be anonymous and be seen at the same time, when the lights are too dark, while you're on camera. that could be anybody talkin there. secondly, if it is Chris Brown, he's right about one thing. there's a market for everybody. there are haters, and there are lovers, no matter what you do.

thirdly, nothing's proven. fourthly, he seemed apologetic at first. he seems unapologetic, there, cus he knows about the vastness of the market.

fifthly, he apologized as much as one can apologize, in some peoples' eyes, and not enough in others. but it is true that he did apologize, once.

he does come across like most guys in his position. sorta gangsta, and defiant. he knows what he did or did not do.

he comes across as intimidating. but that doesn't necessarily define what he is behind the scenes, just as....wait for it...wait for it....seeing MJ as soft doesn't define that he's necessarily soft, behind the scenes. no matter what we think, a lot of people might be afraid of Chris, and have no reason to. maybe. a lot of people may be not scared of MJ, but, they usually find out, he's nobody to mess with. this may be off topic, but i was inspired to say it anyway, after seeing this thread.

all in all, u still can't judge a book by its cover.
the one thing that makes this all hard, tho is that he acts like many guys who have been proven to beat their girlfriends. defiant and proud, and loving to use the word 'hater' in the spirit that he's using it. well..we'll see what his music sounds like, when we hear it on the radio. i'm sure the programmers will be GLAD to play it. the spirit of the music and the lyrics often tell the truth about the artist. the songs really don't let the artist hide.
"Everybody that's haters, they just been haters." wow what an immature and lame thing to say. instead of apologizing and showing his regret and shame of what he did he comes out and talks about his haters ? this isnt about his haters and his fans. its just about the appalling and disgusting crime he committed.
omg mark geragos is his attorney... strange in some way. don't know why though.
I don't think the fact that he doesn't sound remorseful in this clip means he isn't remorseful. Is he supposed to apologize to Rihanna, or is he supposed to apologize to you because him and Rihanna are both celebrities and therefore this situation is public property? You apologize to people who you've personally hurt; not to people you don't know who are just pointing at you from afar. The public wouldn't even care a fraction of how much they do if it were some unknown girl he'd done this to, so just focus on getting your own life in order and apologize to the people who actually need to hear it. The idea that this dude owes the world is lame, to be honest, and the fact that an outsider can mentally integrate themselves into the Chris Brown/Rihanna scandal so much that they think they deserve an apology as if they are involved makes them lame also.

But then again, I'm someone who believes that an artist's only real obligation to his public is whatever product the fans are paying money for, and everything else they do is because they want to do it as opposed to having a moral obligation to. On a sidenote, Bow Wow looks like a bitch.
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I see he just disabled comments
Guess he couldn't handle
the responses he got.
omg mark geragos is his attorney... strange in some way. don't know why though.
He's probably representing him only for the money. Chris knows that even Geragos believes he's guilty.
I don't think the fact that he doesn't sound remorseful in this clip means he isn't remorseful. Is he supposed to apologize to Rihanna, or is he supposed to apologize to you because him and Rihanna are both celebrities and therefore this situation is public property? You apologize to people who you've personally hurt; not to people you don't know who are just pointing at you from afar. The public wouldn't even care a fraction of how much they do if it were some unknown girl he'd done this to, so just focus on getting your own life in order and apologize to the people who actually need to hear it. The idea that this dude owes the world is lame, to be honest, and the fact that an outsider can mentally integrate themselves into the Chris Brown/Rihanna scandal so much that they think they deserve an apology as if they are involved makes them lame also.

But then again, I'm someone who believes that an artist's only real obligation to his public is whatever product the fans are paying money for, and everything else they do is because they want to do it as opposed to having a moral obligation to. On a sidenote, Bow Wow looks like a bitch.

a lot of times, in a situation like this, anyone who has ever been beaten by their boyfriend, feels they are in the shoes of the girl. so they feel he should apologize to her, in a public manner so they feel like someone is remorseful for what happened to them.
he may not be a monster but he sure is a shitty singer
a lot of times, in a situation like this, anyone who has ever been beaten by their boyfriend, feels they are in the shoes of the girl. so they feel he should apologize to her, in a public manner so they feel like someone is remorseful for what happened to them.

Yeah, I thought about that also. I understand why they would feel that way, but at the same time I don't feel it's any pop star's place to apologize on behalf of woman-beaters everywhere and harbor some responsibility to whatever happened to other girls. I know that people have a tendency to see their own lives through the lives of people on a TV screen, and it's something you gotta decide you can deal with when you become a celebrity, but not dealing with it is a fine way of dealing with it IMO. It's not like society's obsession with famous people is a good attribute in the first place. Now the only question is if the attitude displayed in this video is smart from a career standpoint. I also know that sometimes celebrities give in to the public's BS in order to continue being successful *shrug*. It won't really bother me if he falls off now since I'm not a Chris Brown fan, but I'll probably end up making another post about it LOL.
Chris, you aren't a monster, but you beat up women and you think it's okay? WTF?

Okay, you're not a monster. You're much, much worse. You're a useless, pathetic waste of a sperm cell.
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I'll kown this has been posted already but here's the news story about Chris Brown is being gulty. He wounl've to do a community service for a lest 50 days.



Chris Brown Pleads Guilty, Avoids Jail
posted: 7 HOURS 21 MINUTES AGOcomments: 138filed under: Gut Reactions, Music News, TroublemakersPrintShareText SizeAAAChris Brown has pleaded guilty to felony assault on his ex-girlfriend Rihanna. By cutting a deal with prosecutors, the singer won't spend any time in jail, but will have to stay 50 yards away from Rihanna during five years of probation.
TMZ is reporting that Brown must also spend 180 days in his home state of Virginia on a work camp and will enroll in a domestic violence counseling program. Brown will be formally sentenced on Aug. 5.

If Brown violates probation, he could get up to four years in prison.
The judge also issued a stay-away order, even though Rihanna wasn't seeking one. The order means both must keep at least half a football field away from each other, unless they're both at a music industry event when the distance is only 10 yards.
Rihanna was in the building, but didn't enter the courtroom until Brown had departed.
The announcement was made moments before a preliminary hearing in Los Angeles was set to begin. Rihanna had been on standby to testify on Monday.
Brown was arrested in February on suspicion that he beat and threatened his then-girlfriend, Rihanna, after a pre-Grammy party in Los Angeles. He was later charged with felony assault and making criminal threats
Well he's not no monster, that's for sure?

CB it's time to own up to your responsibility. It's all about the choices that you choose to make. You, Chris caused pain to so many of your fans and the pple who do love you. You thought it would be ok for at the time it was done. Now it your turn to learn your lesson. Never put your hands on a women!!!! Go deal with it. 5 years probation, court appointed domestic violence classes. You've lost your right to own fire arm, sit on a jury trial, can't leave the country. So, there... deal with it. Your behaviour is unacceptable.
Sorry, i wasn't a fan of yours anyway.
um.... ok. so many of his friends and even hers were shocked by t his. she's apparently hit him all the time and this time he finally hit back. woh knows what sparked this. was it wrong, yes but no one should put their hands on another. be it a guy hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy.
um.... ok. so many of his friends and even hers were shocked by t his. she's apparently hit him all the time and this time he finally hit back. woh knows what sparked this. was it wrong, yes but no one should put their hands on another. be it a guy hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy.

I have to agree in part. I've known many an abusive woman in a relationship, verbally, mentally, and physically. But that is okay? In this instance with Rihanna and Chris, it's hard for me to judge either way since I obviously was not there. Are some folks saying it's just fine for a woman to do what we abhorr if a man does the same? And if so, why is that?

And for the record, I am a straight female, but I know and work with alot of aggressive and in your face females that wouldn't think twice about doing just what we don't want males to do. Sorry, but that is reality in my world, not condoning what Chris has been accused of, it's wrong on both parts if applicable, bottom line. jmo.
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Wasn't his own mother abused? You'd think that'd teach him not to hit a woman.. but who knows if Rihanna provoked it..

When I heard, I was surprised that it wasn't the other way around.. Chris always seemed like the softie, and Rihanna, the b*tch.