Chris Brown doing his best Michael Jackson dance impersonation

Gosh I love watch tributes like this! But this also make me cry - crowd reaction etc. :cry: I'm soo glad that artist do it on their gigs to show their love and respect to Michael!
i know CB is a pariah in the music industry right now, but I have been hoping he does an official tribute (on the AMA, Soul Train or whatever) similar to the Thriller performance he did a few years back. Both CB & Usher try to emulate MJ...and that is the highest form of respect for any artist.
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This is the first time hes ever done a Michael tribute.
Nice! :)

I respect that he's been doing tribues for Mike even before his death...unlike some other artists...
I have lost respect for Chris Brown, after what happened with Rhianna. What amazes me is that the radio stations have always played his songs, although he admitted to beating her up, and they wouldn't play MJ''s songs eventhough he was found innocent!!!
I like the Jacket it was like a Billie Jean/Thriller mix, was that on purpose? It was nice of chris to do this even though I didn't like when he said on LKL that the media is doing to him what they did to mike....Uhhhh....NO! Chris your issue was a lil diff, leave MJ out...peace!
Lol he wants to be like MJ. Hah You never be half as good as he was you talentless sap of the 00s now go back into oblivion
Nice tribute. :) I have mixed feelings about Chris,now.I've lost respect for him for what he did,but on the other side,the kid has some talent and I think he could have gone far if he would not have lost his mind.I mean,it's just a shame.

Also...did you guys notice how big his feet are?! :lol: It's really funny to watch,during the moonwalk...they are like boats! :lol:
I have lost respect for Chris Brown, after what happened with Rhianna. What amazes me is that the radio stations have always played his songs, although he admitted to beating her up, and they wouldn't play MJ''s songs eventhough he was found innocent!!!

that's why i believe conspiracies against Michael.some people don't believe outlandish stuff was committed against him, but i've personally witnessed outlandish stuff by radio programmers, and chart's in line with the bolded. the industry has patterns. there are artists in jail who are now being played on the radio. if Michael was in jail....he wouldn't be played on the radio. like someone else said, Michael is the most bullied artist in music history, in ways that would be unbelievable if you didn't see them. and some fans have denied some things that they didn't see. i don't think they wanted to believe how evil industry people would be against Michael for no reason.
wow I didn't know they refused to play MJ's songs in the sad poor Mike
wow I didn't know they refused to play MJ's songs in the sad poor Mike

I haven't experienced that in the US. I think it might be an individual decision by a station. I always heard MJ music on the radio after the trial.
i don't hate chris, i always enjoyed his stuff since he first came out. i did lose respect for him after the beating incident. but i never liked his mj tributes, i dunno i just think he looks awkward doing mj's moves. nobody will come close, but i really don't enjoy his. i appreciate his tributes, i understand why he does it. he's a big mj fan and thats cool. just my opnion
that's why i believe conspiracies against Michael.some people don't believe outlandish stuff was committed against him, but i've personally witnessed outlandish stuff by radio programmers, and chart's in line with the bolded. the industry has patterns. there are artists in jail who are now being played on the radio. if Michael was in jail....he wouldn't be played on the radio. like someone else said, Michael is the most bullied artist in music history, in ways that would be unbelievable if you didn't see them. and some fans have denied some things that they didn't see. i don't think they wanted to believe how evil industry people would be against Michael for no reason.

I do think alot of the folk in the media and etc have blood on thier hands. The way they treated and bullied MJ was way out of control. In the end it was all down being too jealous with MJ making it so big with his music. I have said this on numerous times to folk.
Does this guy have no ideas of his own? I love tributes. But it seems that some people are only jumping on the "Tribute" bandwagon because they simple have nothing to offer of their own. Chris Brown, Jamies Foxx and Jermaine Jackson murdering MJ's songs- get your own stuff.

Don't use tributes to get attention you wouldn't get it otherwise. Be an artist in your own right.
na..i don't think it's the first. he did one on mtv and in europe.

I was being quite sarcastic. Hes done tons and tons of tributes. If not tributes then hes performed his songs many times. Hes basically a walking tribute.
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I think he one of the only young performers that can do a good dance tribute of him. He really admires Michael and his talents.

I miss Micheal :(
Sloppy! Not even close I seen better impersonators, he on;y being recognized because his ass is famous. What about those people who are 100X better and not getting any
This is the first time hes ever done a Michael tribute.
