Cher's Daughter Chastity Bono To Undergo Sex Change

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Dangerous Incorporated


Chastity Bono, daughter of Cher and the late Sonny Bono, plans to undergo a sex change.

A spokesman for Bono, born a girl to Sonny and Cher, has announced that Chastity, who will now be known as Chaz, "has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity."

"He is proud of his decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his loved ones. It is Chaz's hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his 'coming out' did nearly 20 years ago," says the publicist.

"This will be a long process but it's something Chastity has wanted to do for many years."

Bono began the sex-change process earlier this year after turning 40 in March.

The 40-year-old activist and writer spoke wrote about her sexuality in her 1998 book 'Family Outing: A Guide to the Coming-Out Process for Gays, Lesbians, & Their Families'.

Bono said she knew she was "somehow different, specifically different from who my mom expected me to be" from a young age and revealed that she 'came out' at 18.

She recounted how Cher "went ballistic for a few days" and banished her from their Manhattan apartment although she later accepted it after seeing her "as a full person for the first time" and became an advocate for the LGBT community.​
Good for Chaz!! Happy for him. Chasity was the most adorable little girl. I do believe that some people are born into the wrong body. I believe mother nature does screw up at times and get the chromosomes mixed up. The body says one thing, but the mind says another thing.
I really don't understand that. I don't understand why you can't be happy the way you were born as. I am probably one of the most biggest tom boys you will ever want to meet. But I got no intentions ever want to be a boy. But that is her life if thats what she wants to do. Even though I really don't understand it.
LMAO!. All the power to him :)
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I really don't understand that. I don't understand why you can't be happy the way you were born as. I am probably one of the most biggest tom boys you will ever want to meet. But I got no intentions ever want to be a boy. But that is her life if thats what she wants to do. Even though I really don't understand it.

But do you like women? Are you a homosexual? A Tomboy is one thing, but being gay and liking women is another thing and that is what Chasity is, gay. People like Chasity don't identify with their sex. Her body says Female, but her mind and feeling says Male. That must be a hard way to live life.
But do you like women? Are you a homosexual? A Tomboy is one thing, but being gay and liking women is another thing and that is what Chasity is, gay. People like Chasity don't identify with their sex. Her body says Female, but her mind and feeling says Male. That must be a hard way to live life.

Well i'm a Gay Man and i don't feel as if i should be a woman because i don't identify with other guys most of my friends are str8 lol so theres really no need for me to identify with other guys espically if there straight
Chastity becoming a man has nothing to do with what her sexual orientation is. People who undergo a sex change feel as if they are the opposite sex on the inside. Chastity who is now Chaz felt like he is a man but was stuck inside a woman's body. It has nothing to do with the sexual orientation. I heard about a man who loved his wife dearly and was very much still attracted to her but inside he always felt like he was really a she. So he had undergone a sex change. It's about identity NOT sexual orientation. Now would the orientation "technically" change once the person undergoes the surgery? Perhaps, but it's a very personal matter and is up to the individual to decide.

I cannot even begin to imagine what Chaz and others like him must feel like inside before they undergo something like this. I've known a few people who have undergone this process and it is a very personal and trying process to undergo. What with all the emotions and physical changes. Hopefully Chaz has his family there for him and hopefully he knows people love him and are there for him. I wish him nothing but the best.
Well i'm a Gay Man and i don't feel as if i should be a woman because i don't identify with other guys most of my friends are str8 lol so theres really no need for me to identify with other guys espically if there straight
I wasn't saying that because one is gay that they would want to have a sex change. The comment was about being a tomboy and being a tomboy doesn't mean that you are gay.
post deleted by MJJChichi
totally out of line :doh:

it's not that she's just gay or that she's a 'tomboy' it's that she feels that she was born in the wrong body and she was supposed to be a man. that in reality she's not gay, she was just put in the wrong body and she wants to be a man who loves women.
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^ one could flip your very argument of "normality" against homosexuals as they are out of the bell curve.

trying to be "normal" has to be one of the saddest ventures in a human's life. i actually pity those who are always dead in the middle of the bell curve in most aspects of life.
Michaels children wearing masks = other topic so either open another thread or at least keep it out here, thank you!

Chaz is a man caged in a female body.
Please do not judge what you simply do not know.
I really can't get the snobism of ppl who have the guts to tell ppl they do know (almost) all what's right or wrong for them when it is none but absolutely none of their business!

Out of my experiences I can only tell ppl involved in changing their gender told me always that it has nothing to do with their relationships with their parents nor with the way they've been brought up. So this has probably less than nothing to do with Cher... but well it's up to Chaz to know about it.
It's about ppl personalities, or yes identities and their constant very own feelings and their needs.
One can probably easier change the position of our mother earth in the Universe than talk into that with the attitude of knowing better, sorry lol.
However one can listen and develope some understanding and help ppl clearing their mind, but THAT NEVER MEANS changing what's going on there, it means finding out what's truely going on there.

My best wishes to Chaz for a happy life!
This topic is not about Michael or his children and if you don't like the people involved in this topic then save your disrespectful attitudes for somewhere else. DO NOT DISRESPECT STAFF or simply expect them to clean up your crap.

Don't like the topic move to another thread.
I think its strange. i dont agree going against God's nature. But i wont judge her decision, its her body.

But, sorry for the stupidy, how the hell they are gonna put a penis on her??? :eek:
I think its strange. i dont agree going against God's nature. But i wont judge her decision, its her body.

But, sorry for the stupidy, how the hell they are gonna put a penis on her??? :eek:

Don't think it's that easy!
Why don't you just take it that it was God giving her this wish to change her gender cuz he gave her the soul and mind of a guy. Oh and let's hope he also gave her the strength to take all the burden it brings with it to change! as easy as that.

A penis can be build out of some meat and veins!
Plastic surgery is able to.

By the way... going against God's nature... what about plastic surgery... is that a sin in what you believe? Will all of Hollywood go to hell right away? :wild:
Should we cut our hair???? or is that a sin also?
uhm peeps, we have young kids up in this place ... can we tone down the graphicness of all this. I know that I would not want my kids coming to me and asking about all this stuff. They do not need to be thinking about this at their age.