Children in your life- what they think of TII


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
I searched for this but only found MJ's children watching TII, so I wanted to create a thread where we can discuss the children in our lives who have seen This is it, and their reactions to it!:yes:

I managed to show my 4yr old grandson part of TII dvd today. ( He has adhd so keeping his attention for any length of time is a huge achievement!! )
He sat and watched it up intil the J5 part, where he promptly went and got a guitar from the corner of the room and stood ''strumming'' and jigging to the music!!
I praised him and said yeeeaaahhhhh!! Good boy that's excellent!!:yes:

Even my 7 month old baby grand daughter sat on my lap staring at the screen! :)

I'd love to hear your stories of the children in your lives who you have introduced MJ to, and their reactions............

Here's to the next generation of MJ fans eh?:wub:

I went with a freind of mine and her 8 year old son. suprisingly, he knew all of the songs. I said, ''Where did you learn these songs" He said, "At school". When the movie was over he exclaimed, "I want to see that again"!

Smart fella!
I went with a freind of mine and her 8 year old son. suprisingly, he knew all of the songs. I said, ''Where did you learn these songs" He said, "At school". When the movie was over he exclaimed, "I want to see that again"!

Smart fella!

Awww Bless!!:)
Even at my grandson's 4th b day party I was in charge of the music!!..............and when one woman saw my MJ cd's she said to her son.''oh look Michael Jackson music''.................''you like him dont you!'':)
There is no stopping these youngsters..........apparantly at the nursery they have a show and tell time............and many children had taken in Moonwalker dvd to show and tell!:yes:
It's all good and so warms my heart it truely does.
I have two nieces, 11 and 13 years of age. They watched the movie 2 times and have fallen in love with Michael and have become big fans. When we met they always ask me a lot about Michael and are now beginning their collection of MJ... buying cd's, dvd's and many other things. :wild: :punk: They went wild with my collection MJ. :wild: I'm happy and very proud about that. :wub: :yes: Besides being the King of Pop, Michael is also the King of Children. :wub:
As a music teacher I have seen so many reactions from my elementary students about Michael! I'm actually quite shocked at the adulation. I mean, honestly...4 years ago I wouldn't have seen this.

But TII is on the list of movies for a sub-plan in case i'm sick. I almost wanna show it at the end of the year anyway, lol! My kids BEG me to play MJ songs and I just can't because I have a lesson to abide to. But I want to sooo bad tho, lol!
My 4yr old loved it. We have a couple of cd's in the car and she loves to listen to them and sings along with alot of them...she doesn't always get the words right. Her favorite song is Dangerous. She always wants to hear it first.
A friend of mine at work has 2 girls ages 10 & 13, and she told me about when they watched it last week. The youngest made a comment during WBSS that the music was very catchy and the whole family had a hard time sitting still. Every song made them at least tap their feet or something. The mother told me she wasn't even a big MJ fan, but she cried during Man In The Mirror. And her oldest daughter, after Earth Song made her pause the movie to ask about deforestation and if that's really happening all over the world. She got really worried that the world was going to turn into a barren, burning place like it shows in the film. She wanted to know what she could do to help the environment.

I was so excited to hear that Earth Song affected her daughter that way, because that's exactly what it's supposed to do. My friend's daughter is now very aware of the terrible things happening to our forests and our animals and she's interested in protecting that. I was happy to know that Michael's message really gets received by others that aren't fans. :D
I was watching TII in my room when my 5 year old nephew walks in to tell me goodnight and to give me a hug. As I said goodnight to him, he says, "you're watching Michael Jackson?!?" with amazement in his eyes and I said "yes." He then says, "cool!" and jumps on my bed to watch with me. His mom then calls him and tells him that he needs to go to sleep and he says with a stern voice, "but Mom, I'm watching Michael Jackson!!!" So my sister then comes into my room and calls my nephew and he just had this devastated face, like he was so disappointed he wasn't going to finish the film. So then I tell him not to worry because I'll let him watch the whole thing with me again some other time. He then gives me a kiss and walks out of my room. :D
Last month this family I didn't know gave me a lift in their car from a train station to my street. They just stopped the car and offered to give me a ride. Usually I don't get into strangers' cars but seeing as it was a family with two little kids I thought there was nothing to worry about and got on the back seat with the kids. They were a boy of around 9-10 years old and his sister about 7-8 years old. The boy was holding an iPhone and they were watching "This Is It"! I couldn't believe my eyes! I almost burst into tears right there. They were watching the Thriller part and the boy kept saying, "Oh look, look, this it going to be interesting! Michael Jackson is coming out of a spider!!!! So cool!!!" And he was so excited! Awww, it was amazing. I asked them, "Do you like it?" And they nodded and smiled," Yes-yes, very much!" I said that I liked MJ too and then the three of us sat there watching This Is It together for the whole ride :)
My 8 yo nephew fell in love with Thriller...He clearly didn't understand the concept of tii,but he was blessed by that fragment of Thriller lol,so I made him listen to the entire album and explained him who MJ was,he was not very interested,and then tried with some Bad and some History in vain,I almost give up with the music lesson when he asked me to play with him a little more and that he wanted to listen to the "zombie's music" (thriller)...God bless him.
I took my 7 and 4 yr old sons with me to the cinema back in novembe...they loved the music.
Whenever we are in the car they insist that i play
It gets to a point where they dont even allow me to play my Mika-cd anymore LOL.
When I'm at work and I have the music playing over the PA system kids will never fail to make a comment and sing along when Michael comes on. I've seen kids singing and dancing as soon as Michael comes on and I have never seen them do it for any other artist. It truly is so amazing!
I received a letter a couple of days ago from the french girls that I au paired for last year, and they've seen it - they said that it was good, but they prefer music videos to concert footage (they especially love Black or White!) - it makes it slightly different when you don't understand the lyrics so can't sing along though I suppose!
I watched the movie with my daughter and she loved it. She is 5. Even if our native language is not English she knows all MJ songs.
Aww these stories are so heartwarming :give_heart: God bless children.

As a music teacher I have seen so many reactions from my elementary students about Michael! I'm actually quite shocked at the adulation. I mean, honestly...4 years ago I wouldn't have seen this.

But TII is on the list of movies for a sub-plan in case i'm sick. I almost wanna show it at the end of the year anyway, lol! My kids BEG me to play MJ songs and I just can't because I have a lesson to abide to. But I want to sooo bad tho, lol!
Haha you have to show TII to them! Definitely :D
My kids (4 + 8yrs )adore Michael Jackson and in their somewhat sheltered lives know of little else in terms of famous people.

Their favourite song is Thriller and they've seen just about everything, they love Moonwalker more than this is it or any of the other concert videos though.
Its gotten to the point where they can detect MJs voice even if its only slightly in a mix or he is talking, either the child voice or adult MJ they recognise immediately.

I do have a big problem though, I have not told them of his death, I just didn't have the heart at the time, my daughter is so sensitive it would break her heart but I know I must soon because she will definitely hear it at school, infact last halloween they had a school disco and one kid came dressed as Michael with an extremely pale face and they said he was 'dead michael Jackson' (which I presume was his halloween angle) and this kid was getting mobbed as if he was Michael, it was michael mania for these 7 yr olds they were screaming and just grabbing at him and wouldn't let go.

So I thought she knew of MJs death then but she didn't so I still have to tell her, it's difficult though they have never encountered death and at their age it will be confusing.
I went to see TII at the cinema um... quite a few times. :blush: I took my 2 daughters with me and both of them wanted to go again a few times with me when I went. Also my Niece and nephew came with my sisters, They all loved it. My youngest daughter is always listening to Michael lately :wub: and often puts on TII without me even having to ask :lol:
There were alot of kids in the theater who enjoyed it..but my kid sister was crying just as much as I was, especially at the ending.

My niece and my nephew are so hooked on Michael Jackson and they are so in love with TIT, my niece even sleeps with a MJ picture under her pillow.
Its really cute. When i went to see the midnight premier with my nephew shane (11) also went me and my older sister (his mom). It was a tuesday night, a school night but he stayed up until 12am to see it with us. The movie ended around 2.00am and we were home by 2.15ish. He got little sleep that night, but he absolutely loved it. Especially the spider part..MJ just knows how to get their attention. :lol:

I bought TII and my nephew shane and i watched it once again together. He watched the whole thing without a sign of boredom and laughed at funny parts and even my mom watched TII. My mom`s comment was "when Michael is dancing, you dont even pay any attention to the others" she meant his dancers.

When Man in the mirror came on...i usually dont watch that part for various reasons :cry: My nephew stood up and i looked at him i asked "shane why did u get up?" and he said "Michael is telling us to stand up" LOL that was really cute..My neice (14) has a beautiful poster of MJ in her bedroom. She said "mom let me get this one, because it`s MJ"
My youngest cousin, I think he is 12.. This Christmas he asked for Every Michael Jackson CD and he was even wearing a Michael Jackson T-Shirt on Christmas! I was very surprised because his PARENTS always gave me such a hard time when I was little because I loved Michael Jackson so much as a child too. But now that their kid likes him, he's cool.. He Loved This is it! Im so happy that younger generations are getting into his music and I'm sure more generations, even ones who arnt yet born will be listening and loving Michael forever
The only child I know is my brother.

He said he was watching some of it in some store and asked why MJ wasn't singing in I Want You Back....I showed him the rest of it and explained to him, then he laughed at MJ saying "...with the love, L.O.V.E" and called him weird. :smilerolleyes:

Oh well, I know he's a closet fan 'cause I hear him singing Jam and Dangerous, among others. He just denies it. :lol: