Child's school assembly on Michael Jackson

Yep. done one a few years ago about our favourite artist in music. i made a 10 min video thing... i've still got it somewhere i think... :D

^^ and that kid did a very cool presentation!
My daughter, age 10 had homework a few weeks ago where she had to pick a famous person form any era and research that person. She chose Michael so she didn't really need to research much as all the info she needed was already at hand. she got a gold star sticker for her work too... :pleased:
I've had one were I made a video about what war and peace, etc, using Michaels speech, songs, pics, etc. Got a 5 of 6 on it. Also had a project where me and my friend talked about his career. 5 of 6 too! Michael really helps me ;)
:heart: Yes. He always gets me good grades :wub: probably because the teacher falls in love with him too!...but how could she not?
I remember when I was in Year 8, god that was so long ago, and we had to do a presentation on a 20th century music artist of our choosing and no prizes for guessing who I chose! She changed it the next year though as half the class ended up picking Michael!
I also played and sang a MJ medley too, and guess what? I got an A on that too..I don´t want to brag or something, it´s just that i rarely get A´s :p
Thank you jake, I enjoyed your presentation :) I did an exam on MJ in high school and he earned me my first A, (in norway it's 6) in exams.

If you listen carefully there's a kid who goes "Oh" when he shows the pic of Neverland

When I did my Associate Degree in Theatre Arts I used Michael in my Movement For The Performing Artist class. We had to reivew a dance performance. I did Smooth Criminal.

In Music For Theatre, I looked at how Michael's performances WERE theatre (proven yet again with his ideas for TII)!
When I was 10 we had to write an essay about spending the day with anyone we wanted to in the whole world - and what we would do. I wrote about spending the day with Michael and becoming his best friend :wub:
I remember writing that I thought he needed a friend that he could I wish I could have made that come true.
I have no idea what grade I got, it was too many years ago to count!
In July 2009 my students prepared charts and banners as part of a project to bring environmental awareness. The banners proclaimed "A tribute to Michael Jackson" and "Heal the World"! They are truly inspired by him (I have made huge MJ fans out of them :)) and talk about him a LOT everyday!