Children LOVE Michael...sooo...


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
IMHO, The opinions of these children Matter more than the HATEFUL Media...So ENJOY And See that Michael LIVES THROUGH These Children...Our Future.

PLEASE IF YOU FIND MORE CHILDREN On YT or Other places that sing or dance to Michael's song...Add it here...IT IS I THINK THE Greatest Tribute...:D








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How cute kids! Thanks for posting these :flowers:
Michael is just something for everyone, regardless of age, race, sex... :yes:
The girl singing Scream is definitely a natural talent ;), but I think the one singing Man in the Mirror is my favourite.
I hope some day in the future I'll see my own kid enjoying Michael's music...they won't be able to avoid it anyway, so it would be kinda good if they liked it :cheeky:
This is one of my favorite. The 2 years old boy just want Michael's music.
the little boy drumming on the table to "Beat It" had me ROTF lol and love the little girl singing "Man In The Mirror" especially how she's just relaxing on the bed enjoying the music lol
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This kid isn't singing, but damn if it isn't the best passion i've seen since Michael performed the song himself!

Aww, these videos are adorable!! I love this thread. Thanks for posting.

These are living proof that Michael will live on forever and the next generation will have a great appreciation for him. There's new Michael fans everyday and the children love him. :wub: Michael would love this. These kids will grow up Michael Jackson fans and continue to send that down to their children, etc. Michael will live forever. :heart:
You guys are always so pressed over what the mainstream media thinks. If it bothers you that much, just ignore them. It's actually really easy.
How cute I just love those videos. Which reminds me that I seriously need to get my 2 little nephews in to Michael Jackson. They are 3 and 1 now but the problem with that is that I really don't see them that much anymore.
My nephews are 4 and (almost) 2 and I'm indoctrinating them with Michael lol. They love him too. Especially the oldest one, he always wants me to play Black Or White :D
These are Sooooo cute! That is totally gonna be my child(ren) lol!!
I bet Michael would looove these :yes: