Chile earthquake may have shortened days


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
Chile earthquake may have shortened days

Seventh strongest quake in recorded history may have shifted Earth's axis

This view of Earth comes from NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aboard the Terra satellite.
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getCSS("3053751") Understanding the quake, tsunami
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Learn about the roots of seismic activity — and find out where the hot spots are.

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I knew an artist on DeviantArt from Chile, she said she's alright and thank god she's alright. She's the greatest and my favourite fellow artists in DA. I should tell ya that she the first who understands my emotional pain because Michael's death and you know I oweher that, I send my prayers, but I'm thinking of making her something special.
awwwww :no:
Well... this is something I bet we are not going to notice.
The power of Nature!!! And we think so much of ourselves :no: