Choice FM in London

Bit the artist ain't getting any money from it cause it is illegal. They need to get permission. maybe they have.
"the song" lol. voted, cheers for the notice.

Akon ft. Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand

Akon and Michael continue to keep it tight. Here's the potential first single from Akon's to be released new album.
Akon ft. Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand
its a good sign they are playing it, i really hope when it get released it will blowup adn we will hear it everywhere, and eventully we will see a video for it too..:D
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if its played on radio, songwriter and song publishing company gets paid....its the LAW
Choice FM are gonna be in for some serious trouble if they dont have the correct permissions to do this, let me tell u that!
Choice FM are gonna be in for some serious trouble if they dont have the correct permissions to do this, let me tell u that!

Don't be so bloody ridiculous! How is this ANYTHING but a positive for MJ? You guys moan when he doesn't get played on radio, and now he is, you're moaning again!
Don't be so bloody ridiculous! How is this ANYTHING but a positive for MJ? You guys moan when he doesn't get played on radio, and now he is, you're moaning again!

lol.. that's not moaning. That's simply pointing out the reality of the situation.
The official release date does not matter. What matters is the the song has already been copyrighted and that the writer and the two singers are owed royalties if you play their song on your radio station....whether you have permission or not.

And Dats, are you sure it has been removed, cause I just went into it and voted.
I just voted. I'de love to know whats the real deal here, radio stations know better than anyone the laws on copyright infringement and the fines that a breach can incur.
This song is getting everywhere so fast, I thinik thats what the "leak" was for :)
Don't be so bloody ridiculous! How is this ANYTHING but a positive for MJ? You guys moan when he doesn't get played on radio, and now he is, you're moaning again! know where he is coming from.

anyway..i voted.:)
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apparently, a Shaun just requested this to be played now on Choice-Fm. don't know if it'll get played cos i've requested many times with no avail LOL but tune in now if you're reading this

edit: yep, definitely coming up then Janet's Got Til It's Gone afta.
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