Chemical Castration is 'get-out-of-jail' card


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
from MJJF

Am I the only one who thinks that this is a bad move?

Castration is 'get-out-of-jail' card

CHEMICAL castration will be a get-out-of-jail-free card for pedophiles, Queensland Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg says.

Mr Springborg today told reporters the state government's plan to introduce voluntary chemical castration for sex offenders was flawed.
His comments follow a report from The Courier-Mail in Brisbane that a man dubbed Australia's worst pedophile could be one of the first to apply for chemical castration to help modify his behaviour and sentence outcome.
Former Brisbane Sunday school teacher Geoffrey Robert Dobbs was jailed indefinitely in 2003 for molesting 62 young girls over a 30-year period.
"It concerns me that we now have some of the state's most notorious pedophiles salivating at the prospect of getting an early release by voluntary temporary chemical castration. Frankly, I don't think anything could ensure people don't repeat their behaviour," Mr Springborg said.
"The safest thing for children is to ensure these pedophiles are locked up in jail (indefinitely) ... They don't need and shouldn't be given a get-out-of-jail-free card.
"Everyone should remember that this is only temporary chemical castration. It's absolutely reversible and reversible quite quickly. This is a knee-jerk response from this Government."
Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence said chemical castration would be available only to offenders who had already served their full sentence.
"It's estimated chemical castration would only have potential benefit for less than 10 per cent of serious sex offenders," Ms Spence said. "State Cabinet has endorsed chemical castration if it's recommended by a psychiatrist as part of an overall treatment program and if the offender volunteers."
Ms Spence said that if the Government believed an offender was dangerous, it would ask the Supreme Court to keep them in jail at the end of their sentence regardless of whether they volunteered for chemical castration.
She said if a judge released a sex offender on a supervision order, he or she may decide to make chemical castration one of their conditions.

Article located here

Am I the only person who thinks this idea is the wrong idea?
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flawed. you don't need your genitals to sexually abuse someone. and abusers can be women too.
I gotta agree I'm sure they'd probably still get a high (even if it's not a sexual arousal high due to chemical castration) out of the hunt of getting kids and then committing further crimes
flawed. you don't need your genitals to sexually abuse someone. and abusers can be women too.


Authorities believe that the actual numbers of abuse is higher than what is reported, and one of the main factors is because the abuser was a woman and the victim is too ashamed to admit that a woman took advantage of them.
just read this:

"Everyone should remember that this is only temporary chemical castration. It's absolutely reversible and reversible quite quickly. This is a knee-jerk response from this Government."
LOL! :rofl: at the clapping

But I'm reading this bit of the article:
Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence said chemical castration would be available only to offenders who had already served their full sentence.
"It's estimated chemical castration would only have potential benefit for less than 10 per cent of serious sex offenders," Ms Spence said. "State Cabinet has endorsed chemical castration if it's recommended by a psychiatrist as part of an overall treatment program and if the offender volunteers."
Ms Spence said that if the Government believed an offender was dangerous, it would ask the Supreme Court to keep them in jail at the end of their sentence regardless of whether they volunteered for chemical castration.
She said if a judge released a sex offender on a supervision order, he or she may decide to make chemical castration one of their conditions.

I have a few issues with what I'm reading.

Firstly I think it could have been a useful option to offer to offenders who have completed their prision sentence and would like that little bit of extra help in staying on the straight and narrow..... but sadly it appears to only help 10% of offenders... so it's not very promising.

Secondly I have an issue with the bolded sentence.... a judge can make chemical castration a condition of their release.... I don't think a government has a right to impose such a thing upon a persons body....

I think another solution needs to be created as opposed to "Ok if you want to get out you just have to promise to swallow these pills and take these needles"
I think that if someone is going to be released anyway, then chemical castration can't hurt as an option even though, as Arxter said, you don't need your genitals to abuse someone. But I don't believe repeat offenders should ever be released to begin with as the vast majority of them cannot be reformed. They should at the very least be locked up for life.
I personally think, that they should be castrated where it cannot be reversed, and put in prison for the rest of their lives.
Lobotomy is the only help.

Many dogs get castrated but some of them still continue to hump a leg, a bitch, be agressive towards other dogs. They just don't get puppies of their own anymore.